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clairepitts1994's Guestbook

crystal_89Jan 30, 2009

Btw isn't this a pg 13 site why do they have eh dating sites for uh people with um similar tastes? Should I say. Okay anyway talk to you tomoz. Bye

crystal_89Jan 30, 2009

HELLO! Its your friend from down near ye shores of the mighty sea lol. Anywho HI! I love your banner so much. You look so pretty! Your hiar is awesome but i have to ask whos the people in it I could make out tom and wentie and the others don't know who they are even with their names! NO TOP DOG GUY? Honsestly get your piorities straight and mr cullen? Ahem? Lol do you like my picture. Its twilight lol. It took me ages to do it! Lol ill probably call you tomoz I didn't have to go to school today because it was too hot and we don't have air conditioning how cools that! Or should I say hot lol. Im saying lol alot and im not laughing lol, damn. lol okay now im putting it on. Okay talk to you tomoz! \:\) \:D Crystal

joker52455Jan 20, 2009

Aww! It didn't work! \:\( stupid new TSR! \:mad\: anyway this is the site url with all the creator's camp info on it

joker52455Jan 20, 2009

I didn't make two seperate paragraphs; the 'rah' took up a whole bunch of space \:P but to make paragraphs all you do is put "<br>" (without quotes) at the end of the sentence, press enter, put "<br>" again, press enter again, and keep writing. I'm not sure if it works, but it worked on the old tsr. I just went on and they list all the good sites that had representatives that went to the creator's camp! There's so much that people told the public:<br> In the sims 3 there's a tool called create a TWIN! I heard someone used it to make a family that really looks alike. You can also have triplets!<br> Part-time jobs are available at restaurants, the spa (where you can get facials, manicures, pedicures, and something else I cant remember), and the graveyard (*shudders*).<br> There are vending machines where you can make any kind of drink you can think of; ex: White Chocolate Soy Frathuccino with Banana Swirl. Wow, that's a mouthful!<br> You don't have to put a baby down when you're doing most things; someone's sim talked on the phone, then watched tv with the baby still on their arm.<br> You can make your sim have a one-track mind; ex: a sim who's only characteristic is "evil" won't be able to resist stealing candy from a baby (yes, you can do that in the game).<br> I (obviously) can't wait until the sims 3 comes out! To submit a poll, you have to do a lot of confusing stuff that I'm not gonna attempt to explain. Anyway, that enthusiastic clerk seems a little creepy. That should be the first person you make in the sims 3! And you can make him a grocery clerk! lol Poor you with all the cats and dogs to take care of. How many do you have??? Forget it, I don't even want to know. Yay! A girl that was in to pokemon! ALl the girls in my school were obsessed with barbies \:mad\: Anyway, I was the pokemon master! No one could touch me, and for people who hadn't heard of me but wanted to verse me, everyone that knew me would say "your funeral" or "I'll send what's left of you to your mommy!" versing me was a death sentence! It's weird now cuz there are some people my age that are still into pokemon. On friday, in my finance class, we spent the whole class talking about pokemon lol (cuz we do NOTHING in that class), one of my friends still has a book with all his cards in it! I lost mine \:\( i remember crying for hours. Anyway, yes, the sun sets at 5:00! Why do you say it like it's weird?! right now it's 6:50 and it's already completely dark. Gotta go, I'm working on the last part and studying at the same time lol sayonara xox

joker52455Jan 18, 2009

submit a poll! PL4PL! Okay, NOW I'm done

joker52455Jan 18, 2009

cosmo and spongebob?! dork

joker52455Jan 18, 2009

Hi jumpy! lol \;\) That seriously made my day; I've been fed up all day cuz I've been putting off my studying for finals and my mom keeps yelling at me to go study (which is why I'm procrastinating \:\) ) I'm feeling better though, the only annoying thing is that I still have to blow my nose once in a while. It sucks when I have to blow my nose in school (random) because everyone feels compelled to say 'eww!'. I swear, sometimes I feel like I'm in kindergarten even though I'm in the 12th grade! Apparently hot dogs are versitile (sp?) cuz there's a million interesting embellishments on hot dogs: chili dogs, pizza dogs, cheesy dogs, buffalo dogs (they're spicy, not made of buffalo!), and the list goes on. Barack Obama is like a celebrity here, and I can't stand it! I get that he's the first Black President, but now it's overkill. There even recording his innaguration live, which they never did with a President. Rafael? Anyway, you haven't played in ages? Of course that's true devotion!!!!!!! viva la procrastinators!!! \:rah\: You said you've been playing for 6 years: that's minus the years you haven't played? lol I wish I started dancing 6 years ago. That guy Adamek has been dancing for 7 years! I was so intimidated \:mad\: I played the trumpet in band for three years, but it was kind of a disaster cuz I sucked! Even my friends were saying "you really shouldn't try out for band in high school" but I knew I was bad, so I didn't take any offense. I still have my old trumpet, but it's probably rusted solid. SIMS 3 COMES OUT THIS YEAR!! WOOHOO!!!!!!!!!! I'm counting the days, especially since the creator's camp event! SnootySims has all the info; they went to 5 different sites, including tsr. I found out so much, like how some sims sing in the shower (I was hysterical laughung when I read that), every sim comes with a mobile (aussie speak lol) that they can change the ringtone for, there are 35-40 new recipes including key lime pie and ratatouille (lol where'd they get that from?), and that ghosts are now playable sims that can get married and have ghost babies. Hopefully aliens are still in the game, I'd be so upset if there wasn't \:\( I felt so bad for you when you said that, but I'd be the idiot that would try to buy it even though the case says 'coming soon' lol. I still need to pre-order it! Thanks for reminding me! lol I need to get some money!! It's not fair how broke I am, I'm about to go out job begging soon. I'm lucky in the whole broke department; my mom buys everything for me, but it gets annoying at times cuz I have money, but when I tell her that she'll tell me to "put it back in my wallet". Sometimes I even get in trouble for using my own money (don't ask)! When I was a kid, all I used to do was watch movies! I had a bookshelf filled with videos, most of it was pokemon videos (my obsession of choice when I was a kid) lol. I remember once wasn't doing perfect in school, i started getting 70s and 60s, and my mom took all my videos. I was so depressed that whole week. I don't remember if it worked, but remember I got them all back. Thanks for rubbing your good weather in my face; it just snowed for the billionth time, and it's freezing here. If you take your temperature in C and put F in front of it, you'll get the temperature it is here lol No, I've never read Huckleberry Finn, especially since I read an excerpt of it and it was written in what seemed like broken english! I'm gonna go check out your story now, I hate how the pictures don't load, though. The sun sets here around 5:00, which sucks, I wish it set at at least 7:30 \:\( What ever happened to your problem cat? Wish me luck on the finals! Addio (that's italian for bye) xox

Sliverfin101Jan 17, 2009

Thanks for coment and tip for my story

joker52455Jan 12, 2009

I'm so sorry about your cat \:\( but it's kinda funny though: what you thought was a threat was harmless, and what you thought was harmless was a threat! Hopefully he/she's better soon

joker52455Jan 12, 2009

Hi! Sorry I didn't answer right away like I usually do; I've been busy, and when the weekend finally came, I got disablingly sick! I feel better now, thank goodness. Do I say Mom? Yes, just like you say BARRACK!!!!! It's said mahm, though. It is a little annoying that it spelled differently, although here mum is a plant. Okay, I'm gonna end this: your tomato sauce is our ketchup and your spaghetti sauce is our tomato sauce. I guess it's cuz the US is more diverse, no offense, cuz real tomato sauce (US) is actually Italian, but most people have heard of it, at least that's what I thought. Also, the only time they put tomato sauce on fries- I mean CHIPS- and stuff is if it's Italian food-related; ex: chips + tomato sauce = pizza fries (ew), burger + tomato sauce = Italian burger (ew!), hot dog + tomato sauce = pizza dog (MAJOR EWW!!!!!!!!!!!!) If what I'm saying is true (which it probably is), do NOT put tomato sauce on pasta!!!! It tastes horrible!!!!!!!!! It was so funny how defensive you got: "Barrack? Why'd you say it like that? Like it's abnormal or something?" I guess it's cause when I think of 'barrack', I think of a building for soldiers. However, I did look it up and your definition came up 10 times before mine did; I also found one on a hungarian brandy and our new president. Did you hear about that? Doyou care, cuz i don't; I'm the anti-politician. Bagels are a common breakfast food; there's at least 1 on every corner in NY lol I didn't notice, but this whole convo was about food lol and way to fall on your bum and head! Do you bum or butt? And you play the guitar? Cool, how long? Anyway, I've made a big decision: I'm not entering the next legacy that I wrote because.....well, it's a legacy! Besides that, I'm just going to finish this story (I don't know when; sorry) and write a short story, then calling it quits until Sims 3 comes out! It's only a month and a half. How's summer? It just snowed here \:mad\: ooroo

crystal_89Jan 9, 2009

Hey, thats cool its a good thing I checked version 6 because I was about to log off the computer then I thought i'd check my story and saw your comment otherwise I think i would have left it. I will be up your way til thursday and i think i won't be at my nan until tues or wed ill call you. bye

crystal_89Jan 9, 2009

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I deleted my last chapter of my story the one with cruel to be kind the one that got 5.0! I thought it was just the last chapter not working then I deleted IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i spent ages on it.............. im going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Help, can you recover it?????

crystal_89Jan 7, 2009

and being random is my middle name... and no one can spell my first name they say natile and im like you fool its natalie.... ooops i said my real name oh welll.....

crystal_89Jan 7, 2009

but i prefer chicken more....

crystal_89Jan 7, 2009

because I love wentie and so do you...

crystal_89Jan 7, 2009

so don't go telling me i never comment in your gb

crystal_89Jan 7, 2009

i have a rwally awesome necklace \:D

crystal_89Jan 7, 2009

but im the only one at the moment...

crystal_89Jan 7, 2009

so it looks like your very popular and everyone comments in your gb

crystal_89Jan 7, 2009

im just going to send you random comments!

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