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topaz27Nov 22, 2009

Hi Judi \:\)  I have so much to explore in the sims 2 as well, I have all the ep's now but I don't have them all installed right now as I am trying to work out what one's I want to keep in, if you know what I mean \:confused\: I have the base game, Unversity, Nightlife, and OFB installed now and I love them so much, I do love Seasons, but sometimes the rain just nevers stops \:D  and so I have dropped it out for now, and I have tried Appartment Life and I really love the new interactions in it, so I know I will install it again, I am not so keen on Pets, Bon Voyage, or Freetime though, and I don't have all the Stuff Packs \:\(  yet \;\) my game runs very fast on my laptop as I got a new one for the sims 3, so it is way over the requirements for the sims 2, which is great, but I still don't want to slow it down by having too much installed that I won't use, and I am not parting with any of my custom content, they mean more to me than a ep \;\) but I really want to get in and play my game alot more, as I have hardly tried most things in it, it's crazy \:D Awww I just love the sims 2 sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much \:\)  I have read about all the problems people are having with sims 3 too, I never knew that EA were having problems though \:confused\: I wonder what will happen, at least our sims 2 is safe \:rah\: \:rah\: \:rah\: well take care and happy simming \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:   

topaz27Nov 21, 2009

Hi Judi, I have just saw your new set  'jsfDesigns PLEP09Florals' wow these are so beautiful, I can't wait to download these \:rah\: thank you so much \:wub\: I do hope your keeping well and having a lovely weekend \:\) it seems very quiet here in 'TSR' today, I think so many people are away exploring the new ep for the sims 3, I am staying a sims 2 girl \;\) I don't want to buy into any more of the sims 3, because our game is so much nicer \:\) take good care and happy simming \:\) hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

hiedibear75Nov 18, 2009

You made some gorgeous colors! \:rah\:  Why thank you! \:wub\: \:o \:wub\:  That's quite the compliment coming from you. \:eek\:  When it comes to walls.......I'm no where near as good as a LOT of people. \;\)  ESPECIALLY YOU! \:wub\:  I made the Sesame Street walls for the S2HBAA building contest for November which is to build a house using ONE color scheme.......so I made blue, red, & yellow Sesame Street walls for that for my own use & thought others would like them too. \:D  Well nice hearing from you. \:\)  Take care. \:wub\:

squeakersNov 17, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Judi! Yes, I was upset when I lost everything, all my screenshots, and wonderful CC all gone. Thank goodness my husband was able to get it up and running again after a few days, but for now, we only have half of the memory, so I have to be careful how much I download, of course, one of the first things I did was run here and grab up a bunch of your walls and floors, I just had to have them, my homes just wouldn't be the same without your beautiful work!\:D I updated my blog with new pics of Shadow, she now lets us pet her, pick her up and she is really cuddly and loving. Of course she still runs away from people she doesn't know, and sudden noises will send her under our couch for hours, but she has come a long way! I'm sorry to hear your daughter lost her cat, that can be heartbreaking to lose someone, or a pet you've had for that long, my heart goes out to her.\:\( I love our cats, and they are perfect to have around when you don't feel good, or you've had a bad day.\;\) Well, I'm off to get more of your wonderful walls and floors, TC and I hope you have a great day!!!!!! Hugs,\:wub\:

topaz27Nov 15, 2009

Hi Judi, Hope your having a lovely weekend and I would like to wish you a wonderful week too \:\) TC and hugs Topaz \:wub\:

lisa9999Nov 15, 2009

Hey Judi! Thank you so much for the congradulations. I think I am still in shock. LOL I love the colors in the new walls. They are great for showing things off. I have been so busy that I am falling behind and I don't means with the just the sims. Time just keeps getting away from me. I can not believe there is only a week before Thanksgiving. And then the three days of decorating for CHristmas. My oldest moved back to Florida with his family so this year the holiday get togethers are even smaller. We have lost three to death over the past five years and five have moved far away. I used to have 17 here and now I am down to 8. I still make my hundreds of cookies and put out my big spread though. LOL How have you been? How are all the kids? WHat are you doing for Thanksgiving? Have a wonderful day Judi. Hugs Lisa

squeakersNov 14, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Judi, I'm so sorry you lost your ISP for a bit, how frusrating!!!!I'm so glad you have it back now, how is the work going on your bungalow? I love the pictures of it, you are so talented and gifted, and we are so lucky to have you here, brightening our days with with your wonderful work. I'm in the process of redownloading all your work again, one of my  son's was using our pc, and somehow a trojan got in and destroyed everything, I lost all my sim stuff, my wonderful downloads, my favorite simmies, everything!!!!!\:eek\: \:\( Thankfully my husband was able to get our pc working again, and though it is only at half power(only part of the memory works) I'm able to sim now! Man was I going nuts, not being able to build and create!\;\) There is a new contest in the forums, and the November contest looks great, you have to build a house using one color, which will be easy to do, since my apts always are one color each! Now the hard part is just deciding which of your beautiful walls to use, and floors, knowing me, I'll be using all blues, since its my most favorite color!!!!\:D I'll have new pics of the kitten soon, she is doing really well, she is used to us now, and loves being in the house, she is getting big and strong, and is a real momma's girl!!!!\:D I'm still surprised that Escape brought her home, you just don't hear of that happening very often!\;\) TC for now, I hope you have a great weekend!!!!Hugs, Denise\:wub\:

lisa9999Nov 10, 2009

How did you know it was frustrating? LOL\:D

lisa9999Nov 10, 2009

HEy Judi, I am still planing on working on sims 2. Too many die hard fans and I really enjoy it. I am torn between two pattern sets right now. I want to do a sitting/tearoom. Cozy for the up coming months. I am also trying sims2 meshing while doing the sims 3 meshing. I think sims 2 is much more detailed and harder so it may be a while. But I do love the sims 2 and all it's stuff and colors. I don't know what your problem is with cas. I will have to play around next time I open the game. I have to drives, the top one is sims2 and the bottom sims3. I need a third drive for every thing else. I am working on getting the house ready for winte. Yard work caulking, and stuff like that. Our winters are rough on our homes. As soon as I choose between the two fabric sets I plan on emailing you the one I choose to see what you can do for me in walls. Stay warm and pray that hurricain doesn't turn into a Noreastern! Hugs, Lisa\:wub\:

lisa9999Nov 8, 2009

Hey Judi! I forgot to ask did you get a lot of trick or treaters? I only got about ten this year. It was raining off and on and a lot of local churches had trick or treat parties set up. I was trying for the longest time to remember how to take a picture of a house in sims 2 with out the graph on the lawn. It hit me like a ton of bricks this morning. Line up your shot just as you want it and then hit the tab key on your key board. When you are done with your shot hit the Esc key to go back to normal mode. Now there is no excuse for you not to submitt a house! LOL Have a great Sunday and I love the purple walls! Hugs, Lisa\:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 8, 2009

Hi Judi. \:\)  There is a building challenge where we have to make the lot all one color scheme so I came in & gobbled up a bunch of your walls......you've got so mnay beautiful papers. \:rah\:  I hope you're having a lovely weekend. \:wub\:

lisa9999Nov 7, 2009

Good Morning Judy,Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you. I have been playing with sims 3 meshes and trying to find a good set for sims 3. I may have to find two because I found two different fabric sets I want to use. How have you been? Busy I gather. I love the walls that came out today. They are so pretty and I love the purple. Not too many people can do purple right, but you sure can. Have a wonderful day and keep the walls coming! Hugs, Lisa\:wub\:

topaz27Nov 6, 2009

Hi Judi, I am just loving all your new walls, thank you so much \:rah\: \:wub\: do hope you have a lovely weekend \:\) take good care, hugs Topaz \:wub\:

LadyTanyaNov 1, 2009

Ill be looking forward to your next set o fwalls...\;\)

lisa9999Oct 31, 2009

Judi, Happy Halloween! I love the new walls this morning! Thank you! Hugs, Lisa\:wub\:

topaz27Oct 30, 2009

Hi Judi, I'm so glad you enjoyed that site \:\) it is great for catching lots of new stuff, and they have so many awesome downloads of just about everything \:\) I do hope you had a good week and wishing you a very lovely weekend, happy simming \:\) \:wub\:

topaz27Oct 25, 2009

Hi Judi \:\) Downloaded your new pink walls this morning and have them in my gaame now \:rah\: they are all so beautiful, and the rose one is so awesome \:wub\: thank you Soooooooooooooo much \:\) I'm glad you got the downloads alright, I got a few new things myself while checking it out \:D if you check 'www.spring4sims.com' you will catch most new downloads for the day from lots of sites \:\) it's really handy, and you will get the links to any downloads that your interested in \:\) well wishing you a good week, take care \:\) \:wub\:

topaz27Oct 24, 2009

Hi Judi \:\) Thank you so much for your awesome new set 'jsfDesignsWPFWPinks' \:rah\: I absolutely love these so much and the one with roses is amazing \:wub\: Lisa made my banner and avatar and she done such a beautiful job, I love them sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much, and your walls are just so awesome too \:wub\: your both such beautiful friends to have here at 'TSR' \:wub\: it's just so wonderful the friends that we make along the way here, I love it so much \:\) well I just can't wait to download these amazing walls and enjoy them in my game \:\) do hope you have a lovely day \:\) TC and lots of hugs \:\) Topaz \:wub\:     

topaz27Oct 23, 2009

Hi Judi, I'm back, and here goes - Eyeshadow and Eyeliner are by 'bruno' at 'modthesims2' click on 'Make up' then watch for something made by 'bruno', when you get into bruno's site, click on 'make up' again, and you will find eyeshadow 'pretty/wreck' download the file 'pretty' and you will have all the eyeshadows, these are awesome because they change the whole look of the eye and look really good in the game \:\) now the eyeliner is 'Eyelashes 101' and is a set of 12, just check through them in your game and decide what you like, these are also really lovely and there is also a set called 'Glamazon eyeshadow & glitter eyeliner' some of these look wonderful too \:\)  next the hair it's by 'Hegla'and can also be found in 'modthesims2' just go to Adult Female hair and on the 7th page click on the 5th download, here you will get recolours and a link for the mesh \:\)  Lipstick, this really is awesome in the game, it's from 'Newsea' now I can't find the correct address for this site, no matter what I type in it never works \:confused\:   so I just go to 'www.spring4sims.com' this is a great site too, anyway click on make up down the left hand side, and on the first page you will find this lipstick with the link \:\) now the blusher, sadly I can't find it anywhere \:\(  I'm sure I got it from here in 'TSR' but I have went through all the files and still can't trace it \:\(  but if I ever find it again I will let you know \;\) hope this is of help, happy simming \:\) \:wub\:  

squeakersOct 23, 2009

\:wub\: Hi Judi! I just wanted to stop by and say hi, and let you know I was thinking about you!\:D I've been on a big building spree, and have submitted more lots this morning, and have had three published this morning too, I can't help it, my pain meds aren't working very well, and I need to keep busy, so I sim, alot!!!!!I've been having so much fun going through all your amazing creations, and keep coming back for more, I've gone back to 2005 to get stuff of yours that I didn't have yet, and I'm so thrilled and excited by everything I can get my hands on, your work is so beautiful and elegant, and looks so wonderful in my game, and lots!!!!! Thank you again for sharing your hard work, and wonderful talent, I really appreciate everything you do, and can't wait to see what you create next!!!!!!\:D TC, and I hope you have a wonderful day, and weekend!!!!!\:D Big hugs,\:wub\:

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