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twinkletoe's Guestbook

Dux12Jul 9, 2008

You're welcome and thanks for your nice comment.. Have a nice day\:\)

sallyhailsJul 9, 2008

Hiya, sorry I missed you, I had trouble sleeping last night so I had a bit of a lie in this morning\;\) Mmmmmm strawberries, send some to me, thats one thing we can't get in Salalah, I've seen strawberries once in the shops here so they're a rareity. Hope you have a nice sleep\:wub\: Sally\:P

hiedibear75Jul 9, 2008

Hey when you're done with my blog......go to shadow66 she did a blog that you HAVE to see.\:rah\: \:wub\: Oh & feel free to spread the word.\;\)

hiedibear75Jul 9, 2008

Hello there. \:cool\: I just wanted to stop by & let you know that not only have I recreated Matt & Jenny I've made a blog with pictures of the new Matt, Jenny, & Lumbar. I'd like to see if you think I came close enough to keep you and everyone else interested. Thanks. \:wub\:

sallyhailsJul 8, 2008

You got further than me I haven't even looked at it yet, it dosen't matter which pet house you use, they all do the job\;\)

sallyhailsJul 8, 2008

Me again, thanks for taking a look at my Phone Face screenshot\:P

sallyhailsJul 8, 2008

Ok I've downloaded it and am ready when you are, it should be pretty easy, the only problem with pets challenges is sometimes when you install the challenge the names of sims and pets change, it's a bug in the game that causes it, so just be aware of that, you can change the names back to what they should be in SimPE so the wizard recognises them or if you don't have SimPE just make a new family/pets with the correct names.\;\)

hiedibear75Jul 8, 2008

Hey I was just dropping by to tell you about shadow66; she made some awesome fairy and unicorn pics.\:cool\: She also made a BUNCH of GREAT walls and floors.......and get this.......they're only ONE DOLLAR!\:D Sim ya soon. \:wub\: Say how is your dad doing these days(Q) \:confused\: \:wub\:

qvisnJul 7, 2008

Thanks for your comment on my summer madness pic.\:wub\:

qvisnJul 7, 2008

That should have said, complicated.\:D

qvisnJul 7, 2008

Its a bit comlicated to explain, i used paint to put the pics together, im only just learning how to do that after someone else done it in the comp. I thought OMG Help then i had to dive in and try not to drown.\:P

sallyhailsJul 7, 2008

Before I go thanks for looking at my screenie's, what were the screwdriver and wrench for? Not for fixing the tv?\:P

sallyhailsJul 7, 2008

You must've gone\:\( I'm off to now as I'm tired and my TV beckons, it's dvd horror night for me\:D \:wub\: Sally

sallyhailsJul 7, 2008

It's Alien Breeding, now you have pets it's possible, glad you're able to have a break and have some you time\;\) It's nice to finally catch up with you\:P

sallyhailsJul 7, 2008

I've been creating a living room and dining room today, I tried to stick to all maxis stuff this time, I'm tired now and my eyes hurt so I'll check it all out in game tomorrow and then go from there\;\) My internet has been down since yesterday afternoon, my mother in law wanted to speak to me about her pc so I called her using my skype phone, it rang once and then my internet gave up the ghost, I had to then ring her on my normal phone which cost a fortune\:o It's 7.30 pm here and it's finally back up again, yippeee\:rah\: What has your day been like? Getting to grips with those challenges I see, I have one left to do, might start it this week, we'll see\;\)

qvisnJul 7, 2008

Im fine thanks, been doing screenshot comps in the forums, its helping me learn how to put pics together better than ever. We have storms and loads of rain here, i hope it stops before we go to Wales next month. Hope your Dads a lot better and you are getting some rest too.\:wub\:

sallyhailsJul 6, 2008

Not started yet, how's the game playing going with your new packs? I'm still waiting for my Ikea Stuff pack to arrive, is it any good? How's you Dad today?\:wub\:

TrailRunner782Jul 6, 2008

Hey, you're welcome for the comment in my blog! \:D I appreciate the advice. \:\) I've already started based on the info from my poll. Cinderelli gave me some really good ideas too, so I'm going to start working on them now. I'm on vacation from work for the week, so I'm going to get a TON done between now and next time I have to go in.hehe Do you have any ideas for anything you'd like to see? I'd love to make things that I know people want. \:\) Take care, and I hope you had a great 4th! I know I saw more fireworks than I could have ever hoped for!hahaha

sallyhailsJul 5, 2008

Hiya, I'm glad you had a good day, even if it was a little sad, 50 years would've been a huge milestone to reach\:\) Your parents must have had you quite late in their lives then? I'm off to sim when I'm done on here, Martins away now until next Saturday so I have lots of time to kill, I think I'll do some creating tomorrow\;\) Hope you have a nice day\:wub\: Sally

midland_04Jul 5, 2008

twinkletoes, I'm Uploading two new clothing sets now, I've uploaded a couple livingroom sets, a bedroom set, bedding, posters, and drums so far. LOL I'm up to 15,275 on my mini-site kudo's hunt. hopefully they won't take too long to approve these clothing, and I can add 500 points to that quickly. LOL Have a happy and safe 4th of July. Midland_04 \:cool\:

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