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lexiann123's Guestbook

samcactus101Oct 17, 2007

Oh & about the horror movies,, there is A Haunting tonight so I'll ba able to watch it. I LOVE THAT PROGRAM!! Its REALLY haunting & scary \:eek\: Theres a few episodes on YouTube as well so sometimes I watch it there. Try watching it & tell me whether you liked it!\:P

RIDanceOct 17, 2007

Well, your avatar is cool. Guess what? It's posted right now so I hope you can read it sometime soon!

samcactus101Oct 17, 2007

Aww Lex thank you SOOOO VERY much!!! You're too sweet\:wub\: \:wub\: \:rah\: For that, I'll be keeping you in my prayers too! No prob!\:P hehe. Cause I heard you weren't so well, but glad you're all better. I'll only get my results back in March because for public exams, the papers will be sent to other states to be graded. This is so that the teachers won't be too hard or too linient towards us. I mean, they dunno who we are.... so the results are fair. \:ph34r\:

RIDanceOct 17, 2007

Oh btw, what is your avatar from?

RIDanceOct 17, 2007

Good, I'm glad you're doing well! You'll never believe this but I just posted Oasis Island 7 today so it should be up on the site tomorrow or the next day. I did it all in like one day so I hope it turned out okay. Can't wait to hear your comments! Later. \:\)Rach

ila73Oct 16, 2007

Thanks\:\) Have a nice day\:rah\:

KatelysOct 16, 2007

thanks veeery much,i love it already! btw i see you like Tim Burton's films\:P good taste\:cool\: jack skellington rules\:D

irina_nr13Oct 15, 2007

\:\) thanks for the message,it's nice to know someone cares, do you have yahoo messenger? if so let's talk \:\) only if you want to \:\)\:D if there is something you wanna talk about tell me \:\) take care \:\)

KatelysOct 15, 2007

by the way,can i ask where did you get that hair? is it your own creation? i recognized it's a mesh from Rosesims2.com, but i never seen this recolor before..\:P

ila73Oct 15, 2007

Hi\:\)Thanks for signing my GB\:\)Have a nice day\:\)

KayleenaGOct 15, 2007

Why thank you! \:D I thought it would be an awesome picture. I'm taking lots more too. I've been inspired by all of Aikea's pictures, and I've had this lot for a while now, so I thought, 'why not make a whole neighborhood solely [sp?] for this lot and take posed pictures?' LoL. I'll have more up soon. \:\)

RIDanceOct 14, 2007

Oh man, Lex! Well, I certainly hope you feel better. It sounds like you're in a rough state. All of that pain at once must be really getting to you so I hope you start getting better soon. Thanks so much for reading the sixth part and I'm glad you really liked it. I'm actually working on the seventh now so it should be out sooner than the last. You never know though! Well, I hope your pain doesn't last too long and you have something to kill it in the mean time! Cheers, \:\) Rach

samcactus101Oct 14, 2007

Hey Lex, glad you think the story was creepy. I can't believe these things happen in real life. But so far, I'm unable to watch any movies from start to the end. Its always from the middle to the end. *sigh*\:\( I'm pretty busy studying for SPM. It starts from Nov12 til 26.\:rolleyes: I'm pretty nervous,, this is a BIG exam & I really wanna do well. I'm sitting for a total of 10 subjects. Can I ask you a favour? Can you pray so that I'll get at least 8A's? I don't wanna trouble you but if ya can.. PlEAseee??\:o \:cool\: I need all the luck I can get..

ila73Oct 13, 2007

\:\) i love your screenshot A Wild Streak\:wub\: Have a great weekend\:\)

galileaOct 13, 2007

Hi lexiann! I am so glad that you like my 'A Haunting' We Will Go wallcoverings! I hope they come in handy for your game! Have a great weekend!!!

sweetcharmingOct 13, 2007

Hi Lex\:wub\: Thanks a lot for reading and commenting my new story "noir"\:\) I really appreciate it and I'm glad about your very positiv feedback\:D Have a great day!

Getting UncontiousOct 13, 2007

Thank you SO much for your comment lex, it means a lot to me \:D\:D\:D miih **:

ShadowSpiritOct 12, 2007

Yah tell me about it youtube is just annoying sometimes. That's ok, I don't like to see people like that even if it's over the computer and your can see them face to face. With college it just feels like it's getting worse by the minute there. Plus there's this one person who just been iretating, getting under my skin and spoiling my every friday at college. No, no worries I won't drop out I not that type of person to do that really. I'd rather stick at it that be someone who gives up cos it gets hard. Yah things work abit differently here in England I won't be able to do that, cos I did drop out now I wouldn't be able to go back to college until September of last year, very strange I know but I guess it's just how it works. Shopping? It was ok actually I got some trousers from a shop called H&M, dunno if you've of it or got it in the US? That's nice to hear that you've got someone to do stuff with and such, plus you finally have a friend you can trust apon. So nothing to last weekend and seeing as the next weekend his here what's your plans for then? I'm just going to go into town with friend meet the usual. Oh yah you got anything planned for halloween? I might do actually, I'm not going to get that costume for it cos halloween is too close for me to search for it...so I'm just going for the typical vampire. I'll be buying some glue on fangs at the weekend and I have the idea for the outfit nothing extreme just my casual clothing cos it's pretty much like vampire clothing lol Anyways talk to you soon \:\) Lorna P.S. I have a great channel that you can vist on youtube, it's very funny: http://uk.youtube.com/profile?user=kylemonkey So if you every feel you know kinda low, it's something good to cheer you up \;\) Just an idea. P.P.S. Have you ever heard of a band called Tokio Hotel??

Getting UncontiousOct 12, 2007

You're welcome \:D I can't wait to see them, both the screenie and the lot. I love making lots (maybe I should upload them here), I think that's why I decided to be an architect, but I'd like to be an actress too, I wanna be remembered, you know, I don't wanna be just another person in this world ~; Do you REALLY like Inuyasha and Corpse Bride? I LOVE them *-*' I cried when I watched Corpse Bride. I always cry when I watch this kind of movies, I just can't help it X: And Inuyasha, well, I'm just ADDICTED *-*' miih ***;

Love_Struck65Oct 12, 2007

Thank you again for the hack's link Do you know anymore links? Much appreicaited, and much love.\;\)

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