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twinkletoe's Guestbook

midland_04Jul 16, 2008

twinkletoe, My Tinkerbell Bedroom Set was approved, it will be published July 18th, and I uploaded an add-on pack for it tonight, so hopefully it will be available July 19th, if they approve it right away. LOL Have a great evening! Midland_04 \:cool\:

qvisnJul 15, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my Distraction tactics pic.\:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 15, 2008

So do you live on espresso or do you just have a solar powered battery in there somewhere? \:eek\: I got tired just reading your schedule. \:P Good grief take a load off your feet.\:cool\: Well I can see why you haven't gotten more SIMing in.......not enough time to sleep let alone for Sims. \:cool\: I think I'll just take that "Michelle moment" and tell you to trade it in for a "Michelle MONTH"! \:rah\: Well whenever you get a chance there will be a backlog of Matt & Jenny chapters for you to read.......I've been making one every couple of days.\:D \:cool\: Well hope everyone is having a happy, healthy Summer.\:wub\:

midland_04Jul 15, 2008

twinkletoe, Ok, I got my tinkerbell set uploaded tonight, but it's still pending, so I'll write when I know the pending date. Midland_04 \:cool\:

sallyhailsJul 15, 2008

Me again\:P Thanks for your lovely comment on my Mono Dining Room, I'm really glad you like it.\:wub\: \:rah\:

sallyhailsJul 15, 2008

She hit the nail on the head (Heidi)\:D So far we've done nothing, which is about right, I saw what Jane wrote about the challenge, I gave dogone the kibble of lfe right at the begining, I think she's gonna need that stuff a few times until she reaches the earned 25,000 memory, have you had pups yet? If yes how many? I had 3 the first time, then 2 so I'm just waiting for one more. I saw what you wrote in Heidibears GB, you're one busy lady, I don't know how you do it, it would kill me off\;\) Hope you have a good day\:wub\: Sally

midland_04Jul 15, 2008

twinkletoe, Cool, I just finished the tinkerbell set. I don't know if I'll get it uploaded tonight, as it's getting late, but I'll at least get it zipped up and ready for tomorrow night. I know the busy part, we have way too many projects loaded up for the summer. We'll get about half of them done as usual, and mom will say we didn't get enough done this summer. LOL can you tell this is a normal thing out here? \:D Anywho, hope to hear from you soon, and I'll post here with the date the set is suppose to be published. Midland_04 \:cool\:

midland_04Jul 15, 2008

twinkletoe, Hey!! Long time no talk... LOL I kind of got busy making new items... I got a bunch uploaded, and working on more. Almost got my points for my mini-site, so I'm just trying to keep the points moving! \:D Anywho, I thought I would stop by, drop a line, and say Hi! Hope everything is going well! Have a great evening. Midland_04 \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 15, 2008

Thanks. I'm glad you liked the 12th chapter of Matt & Jenny.\:wub\: I hope to be writing another chapter VERY soon.\:cool\: Have a great week......oh & do yourself a favor......make it a relaxing one.\:P \:wub\:

qvisnJul 15, 2008

As you know, i did get in in the end.\:rah\: Yes male dogs get the memories if they are the Daddy.\:P

hiedibear75Jul 14, 2008

On the "marry widow" challenge......don't forget that Carlotta's hubby has to die as an elder or else she won't inherit money from his death (ONLY elder Sims leave an insurance claim for their family and friends). \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 14, 2008

Wow I'm surprised you even have time to sleep with all the quilts and birthday cakes you make, + the sick father; where is Michelle time scheduled in there've always got such a full calendar. \:P Oh I've completed ALL 38 challenges; when you sell off the puppies it does NOT count towards the $25,000 that Dogone needs to earn.\:rolleyes: Be prepared to use a whole lot of "kibble of life" (found in aspiration rewards it makes your dog younger); in mine Dogone wound up outliving her puppies because of that. \:confused\: I sold one of the pups off to someone who had an alien child.......seemed appropriate to me.\;\) Take care. \:wub\: Oh & slow down and enjoy a nice bubble-bath (shakes finger)! \:mad\: :P

qvisnJul 14, 2008

You could use a boy dog and call him Dogone, then you can get him a mate and send him to work while she has the puppies, of course you would have to make your own family and not use the challenge one, but if you dont want to cheat then you have to be in it for a long time.\:D

simboy161Jul 14, 2008

Hey Michelle, hows life ? Hope you aren't to stressed with those darling children of yours\:wub\: No, they sound sweet\:\) Not much has been happenin here, summer holiday is turning out to be a bit of a disappointment, not much to do.I am so glad I can go to friends houses but the bus money is beginning to mount up. Whole thing can get depressing sometimes, especially with a clean house obsessed gran\:\( Oh well, a new house to look forward to by my birtday. Fingers crossed I get that mobile I want and need. My Sony Ericsson K750i is ancient and dying! Samsung G600 I hope\:rah\: Later\:P

hiedibear75Jul 14, 2008

Chapter 12 of Matt & Jenny is O-U-T out.\:D Hope you'll enjoy reading it.\:cool\: Take care.\:wub\:

cariadbachJul 14, 2008

\:\) Hi Twinks, that Dogone nearly got the better of me too, I had to give her the kibble of life ( or whatever its called ) and bring her back from the dead a couple of times\:P It takes a long time, but I'm sure you will get there with some hair left on your head\:P How are things otherwise\:\)

sallyhailsJul 14, 2008

Hiya, rains seem to be stopping during the day and only coming at night which, in my opinion is good\:D We're gonna go out and about and look at stuff, also do some shopping, there's a few things I want to get for the house, I think we'll just take each day as it comes, Martin dosen't like to be organised, he says he feels like he's being bossed around\:wacko\: Hows the challenge going? How's the hubby & kids?

qvisnJul 14, 2008

OH! you were talking about the challenge\:P I was a bit confused there for a while. Cant remember it, i will have to check.\:D

hiedibear75Jul 13, 2008

Lookie lookie I got a.......well I got a story anyway.\:P \:D I stayed up ALL night \:ph34r\: and made chapter #12 of Matt & Jenny. \:rah\: Hope I was able to get it past the censors. \;\) I'll be looking forward to your wonderful comments.\:wub\:

qvisnJul 13, 2008

\:eek\: (Dogone has been difficult for me How was it when you did it? )\:eek\: ??? When i did what\:P LMAO

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