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Nisuki's Guestbook

Bby-LJun 8, 2014

Suki-chan! ♥ Thank you..thank you..(for the tissue) XD yeah..and I was wondering why..because I've submitted on Friday, and usually it will shown on Saturday. Phew..But I'm glad the epilogue didn't got delay. ♥ Yes..Because I still finishing some building that I will use on chapter 1, so the reader won't wait too long for the chapter 1 after the intro came out. =P Ah! You read that story too? hehehe.. \:o They still haven't forgive her.. \:\) I hope they will soon.. =P

DouhiaaJun 8, 2014

Ooh wow, dat moet je ook echt doen, hopelijk zet je het door, dan kan ik het ff weer downloaden ^^.

simromiJun 8, 2014

Hi Nisuki. I just stopped by to say thank you for the nice comment you left on my Swimsuit and Bikini Set for Girls. I'm really glad you like the set. Enjoy and have a SIM-ply wonderful day.\:wub\:

AlessaFayeJun 8, 2014

*Alessa is laughing for a few secs, with what Nisuki just wrote.* You have been observing Dark Eyes a little too closely... Back off! You might be guessing correctly on what I will write next lol. Jk!! Guess away! \:D

StrigoideverJun 8, 2014

Haha, I thought everyone forgot about that story of mine! Well, at least they're all hooked on yours! \:\) Aaah, I'm starting a new one and I've already finished two chapters so now I just have to upload! \:D

BluegardeniaJun 7, 2014

Hello Nisuki!Glad to see you on my Guestbook.I want your help in following.I downloaded the program with poses.I followed the instructions step by step but the tool of director does not exist in the directoty with objects.Have a wonderful and funny weekend....\:\)

katwoman3Jun 7, 2014

lmao No wonder I like Sarelle! \:P Saul does make a very pretty woman, lol. I've never done that before, now I think I'm going to, just to see how some of my male sims turn out. \;\)

StrigoideverJun 7, 2014

I love love love your stories and pictures! You're REALLY good at being differnt \:D

Bby-LJun 6, 2014

Suki-chan ♥ Yeah..He has changed ♥ I have no plan for changing his hair at first, but when I accidentally click on that hair..*nose bleeding..Ehm!Sorry..just cuteness overload.. XD So, there he is with his new hair.. =P Epilogue just submitted a while ago..I hope it won't take long like the last chapter..almost 1 week delay..(Phew!) The new story, I'll submit the intro on Monday..Hihihi..Have a nice day! ♥

xLyennerdJun 5, 2014

Hi there, thanks for your comment on my story! \:wub\: And oooh my god, you're into KPOP and from The Netherlands too! Such a coincidence \:\)

katwoman3Jun 3, 2014

Making your own custom content? That's awesome! I'm impressed that you can do that. \:\) I don't have the patience to learn, myself. \;\) Will we get to see the finished product? I'm not sure what a "water-lack" is? Like a water leak or something? The only meteor storm I've ever had is in Moonlight Falls. Riverview is the place where my sims are abducted the most.

sanhammyJun 3, 2014

HIII Nisukiii!!!! \:D \:D \:D No worries about the late reply! \;\) It's a relief you didn't lose the saves. Otherwise, remaking them would have been too time consuming! Aiiii!!! I just saw that screenshot!! It's so cute!!! Are you planning on uploading??!! Please doo!!! \:D \:D Yes, you should be satisfied. I studied a lot about making clothes and meshing and I know how complex and time consuming it is. And sometimes simplicity surpasses extravagance in terms of beauty. Please keep it up and put your creations up for download. How long did it take to complete the project? And as for me, it was too complicated and I don't have the necessary programs for such projects, so I gave up the idea. Maybe I'll learn later. Aii!! You like that park??!! *blushes* Thank you so much!! And thanks for liking my screenshots as well! (^_^) And yes, you DID say that and I'm very excited that you did. I love surprises and I know you'll execute that surprise like a boss in the next chapter. \:D \:D \;\) Now, there's only 1 exam left. Unfortunately, right after it ends I'll have to be very busy studying for the admission tests. \:\( \:\( It'll be really stressful, but I hope I make it through. After that, I'll be finally free. Hope you're doing well, sweetie! Take care!! Endless supply of virtual hugs! \:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:!!! \;\)

katwoman3Jun 3, 2014

No worries, you're probably busy IRL and whatnot. I know how that is! I'm actually hoping Aiden does wind up with an alien that wrong of me? lol He's finally married and has a kid, but wouldn't it be an interesting twist if he and the wife wound up with an alien baby too? I have never played with an alien kid before. Do your sims get abducted a lot? Or do you get meteor storms? I read about some players having those two things happen all the time, and it hardly happens in my games. I wonder why that is?

Bby-LMay 30, 2014

Hahahha..why? if we were a boy..I'm very sure if we will be a VERY GOOD boy in town..LOL

sanhammyMay 28, 2014

Oh, dear! Looks like the entry I wrote didn't come out completely. *sigh* anyway, after that I wrote that I'm sure you'll be able to recreate them and maybe even in a better form than before! \;\) Hope you're in good health and are doing well. Lots of love and digital hugs. (^;^) \:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

sanhammyMay 28, 2014

Hello, again sweetie! \:D \:D \:D Thanks for liking my screenshots! And I forgot to mention in the previous entry about how sad I was to hear that you've lost some of your sims from the story. Especially about Rave! :'(

katwoman3May 28, 2014

...and okay, if Aiden continues being abducted and experiences weird weight gain because he's preggers with an alien kid, I'll take screenshots and post them just for you. \;\) \:wub\:

katwoman3May 28, 2014

LOL I have those thoughts, too, so you're definitely not alone. Maybe that's why The Matrix movies were first created...over a philosophical chat about existence? \:o

daniluvsims22May 28, 2014

Thanks Nisuki for your comment on my screenshot! Have an awesome day!!!\:D

maddiecoathupMay 27, 2014

Yeah i just meant what is the program called. And i just use the photo corrector that is on word but i haven't used it all of my pictures, only on the ones of alice

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