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clairepitts1994's Guestbook

fionaivriMar 23, 2009

Yup, I take your side too! \:D Would I be technically overseas if I was born in Israel and live in Ireland? \:D xox

delilah_rossMar 23, 2009

Good lord!! \:D   You know what, I'm actually plaanning on making a Sim of Wentworth Miller. I can't get that guy out of my head. Well actually I'm planning to create all PB stars' sims and also create the lots of the buildings that were seen in the show. Fox River is going to take sometime. And I don't think I can build it on only one 5x6 lot. I think it's going to take at least 4 5x6 lots. Well we'll see. Anyway take care. xo

spitzmagicMar 21, 2009

hi ya  (((hugs))) Texas is alright. Not much of a winter to speak of, but the summers are long and hot. I'll have to get a few pictures of some Texas stuff like the bluebonnet wild flowers (it's the state flower) now is the time they are all in bloom  and post them on my gallery. I'm near Dallas. My cat is a Siamiesse (spell check) his name is Sal-Meowieo.  I tried to teach him what the word "Bird" meant but he just gave me this 'are you stupid' look. LOL! Oh thank you for voting in my poll. Oh poor Mr Winter is not fareing very well \:\) It was very nice to meet you and have a wonderful day...  toodles \:wub\: - Barbara  

~wyldchyld~Mar 20, 2009

P.S. Your page is really cute! \:wub\:

~wyldchyld~Mar 20, 2009

Hi! LOL, at your cat! \;\) My cat is an elder and she chases the dogs around too, even the rottweilers! She loves to take her paw and smack their faces as the dogs run past her....she is bad! But sometimes its really funny! My puppies are almost 9 weeks, but they all have homes too, except for one, we are thinking of keeping him...hes sooo cute. 2 days ago was the mommy (Brandy) of the puppies birthday, my husband came home with a small birthday cake for her! She is his little girl and is spoiled! He had the cake decorated with her name on it! So we had a small doggie birthday party with Brandys 3 other doggie friends, that was different. Of course my husband was the one to eat most of the cake! He'd do anything for cake!! LOL Well have a great weekend, and happy simming! \:D Sherry

fionaivriMar 20, 2009

Well I'm sure that you can make their faces thinner? I hope so anyway! I really hope it's good though, a lot of the times with the games they make it look really good in pictures but when you actually get it, it's completely different! Yup, I've read theft and prosperity, I don't t hink I commented it but I certainly rated it with a 5! \:D I get pretty strange, random dreams too...\:rah\: I've got a friend from australia, have you ever heard been to Ireland? Au revoir! \:D xox

spitzmagicMar 20, 2009

Oh my goodness... yes I bookmarked you too. \:\)  I saw you on maxi_kings guestbook  and what you said (that was really nice) thought it would come vistit. It looks like I have some stories to read and some stuff to d/l \:\) I love your lots and also your dresses. Oh BTW Hello I'm Barbara...and  I'm a Sim Addict too. LOL \:D I loved your "About you" I laughed and laughed.  Thank you for making my day. I just love all these stories on this site and all the folks who create them. Everybody is so nice.  Just had to stop by and say thanks and hugs to you oh and also your banner and avatar are really cute. Have a wonderful day \:wub\: Barbara

maxi kingMar 20, 2009

\:wub\:Thank you for your lovely comment on my new story!It means a lot to me!Have a nice day!\:wub\:

fionaivriMar 19, 2009

Yes, I bookmarked you! Well, your stories are all pretty amazing! \:D Yes, I'm Irish! I always come up with ideas for stories, I just seem to mess it up when I put it on paper! I'm getting sick of my game crashing, I'm just going to wait for Sims 3! I can't wait for it, I was really dissapointed when I found out that it was delayed to June! \:\( In pictures of it, the sim's faces look quite different! I guess you could say I have a bit of an accent! lol! Do you have an australian accent? xoxo

DiddakoiGirlMar 17, 2009

Ah! You remided me. I need ice-cream. It's, eh, good for the...legs. Aaaaw, a puppy! My face is going all smushy just thinking about it. What kind of puppy? Our dogs are really weird, they're a cross between a collie and a pointer, so they're really skinny and black and white. And they like to think they're cute. I got news for them...\;\) Ha, you think you're bad! I have two other stories... wait, no, make that three ...waiting in line behind Abandoned. And right now me and my computer aren't talking to each other because it won't let me upload the next part. And now I need ice-cream. Um...ooh I just thought of the most original parting ever! Wait for it...wait for it...BYE! \:P I'm cool, me.

DiddakoiGirlMar 16, 2009

Yup, I've heard of that site...But it looks a little shifty, so I don't think I'll download anything from it. I've just discovered the PrintScreen button, it makes all my pics come out better. Have you tried it before? Now I'm re-doing all the screenies. I'm pretty much better now, just have a raging cough \:wacko\: I tried to see the finale of LNAC on the Sims 2 website, but it wouldn't let me because when I registered, I had already lost the game manual for M&G. So annoying! \:eek\: D'you think you could tell me what happens? Au revoir!

joker52455Mar 15, 2009

Hi! I was commenting someone's blog (Jaws3), saying that they got back to school Feb 4 and they had so much HW. At first I was baffled, then I saw that Jaws3 lived in Australia, and it made me think "I should write to Claire". First, sorry, life's been extremely busy since the last time I talked to you almost A MONTH AGO!!!!!!!!! I got an internship at Fred Astaire, I'm finishing my community service, and I'm taking classes to become a dance teacher \:D I also got addicted to this game Wizard 101. I don't think they have it in Australia, but if Harry Potter and World of Warcraft were fused together, that's what Wizard 101 is. It's not a very well planned out game, but it's still fun and addicting. How have you been? Anything interesting happen to you? While you read this, I'm probably gonna be playing Wizard 101 lol Adios, Auf Wiedesen (however you spell it), Sayonara, Addio, Au revoir, Bye xox

DiddakoiGirlMar 13, 2009

Hmm...Well, for me it says I can't upload too many images, but I usually just ignore it, and it still works fine. I've never uploaded more than 33 images on it, though, so I'm not sure of its limits...I rename all the pics I need and write in Microsoft Word with the pics inserted. That way I can see what's going on! Igh..I'm really sick right now and I'm not supposed to be on the computer, but I guess I could try convince my mum that downloading is a cure for any ailment...\;\)She just brought me some glucose barley sweets...So sugary but so good! I'm really into the writing thing these days, but I usually have a good start and then it goes plonk! So I'm going to spend more time on this one \:P So how are you doing?

drewsolteszFeb 26, 2009

Thanks so much for reading and commenting on my story "The Horsemaster", I have a new story posted, "The Gambler' hope you can read and comment!!

joker52455Feb 10, 2009

I'm sorry; I left out a HUGE amount of info: the whole story system sucks, so I don't think I'm gonna post the last part of my story. I could tell you it, but it might be stupid. Anyway, I'm always watch this show Dancing with the Stars and the new season is coming out! YAY!!!!! But then they ruined it by announcing the celebrites. All of them aren't famous! The only somewhat famous one is Lil' Kim; the others are from the galaxy of burnt out stars. The co-founder of Apple is gonna be on the show, so is some has-been actress, they even stooped so low as to let a rodeo athlete be on the show! Yeehah! NOT!!!!!! They bitterly disappointedme this year! \:\(

joker52455Feb 10, 2009

 OOH!! You're saying bad words!! Sorry I'm acting very childish today. I want scholl to end sooooooo badly (June 26 or something). I have everything in order; now for the scholarships and other money to pay fro this. Doing all this makes it seem soooo worth it lol. Anyway, I see you're very sad about the whole Sims 3 thing; me too! What's ironic is that it started as a rumor, with people coming up with lists of reasons why there couldn't possibly be a delay, then came the delay conference date, then they drop the bomb on us! By the way, it's June 4th for you guys \:\( sorry! I never got to play PoP cuz I got sidetracked when I realized I could finally finish Zelda: the Wind Waker (I \:wub\: Zelda). I've been neglecting it for a few years cuz my computer in my room stopped working and I didn't have the walkthrough book, so I had to get the walkthrough online. Now that I have a laptop I can get the walkthrough off that (YAY!!!!!!!) I'll play Prince of Persia when I beat Zelda. I wonder when the next Zelda game comes out? Oh, well; probably nowhere near now. I can't believe (I keep spelling "believe" wrong; random) how terrible it is in Australia, no offense. I thought it would be colder since it's far from the equator (I think lol) but I guess not. That whole paragraph depressed me \:\( poor you in the inferno, while I'm here in the icebox. Sorry this is so short; nothing has happened around here. oyasuminasai (I'm going to bed) xox PS: First PS! PS2: Why don't you want to be a vet anymore????? And why are you unpacking?

~wyldchyld~Feb 9, 2009

Awww, Ok 7 pups, an extra congrats then! \:D How old they now? Mine are now 3  1/2 weeks, the mommy is a cavalier spaniel mix, and the daddy is a spaniel and blue heeler/blue tick mix. The 4 pups together now weigh more than the mommy, so we started them on baby cereal and they are lovin it! They still nurse in between, but are starting to be able to climb out of the whelping box. They look so much different now, I need to take some recent pics, their eyes are open and they can now sit on thier own for pictures.\:D I named the 2 girls, but still thinking of the 2 boys names. My rottweiler is the next up for a litter hopefully this spring, she watches over the other pups, making sure they are all, shes so good with them, and they arent even hers!\;\)

joker52455Feb 5, 2009

Sorry it's been a while; A LOT has happened this week. First, the new semester started and they screwed up my schedule. I'm still sorting it out. Second, I GOT INTO ST. JOHN'S U!!!! I finally have a college to go to. Last, my mom and I have been trying to get me out of AP Bio since this is a new semester. Today, the principal broke down and let me out of the class discreetly since she made it a rule that no one is allowed to drop AP classes. Do you have AP classes? They're advanced placement; like college courses except you take them for a whole school year and there's a test in May to redeem credit for the class. Yay you have played spore!! I'm not alone lol there's someone else in the school who plays Spore, but I don't know him well. "My favourite stage was the now I've forgotton what it was called but the one after the cell stage when your walking around looking for food and making friends lol I liked to get a baby creature from another pack thing, and then it would follow me around"? You were talking abut the creature stage. Kingdom Hearts is an RPG where a guy, Sora, and his friends, Kairi and Riku, go though crazy things, which lead them on adventures through world from Disney lol. The enemies are the Heartless (steal peoples hearts duh) and the Nobodies (bodies of people who have become Heartless). You need to play all the games to understand the whole story; I haven't so don't ask me. I have Prince of Persia, but I forgot which one I have. Either way, I stopped playing ages ago, but I'll start back up now that you reminded me. I was soooooooo angry when I found out The Sims 3 was being delayed till June (June 2 to be exact)! \:mad\:  I can't believe they'd tell us that it's coming out in February, then announce a small delay, then push it foward almost 4 months! I'm getting just thinking about it. The only thing that keeps me cool is writing the story I'm going to write once I get the game (in June \:mad\: )I guess the bright side is that they'll be able to fix some things that people complained about and take out all the bugs. I remember you complaining how "unbearabley hot" it was in Australia: I was looking on Wikipedia for something when I read one of the current events and it said that there were record high temperatures in Australia causing fires and all kinds of crazy stuff. The whole story system now is the most annoying thing on the planet! Who's idea was it to change the site?! It was fine the other way. I'll try to get the last part of the story out before Monday. Have to go eat bai bai (that's the Japanese version of "bye bye". A lot of people use it even though it's kind of immature lol) xox

~wyldchyld~Feb 5, 2009

Hiya! I see you have a litter of 6 puppies! Congrats!\:rah\: We have a litter just born on Jan 14th...2 boys 2 girls. They are 3 weeks now, and almost as big as the mommy already. They look more like the daddy than her though, but still cuties! Have a great weekend, and ttyl!Sherry

joker52455Jan 30, 2009

Ni Hao (Chinese for hello)! I feel so bad for you guys down under (where the toilet water spins the opposite way lol) with the heat wave and everything. I've been kinda bored for the opposite reason: for the past couple of days its been BITTERLY COLD!!! I usually can tolerate the cold, but it's way too cold. I've never heard of those games; I have a PS2, but I haven't played it lately. I've also been neglecting my Wii. I hope KH3 (Kingdom Hearts 3) comes out soon. There's actually a funny story to that: I started playing KH when before I moved. Then when I moved, my PS broke \:\( but my friend from across the street (who I didn't know at the time) said that he had the game. It's how we became friends \:D  Anyway, I've been preoccupying myself with computer games, especially Spore! I \:wub\: Spore! It's my favorite game. In fact I'm apparently a "Spore addict"; there's a page with all these achievements and since i spent 100 hours playing the game, I'm a Spore Addict. I also found the Galactic Core (the middle of the galaxy), got all the weapons you could possibly have, morphed planets, etc. If you have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm talking about, then you've never played Spore and you really should lol. I've got to go; today's actually pretty warm (global warming) so I'm getting Chinese food with a friend. Zaijian (Chinese for goodbye) xox

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