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twinkletoe's Guestbook

sallyhailsJul 13, 2008

Evening Twinks, how're you? Martins on hols for 2 weeks not 1, I got it wrong\:o So I may ot be around much for the next 2 weeks\;\) Glad you're getting somewhere with the challenge, it takes 2-3 sim days for the puppies to come, it really depends on when she got preggers, she'll just lay down and a message comes up telling you how many pets are on the way. Then the fun begins, it'shard work having lots of puppies running around so for this challenge I gave them up for adoption (just ring service & give pet up for adoption) but you can also sell them to friends, invite the friend around and offer them a puppy for sale, I think you either click on the sim and select sell pet or click on the pet itself. Good luck\;\)

cariadbachJul 12, 2008

\:\) Hi Twinks, just popping in to say hello while I pack my bag. Back home early Sunday morning . I love coming to Spain but I also love it when its time to go home\:P We have had wonderful weather almost too hot at times, it will be back to wet and windy UK tomorrow. Hope all is well with you and yours, see you\:D

sallyhailsJul 12, 2008

Guess I missed you, I'm off now as I have to get ready to collect Martin. I may not be around very much next week as Martin has a week off work, I'll pop in when I can. Hope you have a good week and enjoy the challenge, you'll probably finish it before me as I don't think I'll have much time to play next week. Take care of yourself\:wub\: Hugs

sallyhailsJul 12, 2008

Hiya, how'd your hour of simming go? Martins back today, I've got to collect him from the airport at 11.30, I'm looking forward to seeing him\:D How's your dad? I hope he's on the road to recovery\;\)

JubilantJul 11, 2008

Michelle, Yeah i'm not on here too much anymore. I went to a lyme disease specialist and they are doing blood work but in meantime are treating me b/c they are very sure I have lyme disease. I'm actually relieved because then maybe with treatment i will feel like myself again. i'll talk to you soon. \:wub\: erin

LaurieRJul 11, 2008

I know how you feel! I play on my computer whenever I get the time. Some days I load my game and it sits there until the afternoon when I finally have some time to play. I need a new challenge though.\:D

qvisnJul 11, 2008

\:wub\: and you were just number 2500 in my GB.\:rah\:

sallyhailsJul 11, 2008

Hiya how're you getting on with the challenge? I played it yesterday, the lot is interesting, I took the stalls etc out of one side and put a cheap bed, chair and bookcase in there and changed the door, the otherside I took one stall out, put a shower in, then put the little fridge from uni under a counter and put a microwave in and changed the door. I also grunged it all up so it looks like a right mess, I figured as she chose to live in a rest room she can live in squalor I got her to adopt another pet, both pets have jobs, although Dogone keeps getting fired, not good, and so far we've had 5 puppies, she preggers now so I'm waiting for Uniform to arrive. The sim likes tinkering so I put a driveway in and she spends her time doing up the car (figured she could earn money by doing up old cars and selling them)that way she's on hand to teach Dogone the skills needed to get promoted

qvisnJul 10, 2008

I had to be number 1111\:P

qvisnJul 10, 2008

So you did\;\)

qvisnJul 10, 2008

ooops, forgot the porch, its just an enclosure around the front entrance, not like a sit on one or anything, i will show you a pic when its done.\:D

qvisnJul 10, 2008

\:eek\: spooky. I just got an email from a craft company and it was on the first page, A butterfly farm\:P you must have super powers, so strange, im tempted to get one but will think some more first, never go onto anything until i check it out properly.\:D

hiedibear75Jul 10, 2008

I finished chapter 11 of Matt & Jenny + already uploaded it. Hope you like it.\:D

LaurieRJul 10, 2008

I am hanging there. Sometimes it is harder than others but I manage. Thanks for asking. How are YOU hanging in there? I know it is hard to care for a sick parent.\:D

qvisnJul 10, 2008

3 in a row. Thanks for commenting on my soccer pic.\:P

qvisnJul 10, 2008

Teen mags from the 80s? that must have been funny, what does your daughter think of them? I had the workmen here again today to finish my porch but they have gone now so i can chat and play.\:D

qvisnJul 10, 2008

I never knew about butterfly hutched or you could have them at home\:eek\: I would love to see a pic in your blog, and you thought of me.\:wub\:

Chuck66Jul 10, 2008

beautiful page! \;\)

LaurieRJul 10, 2008

Just for the record.. I found that fully training Dogone was helpful. I was able to keep changing careers and getting those bonuses. You do have to use the kibble of life though! How are you doing these days?\:D

hiedibear75Jul 9, 2008

Hey saw you were doing the "alien breeding" challenge.\:cool\: Just thought I'd remind you that if you sell off the puppies it does NOT count towards the $$$ that Dogone makes......the ONLY way for Dogone to get the $25,000 is a whole lot of kibble of life and going to work.

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