hiedibear75 (1518830)
My Latest Sims 2 Creations (1287 in total) Show all my Sims 2 Creations

Published Mar 8, 2012
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About Me
MY POLICY: My WALLS & FLOORS; YES you CAN use them any & all of them for building as many lots as you like.....you don't even have to give my any credit.....although it would be nice if you simply mentioned they were made by hiedibear75.....I'm by far not the best out there but I take a lot of time & care in making them. I'm marking WALLS & FLOORS as TSRAA from now on & those rules will apply to all of my walls & floors.
LOTS & PETS; these are NOT to be re-uploaded they are for your personal enjoyment ONLY! (Stories & screenshots different but NOT re-uploading) Pretty much my main reason for not listing TSRAA on my walls & floors sooner was that I didn't want someone thinking it was ok to take a MAXIS lot I made (that is the majority of my lots) & by sticking some CC in it call it their own. (if anyone would like a CC version of any of my lots please ask ME & I'll make it) I'm not going to be the upload police........just please don't clone or claim my work as your own.
My creative style: I don't know if I have a "style", mainly I'm just making things that I like & passing on those lots, pets & walls that I think others would also enjoy. If I'm enjoying a playing with a creation I make then hopefully others will aswell. On the other hand if I would not want it then why would anyone else? My style isn't the same as everyone else so if you'd like something other than what I've been submitting I'm open for suggestions.
Sorry if I'm not "around" as much or doing much in the way of new uploads. My body & I are not getting along! I'm often just in far too much pain; 1/2 the time I'm just in too much pain to feel "creative" and the other 1/2 I'm way to loopy from my pain meds.to get any of my stuff uploaded (medication's fault NOT TSR's). I'm hoping to start feeling better & more like my old self again, back to being creative & doing stuff like swimming & going out with friends again.
A bit about me........ I have 4 wonderful kids (3 girls 19,18 & 16 + a 13 yr old son). I like all sorts of things and have tons of interests. When it comes to music I LOVE HEAVY METAL! But I listen to just about everything though......I've got some very eclectic tastes. I have a varied sense of style......because I like so many kinds of music and have different interests; I may be wearing a fairy shirt or dolphins.......I LOVE DOLPHINS, but I may also show up somewhere wearing all black (even lips and nails) and have a bunch of skulls.......wanna talk eclectic I've even got a cowgirl hat and matching belt. I like most cartoons.....oh & horror movies......I also like to laugh (though sometimes I laugh in the "horror" ones) so I also love a good comedy. South Park , Simsons , Garfield, Happy Bunny.....all favs. I'm sarcastic but sweet. I Sim almost ALL THE TIME. I'm totally addicted. I've made a lot of wonderful friends here on TSR (too many to even begin naming). I also am addicted to creating lots, pets, & now walls & floors. I'm disabled and although being me sucks sometimes I've got wonderful friends who are like family; Karie & LaurieR & Denise are like sisters to me & Mike (Karie's hubby) takes care of me (I live with Karie & Mike). I use a manual wheelchair because of an accident which also left me with a brain injury (& NO I am in NO WAY retarded or anything........it is a misconception that brain injured necessarily means ----THAT!) I'm also legally blind (I see REALLY blurry and things have to be made bigger or else I can't see it). Any questions......just ASK ME.
My Latest Updates Show All
SHOOT ME!Written Apr 17, 2012
JUST SHOOT ME! Put me out of my misery & get it over with! My SIM life is OVER! I had this STUPID idea (it's STUPID in hindsight) to copy my files, pull out all my games, then reinstall them......well that was the idea anyway; I copied my folders AOK, & I pulled out most of my games without any problems, but then a couple games didn't want to uninstall, then 1 thing led to... ...More
Biting the bulletWritten Apr 16, 2012
OK so I'm 1 of those players who went ahead & got EVERY EP & SP that EA made for TS2. For quite some time now Mr. Humble (he came with Free Time) instead of "skin" over his face it's WHITE with what looks like a binary code.....also the guy who checks Sims in at the front desk in hotels has the same binary code.....this really RUINS pics of MY Sims signing in ya know? And... ...More
DASHBOARD oh how I miss thee! Written Apr 04, 2012
Dashboard oh dashboard how I miss thee, how I wish TSR had kept thee on board! Your features can't all be so easily found any more.... Without you it makes findining recent comments on our submissions quite the chore. And bookmarks....it was another way for us lower level artists to know that we SHOULD KEEP SUBMITTING our work more. Amongst the things I miss most from before... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
Ame-CJun 20, 2019
Dear Hiedi, miss you so much. Hope you are doing well? Please reach out so we can know how you are doing? take care!!
MidnightRoseDec 26, 2014
Hey Hiedi.... old time Sims friend here hoping your health is better and you are still simming. Merry Christmas and have a happy New Year
oldmember_ranabluuJul 22, 2013
I like all of your Sesame Street wallpapers.