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MJxo's Guestbook

spitzmagicAug 8, 2009

((((Mariah)))) thank you, you have a wonderful weekend  tooooooooooo...\:wub\: barbara

caridinaAug 7, 2009

Hello! Thank you for your comment of my pic of the omniplants with sharks \:D

weezythreetAug 7, 2009

hey riah... thx so much for stopping by! you have some fabulous screenshots\:D ! nice job... cya ~weezy~

libertyAug 7, 2009

Hiya Mariah Have a great weekend yourself Hugs Mike

topaz27Aug 7, 2009

Hi Mariah, Kudos \:\) and wishing you a wonderful and fun weekend \:\) \:wub\:

UltimaSimsAug 6, 2009

Naww, I didnt play those games on PS2, but, i migght have it, ive got like, not lieing, 200 games for my PS2, that my brother baught, i never played PS2 much except for Kingdomhearts\Finalfantasy, because around the time that PS2 was out, i was going all nerdy on Computer, so i spent all my time on the comp insted of the PS2 lol, and i like Online gameing WAYYY better then non-online gameing, lol

UltimaSimsAug 6, 2009

I stay up late on my PS3 getting trophys for all my games, i try to get 100% on every game, And yes, Jeffree sence in style does rock, He has alot of Louis Vattion purses, jeez he must be rich >_<!! Soo, RE5? I got 100% on that like 3 months ago xDD, ever play Mirrors Edge? Its like, Super awesome, its not like a normal games, its like jumping and running on rooftops, and beating up cops that get in your way with Flying kicks, Its tottally the shit! LOL xD

fredbrennyAug 6, 2009

Thanks sooo much for reading and commenting on the story!!! I am happy you liked it!

fredbrennyAug 6, 2009

Riah! I'm here for a pit stop to tell you my new story is out!

UltimaSimsAug 6, 2009

Ive been up till 3-4:00 O'clock in the mornin playing my PS3. Lolololol. Cheesebox *Giggles* Ive also been OCD-ing over Jeffree Star *Sighhh* He has such awesome music, and he looks WICKED. I wish i had pink hair >\:o!!! Have you ever heard of Him?? http://celebrityarmcandy.com/wp-content/uploads/image/Jeffree%20Star/592759732_l.jpg \:DD. (Yes THATS a guy). Anywaysss. What have you been playin on your Cheesebox..? *Giggle*

PenelopeTAug 6, 2009

Thanks for the nice comment on my upcoming lot 'Modest Starter'. It's most appreciated! \:\) ~ Pene

DracoRAug 5, 2009

Hi! Thanks for coment my screenshot. Yours are lovely, too!  

UltimaSimsAug 5, 2009

Ugh, Im dreddeding school >.<. Its good to no that you had fun at your prom \:D. So your going into collage? Ugh, I can wait for that. But i think collage wil be funner then normal school. Im going into grade 7!! ugh >.<. It may not seem like a bad grade, but i moved from a place that didnt prepare you good enought for school, If you were in grade 6, you were doing grade 5 stuff, then i moved to alberta, wich is like, if your in Grade Six your doing grade 8-9 stuff!! Soo yeah. Im freakin out. Lol.

shaml_sim Aug 5, 2009

Hey Riah! Thanks for commenting on Part 5 of my story, it's great that you're enjoying this story! \:D  Part 6 shouldn't be too far away....have a fantastic day!!

libertyAug 5, 2009

Hi Mariah Thanks for the link I checked it out now just check out my page it's full with it LOL Oh I mentioned I got the link from you I hope you don't mind. Thanks again and for the comment I apriciate it. Knuffels Mike

YukosanAug 5, 2009

It's no problem at all ^^ I feel kind of honored when you show me stuff. Haha, but, I bet you ARE good at it, and I'm not just saying that to be saying that. \;\) I hope you do try it one day. Lols. That's pretty sweet of you to say that... x3 but really, it's not that well written. If I did write a book, that would take forever! Then I could dedicate it to yooou \:P Hmm, but you're making sims? Well, let's see... you could either do like, normal-ish (wearing normal clothing, etc) characters, like make more of your sims that are like Natasha and Daisy Smith, or you could do the fantasty types (green, blue, gradient skin, I don't even know XD). Or maybe you could try working really hard on one sim, like making small little details on them, you could find some good color schemes (warm/cool/neutrals) and make them color coordinated. Or you could make something flat out crazy-insane. Sorry if that's not much inspiration ^^ just trying to give you a few ideas, but they might not be that inspiring. Woops, forgot the bath was running when typing that, now I better go stop it or else there's going to be a bubble apocolypse right now

YukosanAug 5, 2009

Wow, 2 days, that means you have worked pretty hard on it. Going to look at it right now. ... WOW! That's just adorable! \:wub\: I mean, it's so cute looking, your drawing style is. I especially like the details on the outfit. \:D But all aspects of it are good. ^^ The lines/coloring also look clean, and that's another plus. I think you have a great talent right there. :} Haha, she IS pretty. If I had Sims 3, I would download her. XD And thank you for saying that about my story, and leaving a comment on it. \:\) It's very sweet of you. Argh, I haven't seen a story from you, but argh, I bet you would good at that(writing) too! XD I might not be able to reply for a little while, but if you happen to draw anything else soon, I would love to see it. \;\)

libertyAug 5, 2009

Hey Mariah Cool do you also have a link for me so I can check it out???? I'm good it's very hot now here but the just installed metalic hatch for my windows so it's better then before. The windows are on the south side and I'm sleeping in the attic. So I'm good Knuffels Mike

fredbrennyAug 5, 2009

Thank you Too for your comment Riah! I'm busy with the story. (Not now, unfortunately I am at work now) But tonight I am working on it more and hopefully I will have it submitted tomorrow! Take care! Huggggs, Fred

agapi rAug 5, 2009

Hi, thank you for your comment on my on the beach - sarong set, I´m glad that you liked them\:\) Have a nice day

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