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Nisuki's Guestbook

sanhammyApr 11, 2014

hahaha! yay! thanks for keeping it a secret! All the more reason to be thrilled! \:D \:D \:D Again..yay!! I'm the first to notice! hihihiihi! :p Oh! I now transmit a "digital hug" to you! \:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\: can't wait for the next update. Getting butterflies in my stomach! So excited! Thanks for the cheer!!! Oh! now I'm more intrigued in the character 'Dantalion'. Seems pretty myseterious. And also I was wondering if that other "witch-like" character, the one who tried to convince Lucy that the others are against her, will come up some time later. :/ :/ Lots and lots and lots and lots of love and hugs and best wishes to you, my kawaii friend! And thanks for making me smile with your reply, especially about the comment on my screenshots. Arigato gozaimasu! \:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\:

sanhammyApr 10, 2014

Hey, friend!! \:wub\:\:wub\:\:D I was going through your story again earlier today. And I found a question that I previously forgot to ask. I realized Yuno and Mel both have a symbol on their left hand, I think. :p Does it have any hidden meaning or anything? Or is it of no importance?? :/ just wondrin'... \:wub\:\:wub\:\:P \:D

BluegardeniaApr 9, 2014

\:\)Hello Nisuki!Glad to see you on my guestbook.I wish you a great week and lots of fun.Many hugs sweetie..\:\)

sanhammyApr 8, 2014

Hey! It's okay! hihihihi!! \:D You don't have to apologize for being late to reply! \;\) I'm happy that you've managed to write such a huge reply! Really glad! \;\) Yay! So happy to learn that you've already started working on the next update to your story! (^_^) Oh! Now I'm fine! Just the headache's still bothering me! I've just come from giving English 1st exam. 3 down, 9 to go! Thanks for wishing me luck!! Oh! And the fact that my comment made you giggle and laugh made me laugh and giggle a lot! \:D \:P ^_^ Hope your health has improved too! Good luck with the math test! Yeah! It'll be totally cool when the exams end! But unfortunately it won't end there. I'll have to study way harder because of admission tests to universities. Over here, it's the hardest challenge and the most competitive for us students. :'( And the admission tests are really hard and there are only limited seats. So it's gonna be hard. Oh! look at me blabbering again! hihihihi!

xxinnineApr 7, 2014

hi Nisuki! thank you for your sweet feedback ! have a nice day\:wub\:

MarijaJApr 6, 2014

Hey babe! I've just seen your GB entry (don't know why I didn't saw earlier?) Anyways, you're very welcome! \:\) Hahaha I see you're quite having fun, I actually turn on my Sims (with a plan to take screenshots for the story) but no! I start playing, building some stuff and trying to make the most beautiful sim hahah! Well..That's not quite going right lol! \:D Oh yea, I feel you bro hahah XD On mobile? My previous chapter was first written on my mobile and then I had to copy everything on my computer! Oh my, crazy ones XD I'm great, you? \:wub\:

AlessaFayeApr 6, 2014

Oh, Theo's just gone crazy lol. No worries. Meena doesn't really know what she wants. She doesn't want to hurt Theo, but I really doubt he cares about her anymore. There seems to be a lot of disappointment in Shade. Oops. Haha freerealms comment was great. GRAB THAT HOTTIE! \:\)

stinkybutt123Apr 5, 2014

Oh ahha. Yeah, the sims 2 on console is the best! I love that you get to move them round with the sticks! \:D But you're so right, nothing beats ts3 aha, yeah the horses are pretty cool. especially the unicorns! \:P Oh, is dragon valley any good? and you're right, I'm going to wait for cc too, because it looks soooo bad aha. Oh my gosh, the two best things ever! aha have fun! Don't eat too much then! I can't wait until the summer, but the worst part is losing all that weight we gain over Winter! aha, I've been great thanks, so glad I have two weeks off now for Easter! :')

smileface101Apr 4, 2014

Your welcome for the comment \:\) I just completed my first term so I've got two weeks holidays to unwind \:\) Thanks for asking \:\)

sanhammyApr 3, 2014

Hi!! Thanks for reply!! Who cares if you're late or anything! He heh!! \;\) OH! you've been ill?? Well.. you and I must be connected in some way cuz I've been ill too! Split headache with tummy ache and so on and on....OH! look at me complaining! \:o Aw! I don't mind long messages or anything. I enjoy it rather!! \;\) Thanks for sharing your music views. After the darn exams are finished, I'll start listening and watching new songs and anme. One subject is over, today! I've just come from giving the exam actually! and now... 11 more to go!!!! Two months!! When will it end??\:wacko\:\:wacko\: oh! look at me complaining again!!! OH! anyway, get better Nisuki!!! \:\)\:\)\:\)\:wub\:\:wub\:\:wub\: And your fan....awaiting the next update of your story!! \:wub\:\:wub\:

moonlightgirl13Apr 2, 2014

hi my kawaii friend! \:D how are you? \:\) yes i saw that too \:\) if your on tumblr you are rare in tsr XD! hahahah \:\) i am always useing both \:\) one window is tsr in other one tumblr \:\) tahnk you!!!! \:D i am happy you like my story! \:\) i have a little problem with my sims game now and plus i am super lazy to make chapter 2 xD! but its almost ready! \:\)

sanhammyApr 1, 2014

Hey! Nisuki!! Just going through your stories all over again. Mind if I ask something?..Well, I know you won't mind..But anyway!!!! Do you use the hq mod, by any chance? Because your screenshots come out so pristine and so detailed! Or is there any other way?...Just askin'!!! \:\)\:\)\:\)

Bby-LApr 1, 2014

Nisuki..Nisuki..Nisukiii ♥ Hehehe..Thanks for your comment ♥ Ah, about that..I have thought maybe the file part of my EP was broken..or like that..Because when I uninstalling, and then re installing, some EP was crashing. *Phew.. It's because of my windows (still) from previous formatting. \:confused\: I was installing x86 but always back to x32 again and again.. or is it my laptop that want to terminated so bad. @.@ hehehe..Have a nice day, suki! ♥

tristen_love23Mar 31, 2014

Thanks for the comments \:\)

stinkybutt123Mar 29, 2014

hhehe, that sounds cool! I never played it on console, I always wanted to to see what it was like. The sims 3 pets is good, but it's really easy to get bored with... At first you're like yay, pets! Than the pets just get in the way... Unless you have a horse, that's fun aha. Me too, the sims 4, from the pictures I've seen, looks bad though. It looks like, worse than sims 1. Not exaggerating. aha same here, yeah, sometimes it's ok and other times you're just like "shut the &@#! up!" OK, fair enough, I'll try not too O_O hahah. \;\) \;\) \;\) "partyyyy" \;\) \:P CHOCOLATEEEEEEE \:wub\: \:\) sorry for the late reply \:\)

s2702913Mar 29, 2014

haha I hadn't thought about it but I suppose that quote by Cedric is pretty dirty. and hot lol!!!

DeviroseMar 27, 2014

Hi dear\:\)!Thank you for the comments!I Sorry for my big delay here (novembrer) Kisses

LavoieriMar 26, 2014

hey you again! thank you so much ^_^ please show me your sims when you create them, I'll be very happy if you use my clothes. A big hug \:cool\:

sanhammyMar 24, 2014

After a looong time, once again, HELLO!! he he! :p Sorry for not replying soon. My computer was having some problems. OH! so you wanted to know what I'm listening/watching?? okay... but it's such a looong list. Well, I'm currently listening to Tears are falling-Shin Jae, Back in time-Lyn, That One Person-Jessica..etc etc..(mostly drama related) so many more. But I forgot...stupid me. And anime...well I've just finished watching the Dragon Ball series, Clannad, Attack on Titan and many more in the past years. I'm going to watch Kimini Todoke, Alice Academy and some others after the darn HSC examinations are over. Unfortunately, the exams will end after 2 months!!!! April and May.. So I'm in deep tension!! ha ha! \:wacko\: Anyway, Nisuki! If you ever have any suggestions about anime or Kpop, feel free to share!! I'll be really happy!! \:\)\:\)\:\)\:wub\:\:wub\:

matomibotakiMar 22, 2014

The_Flagship - Thank you dear for your comment. Always pleased and happy to get nice feedback. Sorry for the delay, very busy at the time! Have a great weekend!\:wub\:

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