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Hawaiian_Ginger's Guestbook

ChIkA_LaTiNaJul 26, 2005

IT'S SUMMER VACATION BABE!!!!!!! CELEBRATE!!!!! Which BBS do you hang out at...TS2.com's or TSRs? Just got back from overnite camp...SO MUCH FUN! Lookin forward to my junior year! love ya hit me back - CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaJun 21, 2005

BABE! I'm back!!!! I've been SOOOO busy with school, graduation, and parties I had no time for TS2! I miss you so much! love ya - CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaFeb 25, 2005

Hey grrrrrl! Just checkin in. How's life?

ChIkA_LaTiNaFeb 22, 2005

Oooo...this is weird....I'm at my dad's work and all his co-workers are WEIRD!!! But then...I love weird people!!! HAHA! MWAH - *CHIKA*

ChIkA_LaTiNaFeb 21, 2005

Whuttup grrrrl? Where are you til 4:45? And....where r u? what club meeting? Thanks for the romance advice...ima use it. I think its time for CHIKA to be SINGLE AGAIN!!!!! It's snowing here. It made me sad, so I went shopping then ice skating with my peeps \;\) We on the VACATION here in Boston. How bout you Delaware peeps? Whats up in the life of CH-CHIKA rite now? Well, mainly I'm getting back in shape for spring cheerleading, and well...just for....me, and I'm enjoying the last few lingering moments of winter. OOOOO I can't wait for spring though!!!!! Lots of plans for the spring...concerts, parties, vacations...but even though I'm looking forward to that, I'm very content with being in the moment and enjoying winter, lol. Here's to love, life and happiness - CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaFeb 16, 2005

lol, did your friends ask about me at skool? Yea, it was sweet. But I kinda like the feeling of being single and...LOVIN IT!!! I don't know where we're headed. YEAH!!! Me TOO!!! I forget what u say when I relpy. I just copy your post and then post it onto the typing thang while so I can know what to say, lol MWAH tell me how the test went - CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaFeb 15, 2005

LoL!!! ˇFeliz día de san valentin! Awwww, my boyfriend got me roses, and wrote me a poem!!!!! \:wub\: It was SOOOOO sweet!! (But he had to read it in the hallway when everyone was listening, lol!! Don't worry, babe, the right guy will come for you. I know it. ConGRATS on Math League!!!! Our school came in 1st this time....weird...I'm not part of math league though. Let's just say math isn't my....favorite subject, I'm a bit challenged in that area, lol\:D I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!! The Grammys are like....the best award thing in the WORLD!!! I loved it. And yep, its time to think about classes for next year. And....ˇBUENA SUERTE PARA TU EXAMEN! Love ya girl -

ChIkA_LaTiNaFeb 13, 2005

lol, I'm HERE!!!! sry, just busy this week. Wut up grrl? You watching the GRAMMYS tonight? *wipes away cobwebs and dust* Anything new happen in Delaware? School...anything? And how did ur new Pleasantview come out? luv ya grrl - CHIKA\:rah\: ooo HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!\:wub\:

ChIkA_LaTiNaFeb 1, 2005

Gueeeeeeesssss what!!! Its mah birfday!!!!! Sweet Sixteen!!! WE HAVIN A PARTY OVA HERRRRRRREEEEE!!!!!! \:rah\:

ChIkA_LaTiNaJan 31, 2005

SNOW DAY!!! We had monday, tues and thursday off! ROCK ON BOSTON!!! We had intersession today, and we saw that movie bout the Holocaust "Paperclips". I CRIED!!! \:o Then we went SHOPPING and I was okay \:D Can't wait for Spring BREAK!! Winter's too depressing. MWAH - ~*CHIKA*~

ChIkA_LaTiNaJan 29, 2005

*hehe* I kinda went back to playing TS1 for two days...I wanted to play superstar again. ONLY for ten mintues though \;\) Hope ur Pleasantview turns out good. ˇAy, tengo SUEŃO! I haven't slept in threeeeee days! Talk soon girl, luv ya - CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaJan 27, 2005

OUCH!!!! U had too much custom content? Well...your sims are in heaven now, babe. And...*whips out a bottle of champagne*....here's to a new beginning! Love u grrl - *CHIKA*

ChIkA_LaTiNaJan 14, 2005

HAPPY 50th ENTRY BABE!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEAH!!!! congrats on this milestone!ˇGracias a dios! MWAH!!!! ~*~*~*~*CHIKA*~*~*~*~*~

ChIkA_LaTiNaJan 14, 2005

ahh hell, ill do it now! \:rah\:

ChIkA_LaTiNaJan 14, 2005

Heyyy babe - Thanks for the honor of signing your 50th and 100th entries, lol So you LIVE in Delaware!!! Oh girl, I'm so sorry! I thought you were visiting it or something because of the way you phrased it...mah bad! What college do u wanna go to? Maybe Florida where its warm? HAHA! It's time for me to travel, I SOOOO need to get out of this country and see some SIGHTS! Love ya girl, bffaeaeaeaeaeaeaeae hope your college is everything you want to experience and more! -CHIKA Raquel

ChIkA_LaTiNaJan 10, 2005

THANK YOU SO MUCH BABE FOR MY 100th ENTRY!!!! I was gonna ask you to sign my 100th entry cause ur mah best friend here at TSR, but you beat me to it! Hey, maybe our brains are like...synchronized or something, haha! When I said porque (which means why & because, but i meant why good job \;\) ) I wanted to know why you were there. Was it family? lol, i HATE exams, especially when the teachers are stupid (ahem....ALL OF THEM) Anyway, I LOVE you and thanks for always bein there! 4 ever and ever, muchas beses, y para todo mi vida. Con todo mi corazon - Raquel (CHIKA) \;\)

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Jan 10, 2005

Have you ever read your guestbook when someone writes something in it, and then you go to reply, and then have to go back to your guestbook because you forgot the rest of it?

ChIkA_LaTiNaJan 10, 2005

Your SCHOOL football team...I knew you didn't have an NFL football team, babe \;\) Delaware? żPorque? OHHH NOOOO, its back 2 skool tomorrow! Oh well. I was at this overnight at my temple, and me and my friends decided we wanted to go out. Anyway, the temple found of course MY cell phone number, and had to call it!!! My mom was so pissed, and they sent me home \:\( but it was aight, I saw some of the friends today \;\) luv ya girl MWAH - CHIKA

ChIkA_LaTiNaJan 5, 2005

lol nah! Estoy en Boston, una vez más. żDonde estas? HOw's ur football team doing? WE'RE ON A WINNING STREAK 3 and 0! How was ur vaca? Go to a party? My parents dragged me to one of their friends parties...another night of listening to old people tell you how tall you're getting and how pretty you're becoming...AHH I HAD TO GET OUT! I had my friend come pick me up, lol! \:D FELIZ AŃO NUEVO, CHICA! - CHIKA\:cool\:

ChIkA_LaTiNaDec 31, 2004

WOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO! FELIZ NOCHE DEL AŃO NUEVO!! I'm so grateful for friends like you grrrl! Hope the new year brings you luck, happiness, and new beginnings! MWAH luv u so much grrl have a great nite! -CHIKA

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