Dream Factory - LOFT
Sims 4 — Dream Factory - LOFT by Danuta720 — Loft built on the site of the old factory. There are legends to today, that

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Created for: The Sims 4

Loft built on the site of the old factory. There are legends to today, that in his interiors, living the spirit of the owner of the factory, which sometimes haunted at night, and sometimes brew you a cup of coffee for breakfast. If you are not afraid to check out how it really is.

Note: See 'Creator Notes' for the required cc used in this lot which needs to be downloaded separately.

Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1275315

ItemID: 1275315

Revision: 2

Filesize: 249 KB

Make sure you have the latest patch installed.

I have the following mods, thanks to TwistedMexi
http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=535846 - move objects
http://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1254956 - build/buy unlock cheat

If you are using a mod TwistedMexi (tmex-moveObjects) it home installation time in the game, remove it from the Mods folder.

Download the following cc and mods to Documents / Electronic Arts / The Sims 4 / Mods. Enter game, turn on 'Script Mods' then restart game and place the Lot. (not doing this can make the lot appear empty).

Thank you to the following Artists for the cc used in this lot:

- Angela
Pure Living
Victoria Living Endtable

- Danuta7202
D720_Zoo on the wallpaper

Seven Lamp Set
Source Ceiling Lamp Mesh
Pot Ceiling Lamp Set

- inabadromance
Medieval Bricks in Red - Masonry Wall

- jomsims
Bathroom lemingstone

- mutske
Plants, plants, plants

- Pilar

- Severinka
Toilet water
Photomural Town black&wite

- ShinoKCR
Power of Pink Bedroom - Painting

- sim_man123
Kaelan Dresser

- TheNumbersWoman
Shabby Bargain Shabby Chic Ottoman
Gab Contemporary Living Picture Single
Shabby Bargain Shabby Chic Bedroom Women Pictures
Modern Deco Rug
Gab Contemporary Living Fireplace
Modern Deco Side Table

- ung999
Bedroom Acacia
Bedroom Simplicity - Rug
Bedroom Simplicity - Dresser

Copyright Danuta720 TSR - please do not re-upload, modify or claim as own.

  • Value: 256397
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 4
  • Stories: 3
  • Lot Size: 40x30
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There are 14 comments on this article

SunflowerGurl VIP ∙ Aug 27, 2018

I love these loft style apartments made from older buildings veryb cool thanks\:cool\:\:wub\:\:\)

chefKinga91 ∙ May 9, 2015

Po prostu nie mogę wyjść z podziwu. Ostatnio nie miałam czasu zaglądać tutaj i ściągnąć nowe budynki, ogólnie dodatki do simsów, głównie przez dzienną pracę i ogólnie życie jak to Pani wspomniała w odpowiedzi na mój komentarz. Ale nie mogłam tego nie skomentować, po prostu to co Pani tworzy jest niewiarygodne. Wielkie ukłony dla precyzji i detali. Coś pięknego. Aż chciałoby się Panią zatrudnić jako architekta do stworzenia wymarzonego domu \:\)\:wub\:

Christina51 ∙ Dec 22, 2014

Fantastic design!!! I love the exterior and the interior is beautifully decorated!! Great work!!! \:\)\:rah\:

Danuta720 ∙ Dec 18, 2014

If you want the interior to look like as the pictures it then follow the instructions in the Creator Notes .

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