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lexiann123's Guestbook

Sara1993Nov 9, 2007

Hi!Great to hear you're not busy anymore!\:D I wrote 2 tests today! Awfull, I tell you.\:mad\: Yes, Harry Potter movies are great, but books are BRILLIANT!!!\:D \:D \:D And in movies don't tell everything what happens in books, so I prefer books. Yeah, they've really got great ideas for Sims. Do you have Sims1, too? Hope to hear from you soon \:D Love, Sara

samcactus101Nov 9, 2007

Theres no URL here. At least not that I know of. Its in travelchannel.com. Type in "Halloween's Best Destinations" & you can see some spooky attractions!\:D Chamber of Chills was pretty good. I liked Pirates of Emerson too!!\:P \:cool\:

samcactus101Nov 9, 2007

Infection? No, I haven't. But I've watched "The Eye" 1 & 2. Have you heard of it? Malaysian horror movies are pretty good too, there was one vampire movie I saw at my cousin's house once...\:P \:P Oooh pretty creppy. That ghost girl has a knack for appearing right at your face when you least expect it\:rolleyes: \:cool\: Unfortunately, horror movies from India (Tamil movies) are weak!\:ph34r\: They put in too many songs & dances & they're not scary at all!! They try to be but its old you know.... So, instead of just watching it, got any places of attraction in the US that can scare your pants off?\;\) I went to this travelchannel website, & saw Halloween's best attractions video. About 8 vids. Actors & animatronics work to give you nightmares. Looks like a load of FUN!!!\:\)

OpheliaNivalNov 6, 2007

Hello! Well I've been quite busy these last days, but finally things seems to calm down around here \:wacko\: Sanne will be on her way within this week, I think. See you later, have a nice day! Ophelia.

TellMeSomethingNewNov 6, 2007

Why hello Lexi! I haven't talked to you in so long!! I missed yoooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!\:P I wanted to let you know that I've started writing again. I got a new story published today. And I actually put a pic of myself up. Argh!! The horror. All those poor people who will randomly stumbble across my page, and end up with their eyes melted out of their skulls. Urgh, that was a graphic mental picture, wasn't. Actually, its quite a cool thing to visualise.\:ph34r\: Did I speel visualise right? Ahh, probably not. \:D What cha gonna do about. Not you like! But more of a rhetorical question- I'm not making the slightest bit of sense here, am I? \:rolleyes: Meh, senseless-ness can be a good thing, can't it!\;\) Woot for being stupic and senseless and totally random......Have I just described myself?\:confused\: Hehe... I'm having a total word vomit day toda-GOD, what is with me a the mental pictures today!!\:eek\: Well, write back soooonnnnn!!!! BYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEE HUUUUUUUUUUUNNNNNIIIIII. Muahahahahahah. (yes I have finally lost it completely.)

samcactus101Nov 6, 2007

Oh btw, have you ever watched horror movies which is not in English? Asian horrors maybe?

samcactus101Nov 6, 2007

Thanks for the support Lex! Really appreciate it!\:rah\: I gotta be confident. And don't worry about all that drama, it'll slow down eventually\:D Maybe theres some good spooky vids on YouTube, I'll check it out. Why didn't I think of that?\:ph34r\:

ShadowSpiritNov 5, 2007

Hey Lex haven't heard from you in a while. I've send you a message recently was pretty big...sorry if it was too big to reply to. Hope everything is ok. Speak soon Lorna.

Bubnova13Nov 4, 2007

Thanks again \:wub\: It's so nice to hear from you \:rah\: I see that Inuyasha is very popular in other countries, I haven't watched it. In our country Naruto is much more popular. I love Ouran too, and the other anime I adore is School Rumble \:wub\: It's really funny and touching, and I loved the main characters as if they were real people... It has 2 seasons, and when I finished watching the second one, I was about to cry... \:\( I also love gothic and emo stuff and clothes (but in our country the word "emo" now seems almost offending) but haven't got enough inspiration to create them... Thanks for loving my photo and hair \:wub\: People sometimes write that my cat is cute, you are the first who said some words about the other pic \:rah\: I hope your monday won't be a hard day, have fun \:wub\: ~loveless

Sara1993Nov 4, 2007

\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: Awwwww, THANK YOU\:wub\: I'm really HAPPY if I see your sign in my GB, too\:D It's ok, I understand, you didn't have time\:D Really? You'll read Harry Potter? Oh,I'm so proud\:P Joke\:D Yeah, I guess ALL moms on the world are the same... have good grades and you'll get what you want...\:\) Here in Slovenia we know our grades eachtime we write testes\:D Yes, I want to have Sims back, too\:D Now is another stuff pack out Teen style\:D Love, Sara\:wub\:

OpheliaNivalNov 4, 2007

Hello! Of course I will have a look, I really enjoy watching your work! My sim is almost ready now, I just have to re-write some stuff and take another look at the new screenshots for the uploadpost. I'm not fully satisfied with the ones I took... But soon... As I said, you will be the first to know! Ophelia. \:D

samcactus101Nov 4, 2007

Hi Lex! I've been ok. Only thing I'm worried about is that final exam... \:eek\: \:eek\: ooohhhh..... wayyyy scarier than any horror movies I've ever watched. The horror, NOOOOO!!!!...\:P lol! Sadly I haven't been able to watch any horror films,, just the same dang travel show I'm hooked on. *sigh*, I am SOOOO gonna buy DVDs after SPM, & music CDs; Fall Out Boy & Boys Like Girls\:cool\: I'll let you know if I happen to see any haunting movies k? So how have YOU been?\:\)

sweetcharmingNov 3, 2007

Hi Lex\:D Thanks for reading and commenting on the second part of "NOIR"! I'm glad that you liked it, it really means a lot for me!\:\) Have a great weekend! ~ Krisi

Bubnova13Nov 3, 2007

Hi, Lex \:wub\: You are so kind, I'm very glad you like my stuff \:rah\: Hope you'll enjoy it in game. I see you like anime, and gothic style... I also love it, so just pleased to meet you \:wub\:

AllycatsNov 3, 2007

Thanks for commenting on my "Eh-Hmmm! Gentlemen?" screenshot! I paused and I swore they were checking her out. But hey, can you blame them? lol \:\)

Sara1993Nov 1, 2007

Hi, me again! You know what mom said? She'll buy me Sims for CHRISTMAS if I'll have good grades a.k.a. straight A's!\:mad\: OK, I'm happy I'll get Sims but for Christmas! That's almost 2 months away here!\:rolleyes: I'm sorry to bother you with this but I just had to tell somebody if not I'd explode! I'm really sorry\:\) Love, Sara\:wub\:

Sara1993Oct 31, 2007

HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!\:D \:D \:D Yes, I have read ALL the Harry Potter books and I saw all of the movies!\:D i have read the last one in 2 days \:D You should read them, they'er AMAZING!!!\:D I LOVED the seventh the most\:wub\: JKR rules the world \:D Love, Sara\:wub\:

Getting UncontiousOct 30, 2007

well, it wasn't so good, actually, it was pretty boring, and I didn't see who I wanted to see :X yeah, school sucks ~: thanks god it ends in less than 2 weeks \:D\:D miih ***:

OpheliaNivalOct 30, 2007

Well, I have now started the long process of tracing back all my CC for her, now I only need to find her makeup and I'll be done. If I don't find them I must try to find some new, take pics and then upload her. If everything goes to plan and she gets accepted she'll be up for download within this or next week \:D I'll come back to you on that! But she will get there, at least if it's up to me... Wonder why I hadn't thought of it before, Thanks for suggesting it! Ophelia \:wub\:

OpheliaNivalOct 29, 2007

\:D Thanks for commenting my photo. Maybe I should share her... If I decide to you'll be the first to know! But you must promise to take good care of her if I do \;\) Ophelia.

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