Man About Town_marcorse
Sims 3 — Man About Town_marcorse by marcorse — Five fashion sketch paintings of a young man about town - all in one file.

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Created for: The Sims 3 Creator Terms of Use

Five fashion sketch paintings of a young man about town - all in one file.

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ItemID: 1342920

Filesize: 347 KB

These paintings were created exclusively for TSR in the Workshop, on an EA mesh. They are TSRAA for lots or decor on TSR, but you may not re-upload them anywhere else, nor claim them as your own work. The paintings have recolourable frames and are height adjustable on the wall.

Preview credits: Chair/throw/wind: lulu. Wall:Kriss

Credits: EA/TSRW. Preview credits will be found in Creator Notes.

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There are 4 comments on this article

Akatala ∙ Jul 3, 2016

Is it just me or so these some how resemble incarnations of Dr Who in some ways? Excepting 11th is wearing a different tie there. XD

Judy VIP ∙ Jun 22, 2016

thanks so much! usually it is all about women and of course this is, but in such a different and welcome way! can't wait to use these in my game! good work! thank you very much! \:D \:rah\:

Pralinesims ∙ Jun 15, 2016


murfeel ∙ Jun 12, 2016

OOooOoo~! I could use this; cool!