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Nisuki's Guestbook

ekinegeMay 16, 2014

Hi! Thank you so much for your lovely comment on the "Metallic Paneled Dress".\:wub\: Have a great weekend.\:wub\:

maddiecoathupMay 15, 2014

Lol yeah I made liam by myself. I was trying to create Christian Ozera from Vampire academy XD\:\)

MarijaJMay 14, 2014

Sukiii thank you for the comment ^^ I will reveal more in next chapter hihi ;D And yes, Mel is same as Alexis, and about mother... That's going to be interesting \:wub\:

Bby-LMay 14, 2014

Suki-chan ♥ engagement. \:\( let's see if Hiro talked to her properly on chapter 12.. =P Sorry for the late reply btw XD Have an awesome day! ♥ ♥

s2702913May 14, 2014

haha well I was trying create more of a psychopathic effect not funny lol but I'm glad it made you laugh \:D

WimmieMay 11, 2014

Hello ! Thank you so much for your lovely comment \:wub\:! I appreciate it very much ! Have a nice day \:D!

katwoman3May 11, 2014

LOL Same with me, I thought my sim was going to catch on fire the first time I saw the "holy moly that's hot!" animation. Still never ceases to amuse me!

melisa inciMay 11, 2014

Hi, thank you so much for your lovely comment\:\) Have a great weekend\:wub\:

AlquizMay 11, 2014

You'll see MUAHAHAHAHAA! \:ph34r\:

LavoieriMay 11, 2014

Hi, good to see you again \:D thank you so much \:wub\:

oldmember_lucianna88May 11, 2014

Hi Nisuki, thanks so much for you kind comment on my story 'Queen of Kings', it's always great to hear that someone enjoyed something I've written. \:\) Have a good day

sanhammyMay 9, 2014

OOps!! I'm so sorry! But my stupid hand accidentally clicked on the delete button and I'm sorry, but I accidentally deleted your comment.. \:P \:P Stupid me. Hahaha! So sorry! So don't mind. Okay, sweetie?? \:\)\:confused\:

sanhammyMay 8, 2014

Oh, my!! you really like the house???? \:o\:o\:\)\:\)\:D\:wacko\:!!! Thanks so much for the encouragement! Yeah, I made many houses I wanted to upload previously. But somehow, the lot sizes are too big to upload, thus I changed my mind. Most of my houses are a little big, so it'll take some time for me to understand how to suppress the lot size to build a standard lot. Anyway, you have no idea just how happy your comment made me! And to make things better, you're going to use it in your story?????? \:D\:D\:D!!!!! *becoming teary* Why, even IF you change your mind, I won't mind, because that comment made me just too much happy! \:D \:D! I can't stop smiling. You're a really great and encouraging friend. *virtual hugs* and lots and lots of it transmitted. Yup, everything's going fine here. The exams are nearing again, so things are getting busier. Hope you're doing great too. \:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:!!!!

AlessaFayeMay 8, 2014

Well, if you were into that person then that is incredibly sweet, I'm sure it was a little awkward but that is adorable. If you weren't so into that person, then that must have just been uncomfortable lol...ha double points? Yay!...The Mother is going to have a lot to say, maybe some new character will too....Ha another story? You should've warned me. It really is hard. I forget which one I'm working on...Lol I get distracted with playing with my little sims too!

AlessaFayeMay 7, 2014

Yeah the whole guy singing or playing the piano is so beautiful in theory, but I think I would just laugh or be really uncomfortable if that were to happen in real life. I had Shade sort of play up on that, saying that was kind of creepy lol...Meena will kinda explain why she was reacting so well in the next chapter. The ending, yup...I wanted more drama? I'm working on The mother's big reveal, and yes, she has to talk to her first before speaking to her parents...Hm.. Well we don't really know what The Mother has or hasn't said to Shade...I'm trying to work on two stories at once, and I regret my decision lol. It's a lot of work!

sanhammyMay 5, 2014

Hey, Nisuki! \:wub\: Thanks for the advice. I'll try that. Oh, that lot is nothing special actually. It's actually a lake house. I've always wanted to build a lake house, especially after watching the "Lake House" by Pralinesims. Unfortunately, I don't have Island Paradise, so I could not make the house ON the lake. The lake's just in front. Hihi! (^_^) And even if there was a way to build it on the lake, I don't know how. So, yeah! It's just built on a high raised terrain with a lake in front. I'm really very glad that you can't wait for the creation. \:D But it'll take some time...very busy now! Oh, Good! I don't have to wait too long for the next chapter. It's going to be sad you say??? Well, I always like teary and emotional moments, and now am even more excited about the next chapter!!! Good luck writing and finishing it! *virtual hug* and *virtual cheer* transmitted once again! Yup, I'm having a great week, but that 'great' part isn't going to last too long. Stupid exams await! At least I have my game and this site for enjoyment! \:D \:D Anyway, hope you have an AWESOME week as well! (^_^)

katwoman3May 5, 2014

LOL I will have to try that! I don't change my sims' traits around a lot (okay, hardly at all), but it sounds like a lot of fun. \;\) Yep, the first kiss interaction is under the "Special" category in English, too. I guess you have to do stuff like that in order to get the facial expressions for storytelling purposes, too?

katwoman3May 5, 2014

Whoa, you can deny kisses?? How? \:o Is that trait-based? The only time I've seen kisses denied is autonomously, like my sim wants to kiss someone else and the other person's like "um, NO".

BluegardeniaMay 4, 2014

\:\)Hello Nisuki!I wish you a super Sunday and a super too week.Huggies..\:wub\:

sanhammyMay 4, 2014

Hey, Nisuki! (^_^) Thanks for the help. I think I'll probably re-install all the CC later. It'll take a while before I manage all the downloaded CCs. Hihi! Yup, I screwed up this time! I always make a back up of everything I download and install, including the DCback up. Unfortunately I only have the DCback up files of before my computer got fixed. After my computer got fixed, I installed the game, with new CCs and new management of CCs, but unfortunately and quite stupidly (hihi) forgot to make a back up of the DCback up files this time. Oh, what a bother!! *sigh*. Well, I just need the object files to upload a lot, so I'll just have to re-install the objects..AGAIN!! (-_-") Thanks for reassuring me! Oh, and how long before the next update to the story??? I'm really excited!! *Virtual Cheer transmitted* (^_^)\:wub\:\:wub\:!!

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