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qvisn's Guestbook

eviOct 30, 2008

Hi friend! I would like to thank you once again for the time you are giving me to comments on my creations. I am glad that you liked my halloween surprises and the baby room. See you around\;\)

twinkletoeOct 29, 2008

Thanks for being there. I'm trying to hang in there. The kids were totally wore out even up to yesterday. They had two very fragile days at school, but today I went by the school at lunchtime to the bookfair and they seemed like today was a good day. I don't get it they slept really good while we were gone but since we came home one or both of them is up during the night. Maybe tonight they will stop it. If I can't post pictures here of Disney maybe I can put them on Flicker and invite you to look at them. I still don't know what I'm doing wrong when it has worked fine for me before. What's up with Jane right now? Is she on vacation?

twinkletoeOct 29, 2008

Hi we are back\:D It was a very magical and beautiful time in Disneyland. We rode some crazy rides and got to trick or treat in the California Adventure Park. The kids loved it as did we. My hubby is already planning our second trip. We all wish we were still there. Especially today I could use a cheer up today as this is the anniversary of my mom's death. Stop by and say hi\:wub\: Twinks

cinderellimouseOct 28, 2008

Oh! Are you doing anything for Haloween? \:ph34r\: We've stocked up on sweets because we don't know how many kids will be calling at our new house! We're used to living in a kid-free flat! \:D

cinderellimouseOct 28, 2008

Hiya!!! \:D \:D \:D I was really excited to see your friend request!!! I've not had a look at your pictures or anything yet... I always feel a bit nosey! There's some old ones of me looking a bit dodgy on a night out \:D Not sure if I've found the right Jane... I don't want to approach a complete stranger, LOL! \:D

maxi kingOct 26, 2008

\:wub\: I'm glad you like my new story,thank you for reading and the nice comment!\:wub\: \:rah\:

hiedibear75Oct 26, 2008

Actually I did make a couple.....didn't upload them....but I made and use them. I just made them unfurnished because I found out about the furniture disappearing. \:wacko\: I didn't know there was a cheat to make it all reappear. \:confused\: Huh...learn something new every day. \:D Type with ya later. \:wub\:

maxi kingOct 25, 2008

\:wub\: Thank you for your nice comment on my story and have a nice weekend!\:rah\:

hiedibear75Oct 24, 2008

Well I'm not quite sure I understood your poll question. \:confused\: Use a cheat to make furniture show up? \:wacko\: I think ya may have lost me. \:P But hey I'm blond. \:D Thanks for your comment on the Sim dog Dianna.....I made her for Lisa before she died.....few weeks ago I think. \:\) But if I hadn't already I'd have of course been more than willing to make her. \;\)

drewsolteszOct 24, 2008

Hi SHirley! Thanks for reading and commenting on 'Escape From Fort Bravo', it is appreciated! Have a new story posted, "Jeffery's Choice", would be honoured if you read and commented, cheers!\:wub\: PS: Also new chapter of Thunder Valley up! I've been busy!\:\)

cinderellimouseOct 23, 2008

Hiya! I sent you a funny e-mail today about objects being male or female, hee hee! \:D Well, I hope I'm in and out of hospital in a couple of hours as well! I'm dreading being on a ward!!! My grandad used to 'escape' from hospital if you left his slippers by the bed and I keep joking that Pete'll have to hide my slippers so I don't escape too!!! \:D

maxi kingOct 22, 2008

\:D Hi,just posted my new story,should be out tommorow!It's called lost,hope you like it!\:D

lisa9999Oct 22, 2008

Hi qvisn's, Thank you for the sweet comment you left on my blog about my Diana. I will miss her, and always remember her. Thanks. Lisa\:\)

iLOVÉTHÉS¡MSOct 21, 2008

Hello! Lol, I have no idea how, but the important thing is I have found my way back. \:\) What has been happening since I left for a while? Any dramas? \:wub\: x

Ame-COct 20, 2008

Wow Shirley what an amazing site, my hubby and i are sitting here at the computer looking at all the statistics. They have rain fall, sex offenders, and even race ratios. I did not know all that information was available, amazing!! Thank you for sharing it with me!!!! He was there a few times and showed me on google maps you can even see street views of the buildings. It seems like a nice place, and some nice houses too. I feel better already, my heart was scared in a knot. Hubby also says he thinks we should rent for a year and look around first at all the neighbourhoods and schools. Thanks again for sharing!!\:wub\: \:wub\:

Ame-COct 20, 2008

Hi Shirley you are so kind and sweet, I send you a hug! My husband's company is in Raleigh, North Carolina, and they do get snow in winter....eeek eeek \:eek\:\:\( They basically gave us six months to decide and work out if it will be feasible. There are so many things to look into, how do you negotiate a salary if you don't know what your living costs will be??? We can move our furniture but no appliances, as the electrical voltage is not the same as here. So we have to buy all that new, even a hairdryer and kettle. I will definitely have to make those lists you have suggested. Excellent advice. I have spoken to friends of mine that have immigrated to New Zealand and they say it is definitely not for the faint of heart, as you get depressed in your new country after a few months. You probably get home sick, imagine what poor Sally's going through. Its nice to know you will be there, when going gets tough. \:wub\: \:wub\:

WackyBirdOct 20, 2008

Hi Qvisn, I think going to America will be good because there are a lot more job opportunities there than here, I sometimes see young university students begging for money on the side of the road so that they may have money for their experiments. Thank you for caring so much about us, I'm sure no matter what choice we'll make will be ok. Hope you have a lovely day.\:wub\: U-V

WackyBirdOct 19, 2008

Hi Qvisn, school is going great at this stage, but I miss my friends. but i think it will work out alright.\:\) I really like your black and strawberry dress.\:rah\: Hope you have a nice day. \:wub\:

Ame-COct 19, 2008

P.S. Thank you for your kind words on my banner, the green reminded me of yours!

pirates of loveOct 19, 2008

Thank you for your comment. Jeah i like this cat a lot and it's a perfect cat for my magic sim family. \:\) I wish you a nice week. Have fun

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