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twinkletoe's Guestbook

qvisnJul 22, 2008

Probably not the last. LOL I was freaked out because i thought he cant possibly know that.\:eek\: then i felt such an idiot.\:o Im too busy with the things i do know to look for more.\:P

qvisnJul 22, 2008

Thanks for commenting on my, no mail today pic, and thanks for the luck, i need it.\:D Dont forget to check your emails.\;\)

LaurieRJul 22, 2008

Thank you so much! Just out of curiosity how did you see my Sweet Pea?\:D

sallyhailsJul 22, 2008

I miss them too\:\( but it looks like you've had plenty of people to chat to while I've been gone, Martin goes back to work on Sunday so I'll be back to my usual routine then, he's driving me mad today, he's tired and he's told me a hundred times already and it's only 3.15pm, I could be a widow by 6pm\:ph34r\:

midland_04Jul 22, 2008

twinkletoe, Thanks for stopping by my mini-site and taking time to take part in my poll! I really appreciate it! Have a wonderful evening! Midland_04 \:cool\:

midland_04Jul 22, 2008

Twinkletoe, No, the mountains is out of a wallpaper, and I just cut it down to size, and fit it in. As far as Gaston, I'm 8 miles from Gaston, so I go through it quite a bit. \:D Oh, I'm ecstatic about my minisite. Thanks for the comment on the banner though. I'm kind of happy with it, and kind of not. I like it, but something don't sit right with me. I may play with it a bit. I've been thinking about ghosting a wolf's head in the center of it! \:D I hope to hear from you again soon. *BG* Ok, go bail tambriah out. LOL Have a good evening! Midland_04 \:cool\:

midland_04Jul 22, 2008

twinkletoe, thanks for the comment on the mini-site, I appreciate it. Thanks for taking the time to take my poll also. the first two questions was set up to be able to take mulitple answers, instead of a single, which also means, no answer applies works also (no checks). So anyways, that's why it went through. I had some problems getting my featured items, and screenshots posted to it, but it's getting there. LOL Sorry there are so many replies, but my guestbook has been going nuts since I got my mini-site. LOL Midland_04 \:cool\:

tambriahJul 22, 2008

actually midland does most of the work. I have atheritus(sp?) so in the mornings my hands hurt to much to type

midland_04Jul 22, 2008

twinkletoe, LOL she can't get online any earlier than I can, we have to keep the phone lines open during the day just in case someone wants to call in to try and buy a goat. And of course as soon as I get online I head for my guestbook. I also get on first thing in the morning when I'm having my smokes, and once in the afternoon while I am having lunch! LOL Have a great evening! \:D Midland_04 \:cool\:

shadow66Jul 22, 2008

Hi! Glad you had a laugh - it appealed to my SOH so I thought I'd post it \:P Yes, my question - basically I'm just trying to find out if the 'Festive Holiday Stuff' pack is what's called the 'Happy Holiday Stuff' pack on here, since there isn't a 'Festive' option, and I don't want to give out the wrong information - that was all! \:D

qvisnJul 22, 2008

I was laughing so much, i printed it off to show my mum, she will laugh til she cries. I showed Dave and he didnt think it was funny, he said he just ticked a load of boxes and was glad there were a few more to go.\:P \:P \:P

qvisnJul 22, 2008

Go and take a look at shadow66 blog, the bit about, when your getting old, i promise you will laugh\:P

tambriahJul 22, 2008

we have 10 goats (4 adult & 2 baby females, 2 adult & 2 baby males),4 cats, 3 ferrets, 2 dogs, and a husband out on our farm LOL

qvisnJul 21, 2008

Okey doky, i will pm you.\:P

TrailRunner782Jul 21, 2008

Hey twinkle, sorry it took me so long to get back to you, I've been really busy with work. Not as busy as I imagine you are with all those people around!hehe I guess I'm going into education in a way... I'm finishing up a degree in nutrition and dietetics and I'd like to one day open up my own gym with a health food cafe attached to it so people can run in on their lunch breaks, order food and workout, then grab their food when they leave. So I figured that getting any job in a gym right now would give me something to pad my resume with. They're cute kids though, but they're tough. They know how to take advantage of a new teacher!haha Hopefully I can get a little more control over them tonight, but it's going to be tough because I have laryngitis!!haha Thanks also for your comment on my mountain pond mural, I will have another one like it coming out soon that I actually like more, so I'll let you know when it's published. \:D

mianatw1Jul 21, 2008

Thanks for the bookmark! Just so you know, I'm submitting some Gothic Picket Fence recolors shortly, on request from shadow666. Check them out if you're interested!

midland_04Jul 21, 2008

twinkletoe, Thanks... all my controls aren't there yet, so poll and blog is all I'm able to do so far besides banner, (which I'm not sure I'm happy with yet), but hopefully in the next few days the option to control featured items will show up, and my screenshots, and my downloads tab. LOL I've been hearing it kind of shows up from the next 1-3 days after you set it up. \:D Have a wonderful morning! Midland_04 \:cool\:

gameliaJul 21, 2008

Hi! Thanks for stopping by my minisite and partcipating in my poll. Kudos to you--for the advertising you'll want to do for your minisite. \;\) Happy Simming! \:D

hiedibear75Jul 21, 2008

Hey goes it? Made any new quilts or baked any birthday cakes lately? Well if between all that & pop warner and cheer leading........I hope you'll have time to stop in and read my stories. I just uploaded #15.......better hurry up if you haven't read the others........@ the rate I'm going it'll be easy to get behind on reading them.\:P Well hope you have some quite "Michelle time".\:cool\: Take care.\:wub\:

midland_04Jul 21, 2008

I got my mini-site tonight. I got the basics set up, but I still got a long way to go, its barren. LOL I gotta fill up the empty deserts of page with new downloads available. LOL And some screenshots. I got a poll there, and some blog entries. Hope you stop by! Midland_04 \:cool\:

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