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MJxo's Guestbook

LightSide93Aug 1, 2009

hey Mariah!\:D Thanks dear for the kind comment you left on my lot.  So glad you liked it. \;\) ~Light~\:wub\:

topaz27Aug 1, 2009

Hi Maraih, Thanks for the much needed poll \:D and your latest screenshot are fantastic \:\) can't wait to see some of your prom photo's, and I must say you have a talent for drawing \:\) kudos and hope you have a fun weekend \:wub\:

cazaruptAug 1, 2009

Yeah, I'm looking forward to an expansion too. \:\) I'm sure it'll sort of add the finishing touches they wanted in the base game but didn't have time \:P I've heard that the first expansion is going to be similar to Bon Voyage but no one really knows yet. \:confused\:

irene_busyAug 1, 2009

Hy! Thanks for your comment on Guitar Tips screen \:\). Happy simming and have a wonderful day \:\)

staceface2009pAug 1, 2009

aww thanks ... i know i was more angry than sad! and sad after it happened! and still haven't managed to make a family that i love as much as i did with her and her husband and their twins! \:\( .

maxi kingAug 1, 2009

\:wub\:Hi Mariah!I wish you a wonderful weekend too!TC Irmtraut\:wub\:

Little Cloud Aug 1, 2009

Oh, you luck duck!!! Final Fantasy 7 is the one I'mmost obsessed with (hence the Cloud part of my user-name :P)! But I hope your quest for Final Fantasy games goes well. Best of wishes: Little Cloud \:\) \:D \;\) \:P \:cool\:

RepulsiveDesireAug 1, 2009

Thank you for commenting on my screenshot Beam Me Up, Scotty . I'm glad you liked it

YukosanAug 1, 2009

Mariah ~ \:eek\: how are you doing nowadays? It looks like you're really enjoying Sims 3 ^ ^ I'm glad. Was there a patch yet that fixed the time controls? Also, your new profile and avatar are quite lovely! Sorry for not replying to your message so quickly. x__x You always leave nice messages, so it makes me feel bad for not replying for a long time. Sorry... ah, I hope everything has been good for you!

spitzmagicAug 1, 2009

Mariah, you have a great weekend too...\:wub\: \:wub\: \:rah\: \:D

cazaruptAug 1, 2009

Thanks for voting on my poll, I agree with you about the features they should have included.  I feel like we worked really hard to build up The Sims 2 as a great game and now it's back to square one. Sims 3 is still a great game though! \:P I also voted in your poll, I said no. I think there are actually loads of recipies in the game, and I can't even get them to work sometimes. \:mad\: I tried to get my sim to cook fish and chips once with his own fresh caught fish, but he just wouldn't do it! \:eek\: cazarupt

Little Cloud Jul 31, 2009

Well, I hate to break it to you, but if you want to play the FF games, you are going to have to start with 10. The first ever game (FF1) was made in the '70's, and I doubt you'll find it or the station needed to play it anywhere! But the games are really fun, but kinda hard to explain...\:confused\:I found out about them about them by looking them up online. Maybe you should start there :P P.S. Legend of Zelda 4EVER!!!

libertyJul 31, 2009

Hey Mariah Nice just doing nothing I like it but I worked hard on my studies the last sevral years. with a lot of tranieeships to. I know how you feel I've got the same thing My former classmates are studing further I'm not so it's going to be hard to stay in touch but It's like what they say Friends that you make while you''re in school will stay there forever and we all go our seperate ways. It'slike in the movies. that doesn't mean it can't be hard because it is. I'm sure you get through it. Hugs hugs hugs Mike

LaubhaufenxpJul 31, 2009

thanks for ur gb,i wish u a wonderful weekend,too. and you're banner is great!\:wub\: Marie

Little Cloud Jul 31, 2009

I'm glad you enjoyed my favorite youtube videos. At first I was like "why am I making this blog? No one's ever going to read it." But I went ahead and made it anyway, and whadda know \:confused\: ? Already you and one other person have looked them over \:D! as for video games, I play a lot of Final fantasy, Legend of Zelda, and Kingdom Hearts, though id I'm bored, I'll play pretty much anything \;\). P.S. Glad you liked the questionaires \;\) \:P \:cool\:  

libertyJul 31, 2009

Hey   how are you? What have you been up to the last 2 weeks besides youre prom?? I had a great time during my holidays thanks for asking. Nice to hear you had the time of your life on you're prom. Can't wait to see the pics. My pics will come soon on Facebook. Thank you for your comment on Coastal Drive It is a whole new street more this type of lots will be availible soon. Well I gotta develop so I'll speak to ya soon. Hugs Mike

cazaruptJul 31, 2009

Hi, Thankyou for leaving a comment on my screenshot, I love those gems aswell. It took me ages to find though! \:D

Jennifer_RJul 31, 2009

Forgot to thank you for your lovely comment on my screenie and for the congrats too! I actually got to see it while it was still on front page! \:wub\: \;\)

staceface2009pJul 31, 2009

hello ... thanks for welcoming me to TSR. and thanks for the compliment on my avatar! that was one of my FAVORITEEEE sims that i deleted by mistake, it's my way of remembering her! \:\(

Jennifer_RJul 31, 2009

Hey Mariah \:\) No major plans for this weekend, what about you? I've got 2 more days till I go back to work. \:\( I have had just over a week off and I haven't really spent much of my time playing my sims so I plan to do that tomorrow. Goodluck with organising all your college stuff. Do you have a few friends going to the same college? I love your new avatar and banner. You always do such a lovely job of them. I saw you new new sim 'Tami Jay'. I noticed that you used Peggysims hair. I downloaded their skins yesterday but I'm yet to see what they look like in the game. I'm not so sure about using them though as they have the extra features of a naked body. \:confused\: I think it takes away the 'game' factor a bit, it's nice for it to be really realistic but I think that may be going too far. \:P Maybe I'm just a prude! lol I really hope that some of the SA & FA create some new skins soon. Oh, I took your poll too. There defiantly needs to be more recipes!                           TC & chow for now. \:wub\: \;\)

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