Villa Argonauta
Sims 4 — Villa Argonauta by evi — Like a summer breeze this villa makes you feel that you are on a never ended sea

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Like a summer breeze this villa makes you feel that you are on a never ended sea travel. It has a relaxing big pool, three bedrooms on the second floor and it is all decorated in a Greek island style. Enjoy summer!

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ItemID: 1377123

Filesize: 261 KB

I have used the following packs:
Please do not re-upload or claim as your own.

CCs used for this lot:
1. Severinka santorini addition set 02
2. Severinka santorini addition set 1
3. Severinka santorini bedroom
4. Severinka santorini living
5. Severinka dolphin kids room
6. evi Greek sun art
7. Evi Hellenic tiles

Credits: severinka

  • Value: 180000
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 3
  • Stories: 2
  • Lot Size: 40x30
  • Custom content: Creation needs CC (links to all needed CC listed in the description)
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There are 12 comments on this article

techchick34 ∙ May 21, 2022

This is AMAZING! \:wub\:

yvonnee ∙ Aug 10, 2017

wonderful \:wub\:

darkdreamer35 ∙ May 26, 2017

this is so cute...

katles VIP ∙ May 25, 2017

There has never been a house that you have created, I didn't love...this beauty is no exception and I must have it for my Sims. Thanks so much for sharing your amazing designs. \:wub\:

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