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Nisuki's Guestbook

sanhammyMay 27, 2014

Hello again, sweetie! ('▼^) It's great to hear from you again. Yup, I already read about how to solve the error, but was just too lazy to continue. I'll see to it later on. Ha! My English is nice, you say? (^●^=). Well, even if it's not my native language (just like you), my parents made me and my other two siblings practise since our early childhood. Haha! (^;^)! Well, my writing's probably ok, but when it comes to writing stories, my mind goes completely blank. (^_^") Anyway, let's see how everything turns out. Aw, most people went to tumblr you say? \:\( You've got a tumblr account too, right? I only have facebook. Haha! ^▼^ The sequel of endless seams pretty interesting. I can't wait to read it and the following chapters of your current story. Also awaiting many other stories that you plan to write. Sometimes when we feel down, my sister and I read your stories and also the other stories written by amazing story writers like you. \;\) Tight hugs to you too, deary! :3 Hope you're getting better. Yeah, that nose dripping and itchy eyes really are so bothersome. Get better soon, deary! Hope school and everything else is going fine. *digital love and hugs transmitted* (^▼^)\:wub\:\:wub\:

katwoman3May 26, 2014

Interesting comment on my screenshot...Hmm...So if someone was using us as pawns in their game...would that make us part of The Matrix? \:o \;\)

maddiecoathupMay 26, 2014

What's the photoshop called that you used on it. Lol soz if it's super obvious i fail at technology

sanhammyMay 25, 2014

Hello, deary!! \:wub\:\:wub\:!! Firstly, I'd like to thank you ...AGAIN...for that lovely comment on my 2nd lot. It's not much, but I had fun making it. haha! I've also made another house ready for uploading. But when it almost fully uploaded, it said something about not being compatible with the pets patch or something like that and that I have to go through rigfix or something. \:wacko\: Anyway... you're ending Endless in aproximately 3-4 chapters, you say. And there's going to be a sequel????? *outburst of excitement running through my veins* \:eek\: \:eek\:\:eek\: !!!!!! \:D \:D \:D.... I'm so so so so happy to hear that. Yeah, I feel your throbbing passion of writing different things all at once. My mind strolls of to several series of such imaginations as well, even if I'm not actually a writer sort of gal! \:P \:P I'm more of a sketcher. Hihi! \:P It's good to hear you're doing better and it would be even greater to hear that you're at your very best. \;\) And today was the ending of yet another exam, so 2 more to go. Aw, if only I could actually feel the 'digital pixel embrace'. *sigh* haha! Strange? No not strange, it sounds too cute. (^_^) So I happily accept your digital hug and send an even tighter embrace to you! \:P \;\) May my digital pixels emrace you much tighter! \:P \:P haha! I'm practically itching to see the next chapter. Can't much anticipation!! Oh, my! What a long message I've written..AGAIN!! But as it appears, it's become quite common between us! \:D \:D. Anyway, sweetie, I hope you stay in good health and create amazing stories with that imaginative brain of yours. Also, I can't wait to see new sims or lots from you. *digital hugs* Take care, dear friend! \:\)\:\)\:wub\:\:wub\:

Bby-LMay 24, 2014

Suki ♥ LOL..Luckily you are NOT a boy..hahaha.. Thanks for your comment ♥

AlessaFayeMay 23, 2014

that's good that your inspiration is back. It's frustrating when you get stuck. I got stuck with not the next, but the chapter after that of The Wicked Entice. I'm working on that though. nothing lost since I backup like crazy lol but it has happened that I deleted the cache files and everything got deleted too. I had to redownload every thing and omg those were dark days.. I'm really looking forward to see what you have planned for us! \:\)

maddiecoathupMay 22, 2014

oh and yeah it comes up with too many images it may be aborted to I decided to not risk it and just do it in two parts

maddiecoathupMay 22, 2014

Thanks for reading my story. Liam's dad got killed by rouges which are vamps that turned crazy but his dad isn't really important to the story. Heather is just some chick in their class that alice hates XD and yea alice and nick like eachother

Bby-LMay 22, 2014

Suki-chan~ ♥ Uhmm..They're not going to meet Yuri actually.. \:D Let's see on the following chapter \:P Btw, How is your health? Get well soon, OK? ♥

katwoman3May 21, 2014

Haha, I've correctly guessed the culprit a few times, and come close a handful of times...but I try not to get caught up in the guessing so much as letting the story unfold and take it all in. The journey between the start and finish is so much more interesting. \:\) Glad I'm not the only one who uses her phone to write down scenes and ideas. I've even used my iPod to record thoughts while I'm driving (because I come up with good ideas when I'm driving - go figure). You have an awesome day too! \:wub\:

sanhammyMay 21, 2014

Oh, and I forgot to add this: *virtual hugs* (AGAIN) \:P :P Yeah, yeah, I know. Not so important. But to my sweet friend, I must! :3 :3 \:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

sanhammyMay 21, 2014

Hello, again, my sweet friend. (^_^) Haha! It was so nice to read that 'long' guestbook entry of yours! Again, I really must thank you for appreciating the house. \:P I'm recently building more houses and fortunately am able to suppress the lot size to a great extent. I hope I'll have time in the future for more uploads. \:\) Yes, you got me completely hooked to the story. It's getting more and more interesting as it progresses. Haha! So coincidental of me to mention Fauna when she's appearing in the next chapter!, my eye just strolled off to your blog update...and you're not in good health? :'( :'( I hope you get better and be in tip-top shape! *praying* OH! You had an accidental mistake like that too?? Well, that's a relief! At least I have that comment well set in my memory. And again, thank you for that comment. Eagerly waiting for the next updates. School's getting busy, huh? Well, I really feel your stress 'cause I'm going through almost the same level of stress here! haha! \:P \:D Anyway. Hope you regain a sound health and do well at school. As for me, I have 3 more exams left. Time sure flies, doesn't it? Ah, look! I just countered your long entry with my apparently long entry. haha! \:P :p Anyway, dear...wishing you all the very best , my friend! (^_^)

priscillamitMay 21, 2014

Hi my dear Suki from avatar aang \:P ♥ so glad to see you too . i wanted to read your stories, but i think i've missed a lot of them and really looking the part were you will write another romantic story. i do hope it'll come out as soon as you're not bust with school stuff. andd btww hunn, what grade r u? O_o

AlessaFayeMay 19, 2014

No inspiration really? It seems as if you had really put a lot of thought into it! Well, I love surprises so yes please! Yeah I'm working on the new story right now which is why the next chapter is taking so long, but I had some trouble with my computer and had to reinstall everything. \:\(

katwoman3May 18, 2014

LOL, my problem is I watch and read way too many murder mysteries, so when a character rubs me the wrong way, I pay attention to him or her. \;\) Hopefully Rave is one of the good guys, but from what you've revealed so far, I can't help but wonder... Anyway, I hope Lucy *will* listen, and she and Darcy will be reunited with Sadako and Saul, and this thing'll get figured out and solved! Cannot wait until the next chapter! \:D

MarijaJMay 18, 2014

Hahahha you're right it will be confusing as s*** XD But it's the whole point of my story, so I'm happy I've confused you ;D You're welcome, he is so beautiful! \:eek\: \:wub\:

Bby-LMay 18, 2014 worries about that ^o^ I'll try post it today while take the 13th chapter's shoots. =P

AlessaFayeMay 17, 2014

aww that's sweet of them! Yeah, 2 stories at the same time? Never again. I think you should finish Endless, mostly cause I'm very curious as to how it ends, but a sequel sounds very exciting! Whatever you decide to do, I'm sure it'll be great! \:\)

NisukiMay 17, 2014

Umhh.. if you read this.. great! ^^' .. Sorry for my inactiveness, I had to do some stuff and was busy. I'm not sure, to which comments I've replied and which not. So, I'm sorry if I don't reply ._. Thank you for your kindness ♥ ^^

sanhammyMay 16, 2014

Hey, Nisuki! Long time no chat!! :'( :p Anyway, just wanted to tell you how amazing your last story update was! Now that you mention it, I wonder where Darcy and Seraphim actually are! And also Yuno, haven't seen her in quite a long time. And what happened to Fauna? Rave, Dantalion, Mana and all the new additions of characters are becoming very interesting! I wonder why the 'Darcy Voice' warned her about not trusting them though. Mel trusts Dantalion at the very least, right? Who knows but our sweet writer? \;\) \;\) Can't wait for the next update. When are you going to finish the next chapter? Hope everything's going well over there! \:D \:D Always your well-wisher and a friend! Have a lovely day! \:\)\:wub\:\:\)\:wub\:

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