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Hawaiian_Ginger's Guestbook

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 26, 2004

How is my guestbook trying to prove you wrong...? w/e. Sounds like u had fun. I was in Mexico, so it was 84, abnd yeah I guess that kind of does ruin the stereotypical christmas, but hey! There are SO many Mexicans who celebrate Christmas, and they're always in hot weather! It's still Christmas. I feel like going for a walk downtown with peeps so i'll ttys babe MWAH -CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 26, 2004

HOLY MOTHER OF....ITS SIM MANIA AT YOUR HOUSE!!! It mustve been a verrrrrry merry Christmas! WE HAD SUCH A HUGE PARTY IT WASN'T EVEN FUNNY! Mariachis were there, and family....presents...it was so awesome. And best of all...it was 84 degrees BABY!!!! AHHH!! Off to NY 2morro! Luv ya grrrl mwah have fun with that DS!!!! I heard they're really cool, but they have a pencil thingie!? whuttup wit dat? Luv u 4 eva grrrl -CHIKA

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Dec 26, 2004

Chika, I can't write in ur guestbook

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 25, 2004

Heyyy - HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!! Thanx fer that message, it lit up my guestbook! Awww babe, you shud try to get ppl to sign it! Go to CONTENT and then Gallery, and it'll show all the avatars of people who've recently logged on. If you like an avatar, go and tell them! they'll respond \;\) Or, when you really like someone's clothing, you can tell them! Maybe even request them to make clothing. I did that! MWAH Luv u for eva grrrl -CHIKA LATINA \:cool\: \:rah\:

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 23, 2004

Sweeeeet! You skipped 2day and 2morro? you bad student \:D lol - I KNO!!!! IT'S SO FREAKIN AWESOME THAT WE CAN DO FLOORS/WALLPAPER! Now we need University and we'd be set! It's so boring...the stuff we have now. Boston got so....boring! I mean, yeah, ther's lots of stuff 2 do but I NEED A CHANGE!!!!!! Our teachers are getting into vacation mode, and one of them fell asleep while teaching us a lesson....it was so awesome! I went over to him and waved my hand in front of his face....HAH! Luv ya grrrrl - CHIKA \:rah\:

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 21, 2004

IT's SNOWING!!!! HALLELUJAH! (that's how u spell it, rite?) anyway, yeah, i've been up to making new friends on TSR and its feelin good! How u doin grrrl? I miss you still! U don't come on that much anymore. I come on like....once a week, but u shud 2! Boston is gettin ready for da holidays. Whats happenin with where u are? U going anywhere? I'm going to NY!!!! Hasta pronto, guestbook me! Luv u 4 eva grrrrrrrrrrl - CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 10, 2004

Yeah...I love having Spanish as my native language. But English is cool too! I woke up this morning at 9 and missed my two first classes...I know, BAD CHIKA lol It's great you take spanish...dun wry, Spanish is close to taking the numbuh 2 spot replacing English in the most spoken languages list. Have you seen the white house Christmas tree? It looks sweet. rock on -Chika

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 9, 2004

What language do u take? SPANISH ALL THE WAY!!!!! Da truth: Sims 2 wasn't really as awesome as it looked. It's good...but still not as awesome as the first. It's sitting in my desk-bookcase thing...doin nuthin. Hanging wit my math book (also doin nuthin \:D ). OMG I have a party 2 go 2 this Friday...Ima dance my behind off!!! U go to any parties? rock on babe, ttys -MI CHIKA LATINA

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 7, 2004

I want late wake up...or....OOOO A SNOW DAY!!!! DAT wud b sexxxy! Anyway, r u gettin Sims UNiversity..looks kinda shady...

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 7, 2004

I want late wake up...or....OOOO A SNOW DAY!!!! DAT wud b sexxxy! Anyway, r u gettin Sims UNiversity..looks kinda shady...

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 5, 2004

lol, kk. so anything happenin in ur life?

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Dec 1, 2004

"We" is the people and I at the sims2 forum. Why did you get an early release? You're lucky! I'm jealous!

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 1, 2004

Yep, I KNEW IT!!!!! I haven't played the game in...like...ever!!!!! Who's "we"? We got early release 2day!!!!! Better get mah christmas stocking ready, I already got an outfit \;\) ROCK ON!!!!! CHRISTMAS MUSIK IS OFF DA HOOK!

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 1, 2004

I'M HOME AGAIN!!!!! Back in Boston for da Holidays! Mah huge, loud Mexican family is coming here for Christmas! SO HAPPY! We saw da tree going into the white house, the spy museum, and the airplane space museum thingie! Ehh, I dun wanna go to school either, but ya kno BREAK IS COMING!!!!! HELL YEAH! Stick to it grrl, and it'll be here be4 u kno it. Feliz navidad, y feliz año nuevo! MWAH, -CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaNov 27, 2004

WHOA! I'm in Washington D.C right now!!!!! I'm in a hotel!!!! That's awesome! I am so full it's not even funny. If I laugh I think I'll barf! My grandma made Thanksgiving dinner (she's the best cook EVER) and then I had pancakes....omg I'm stuffed. rock on, mwah -CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaNov 24, 2004

YOU'RE BACK!!!! YES!!!!! You schould fly down\;\)! So many awesome things happening in Cancun...the pak looks okay...FRAT PARTIES!!!!! YES!!!!! Habla pronto -CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaNov 20, 2004

Whoa...I write a lot, don't I? \;\) rock on

ChIkA_LaTiNaNov 20, 2004

AHHHHH! I MISS YOU! Where have u been FOREVER! Knowing u, you had to find out ur password, remember everything...yeah. I come on oh...every two weeks. I MISS YOU! I'm in Mexico now!!!! AY AY AY!

ChIkA_LaTiNaNov 1, 2004

wow. I HAVEN'T BEEN ON FOR like...2 weeks! What skool do u go 2? HALLOWEEN WAS AWESOME! I went to a party. ttys

ChIkA_LaTiNaOct 18, 2004

sweet. I haven't been online for a long time either. Yeah...gotta go finish a project \;\) Rock on, see you soon girl

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