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KDLANG0's Guestbook

LaurieRDec 29, 2008

We give our gifts on Christmas morning. My son Alex had a gift like that. We saved it for last because I knew nothing else would matter once he got it in his hot little hands!\:D I was right of course. Once he got his DS he didn't care about his other stuff. At least he plays it a lot.\:D

shadow66Dec 29, 2008

So clocks give you comfort do they? LOL Ok, so if you think it's the clothes that are causing the problems, just put in a couple of sets at a time, then try playing. If it works ok, make a new folder in your Downloads Folder called 'Tested' or 'Working' or something similar and move them in there so that you know those ones are ok. Then try a couple more sets. If you find that it crashes after you've installed them, take one set out and try it with just the other and see what happens. It's just a matter of elimination, which is gonna take time, but if you can find the one that's causing the problems then you can just delete it and hopefully everything will then be okay! \;\) \:D I very much doubt it's your actual hard-drive - not if it runs ok without the CC! Big MadCow hugs coz I know how frustrating these things can be! \:wub\:

shadow66Dec 29, 2008

And for the hat-trick, coz I guess you're on a kudos mission again! \:P \:D I might even get around to doing a poll once I've got the new one completely sorted - still not got the net on it, so I'm not gonna upload or do anything until it is. Anyway, good luck with getting things sorted, and I expect I'll catch ya around! TC \:wub\:

shadow66Dec 29, 2008

And I can't believe that you're still downloading even more when you're having these problems! \:eek\: Get what you've already got sorted first - the downloads aren't going anywhere! \;\) This time I'm going to make sure I organise all of mine properly - I've got so many, I don't know what's what, especially with the earlier ones, so I'm making separate folders for each category and then sub-categorising them on the new computer. Once I've got all of the ones I know I want, I'll get a sub day or two and have another spree - that should keep me quiet for a while! \:P \:wub\:

shadow66Dec 29, 2008

Hey! \:D OK, so you know it's working without any CC installed, so all you need to do is add a LITTLE at a time and check it out each time \;\) Yes, it will be a long and tedious job, but from what you've said, it's not your hard-drive that's the problem, it's one or maybe more of the downloads, so you just need to check them out! \;\) \:D \:wub\:

maxi kingDec 29, 2008

\;\) I done it,have my own mini page now,with a poll!Hope you have a great day!\:rah\:

LaurieRDec 28, 2008

I got a CD. That was it. Our Christmas was all about our kids. They had a wonderful time!\:D

simmaniac2005Dec 28, 2008


shadow66Dec 28, 2008

Yeah, I survived - a little worse for wear at one point, but hey, it's Christmas!! \;\) \:P Have you tried removing all of your downloads and just running the game? I know it's not much fun (I installed it on my new computer and played for a few hours to check it out - don't half load quick now! \:cool\: - probably coz there's no CC on there yet! \:\( ). But if it runs ok with no CC, then gradually add some and see what happens - just an idea! \;\) So, did you have a good time? Get loads of nice prezzies? Everyone knows what I like, so I'm easy to buy for - and never disappointed (now I've got them all trained! \;\) LOL :P). Anyway, hope you can get your computer sorted out - I really do know how annoying it can be! \:rolleyes: - let me know how you get on. Have fun and TC \:wub\:

boogie woogieDec 27, 2008

Morning! I had an awesome Christmas. Have a great day!

lisa9999Dec 27, 2008

Just popped in to say Goodmorning! Have a fun filled day! Lisa

AlyoshaDec 27, 2008

Hey there! Before everything else, A Belated Merry Christmas to you and your family! And also, a Happy New Year! \:rah\: I just dropped by to thank you for the lovely comments that you left for my creations! \;\) It means a lot to me because it inspires me to keep on creating! \:D Hope you like my upcoming stuff too! Thanks again! \:rah\: ~Alyosha \:\)

robbyngirlDec 26, 2008

Thanks for your sweet comments! \:wub\: \:wub\:

LaurieRDec 26, 2008

I hope you had a Merry Christmas!\:wub\: Did you get all that you want?\:D

lisa9999Dec 26, 2008

Hope you had a good CHristmas and all is right in your world! Lisa\:\)

boogie woogieDec 26, 2008

Hope you had a Merry and safe Christmas!\:wub\:

DirtdevillDec 25, 2008

Goodmorning, KDLANGO! Thank you so much for the lovely comments on my White SummerBreeze Tops and my Free Time Ballet Outfits, it's very much appriciated!\:wub\: Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!\:wub\: Huggs, Dirtdevill

shadow66Dec 24, 2008

Just thought the cars would make a change! - got some bikes ready too! \;\) \:P Yep, think it's gonna take a while to get everything loaded that I want/need, but hopefully I can get it done before I have to go back to that horrible 'W' place! \:rolleyes: Glad your son's a bit better - there's nothing worse than feeling bad in the hols! So you broke your computer again?! \:eek\: I'm not surprised really when you said you'd been downloading so much! Have you tried changing the graphics settings and turning off things like shadow and distance - that can often help if it's struggling to cope (I should know, having been there!). No snow here either - just overcast, but at least it's not too cold at the moment! Anyway, hope you have a wonderful Christmas and New Year - take care and have fun! \:wub\:

hiedibear75Dec 24, 2008

Merry Christmas. \:wub\:

lisa9999Dec 24, 2008

Stopping by to wish you a good evening and a great tomorrow! Lisa\:\)

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