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Karie's Guestbook

hiedibear75Jul 17, 2008

Thank you for leaving a comment on Matt & Jenny's newest chapter.\:wub\: That concert was an absolute....BLAST!!! \:cool\: I'm already paying for it......but oh it was so worth it.\:ph34r\: I know you & Laurie can't stand them but Slipknot and Disturbed are 2 of our favorite bands and we got to see them BOTH!!! \:rah\: We'll fill you in on details when one or both of us are COMPLETELY coherent.......I'll be drugged.\:P Besides I mix and jumble things up even when I'm NOT all doped up. \:P LOL

cinderellimouseJul 16, 2008

Hiya!!! It's been a while since I visited your guestbook so I thought I'd drop by. \:D I've just read you blog entry about needing a pyjama day! I'm having one of those today and amazingly the internet is working... what are the chances!!! I've made a bit of an effort though, I'm still in my pyjama bottoms but I've got a t-shirt on instead of my pj top and I've washed my face and brushed my teeth but I've not brushed my hair yet. I'm not quite acceptable for public viewing... some make-up and a trowel would help! \:D

midland_04Jul 16, 2008

Karie, I don't know why I didn't think of this, if you want to see the set early before it's published. I have been submitting screenshots to the TC that I have been making it in. So here is a link, and you can look. I don't remember if the whole set preview is on page 26 or 27, so I am sending you the link for 26, and you can go to 27 if it's not there. http://forums.thesimsresource.com/showthread.php?t=355194&page=26 Have a great evening! Midland_04 \:cool\:

midland_04Jul 16, 2008

Karie, My Tinkerbell Bedroom Set will be published July 18th, and I uploaded the Tinkerbell Add-on Set tonight, so hopefully it will be published on the 19th, if they approve it right away! LOL Have a great evening! Midland_04 \:cool\:

midland_04Jul 16, 2008

Karie, No Problem. I'm currently working on a add-on pack to the Tinkerbell pack, as I know from being on dial up myself, it's a drag when a set gets too big. So if I can have it finished tonight, there will be actually two parts to it being released pretty close together. Midland_04 \:cool\:

Elena.Jul 15, 2008

Karieee!! \:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: I am back and wired \:D Actually I was back a while ago, but we are re-decorating and everything is a big well...mess? Yea, big mess. I am trying to do a lot of stuff but I am tired and don't feel like getting out of bed in the morning *uhm no I am not 90, yet \:D* I thought this was supposed to be a VACATION. I had a great time at my gran's. She was ok this time even though she was all the time trying to get her way of how things should be done \:D Have to go now. Hugs and kisses \:wub\: \:wub\:

midland_04Jul 15, 2008

Karie, I heard through the electronic grapevine that you are a tinkerbell fan. I posted a cute tinkerbell bedroom set tonight, it's in the pending mode, and I'll let you know when it's published if you want. BTW I bookmarked you. Have a great evening/morning! Midland_04 \:cool\:

hiedibear75Jul 14, 2008

There's a new story for you to read.\:D Just go to my page.....cuz #12 is now published.\:cool\:

LaurieRJul 13, 2008

It is a requirement if you are in the house. Besides, hers don't smell that bad. Unless of course she is on antibiotics at the time.\:eek\: Sleeping in?! Are you insane?! You want to waste our 2 weeks by SLEEPING IN?????\:eek\:

shadow66Jul 13, 2008

Glad you like the 'Unicorns' \:rah\: - thanks for your comment \:D Yeah, my 'Wolf-Plant Sim' is quite cute I guess (or is that just the 'fuzzy' side of you talking?!) - she's the first one of that combination I've ever had, and I didn't cheat - it just happened! \:cool\: I've also got a Plant Sim who's a Vampire - a vampire who loves sunlight! \:eek\: I don't play him anymore coz he's a really sweet guy and I don't want him to die \:\( (Definitely going soft here!! \:o ) \:wub\:

hiedibear75Jul 13, 2008

While you were sleeping.......I......I was typing away on Matt & Jenny. \:D Yeah it took ALL night......but it's uploaded. \:ph34r\:

LaurieRJul 13, 2008

If you go with me to the hospital.... you are learning too!!\:D

shadow66Jul 12, 2008

Thanks for your message in my Blog - glad you like them \:D I had a go at re-colouring frames but it was a disaster, so I've compromised - Blog Updated! \:P - Let me know what you think if you're passing \:D \:wub\:

DarkBorderRJul 12, 2008

Thank you, Karie.\:\)

hiedibear75Jul 12, 2008

I meant #12......ooopsie.\:D

hiedibear75Jul 12, 2008

Thanks for reading "M & J". \:D LOL Glad you liked their come-back. \:\) I found a couple nifty things to help add some more realism to their trip. \;\) Sadly no.....no shower chair or bedside commode, but I've gotten most of the other stuff. \:D I'll work on the next chapter over the weekend and hopefully have #13 done by @ least Monday or Tuesday night........I'm HOPING. \;\) \:cool\: SIM you tomorrow(Q) \:P Love ya.....enjoy your pillow. \:wub\:

LaurieRJul 12, 2008

I don't mind. Everyone is entitled to make mistakes. If the nasties go up the cast.... you can clean it out!!\:confused\: I won't mind. I promise.\;\) You don't have to feed her with a baby spoon... she would just squeal at you anyway!!!\:eek\: No touchy the baby mouth.\:D

LaurieRJul 12, 2008

Don't worry. If she does have the surgery we will learn to change her diapers TOGETHER!!!! That way I can pawn all the nasty ones off on you!!\:P You know you love them. You have so much lost time to make up for. I wouldn't want you to miss out!!!\;\) \:D

shadow66Jul 12, 2008

Hiya \:\) Glad you like them - thanks very much for the comment \:D - worth the wait?! BTW, I uploaded the 'Fantasy' ones earlier, so they should be out in a few days \;\) \:P , so you can stop spreading your impatience now! \:P Don't suppose you lot are into cutsie bears by any chance - you know, the ones that make you go 'awwwww' & want to hug them? I'll post some pics on my Blog, so if you're passing you can have a look \:D Catch ya later \:wub\: P.S. - Yeah, get over it!!! \:D

hiedibear75Jul 11, 2008

I'm with Laurie......you do need to get on the ball.\:P I brought Matt & Jenny as you knew (the privileges of being my roommie) but it's now O-U-T out as in published as in go read it.\:P \:wub\: SIM you soon.......emphasis on the SIM part.\;\)\:cool\: \:wub\:

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