Boho Chic - Ulrike's Bedroom
Sims 4 — Boho Chic - Ulrike's Bedroom by fredbrenny — The two roommates, Ulrike Faust and Maaike Haas live in Windenburg.

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Created for: The Sims 4

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The two roommates, Ulrike Faust and Maaike Haas live in Windenburg. Two roommates, two styles. Today I present Ulrike's Bedroom. Ulrike is leaning a bit towards a Gothic style but also embraces the Boho style completely. Not the chic as much, that's more Maaike's department. Here we are in a room that wondrously allows Ulrike to sleep very snug and tight. It soothes and calms her, whereas Maaike likes the tones a little on the lighter side.

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ItemID: 1513051

Filesize: 51 KB

Please place this room with bb.moveobjects cheat on. You might want to replace the sidewall of the closet, since I had to open it up to get the full room in the file.

I have all extension and stuff packs installed on my computer. This room is made with the following packs:
Cats and Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Parenthood, Vampires, Laundry Day Stuff, Holiday Celebration

Credits: All artists here at TSR whose objects I use with gratitude!

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There are 4 comments on this article

blondie112304 ∙ Nov 7, 2020

So So \:cool\:!!

evi ∙ Nov 7, 2020

I love this room! 💙🇬🇷

dasie2 ∙ Nov 6, 2020

Magic is here!\:wub\:\:rah\:

trouvay ∙ Nov 6, 2020

Lovely looking room, who wouldn't want to spend time in it!