murfeel (2846603)
My Latest Sims 3 Creations (581 in total) Show all my Sims 3 Creations

Bane Penthouse
Published Aug 26, 2017
My Latest Community Uploads
About Me
If anyone's interested in even MORE creations by me, check me out at the Exchange as well as my new Simblr account!
-My Simblr:
-My Studio/Exchange: and make sure to read my studio blog at to get the in-game screenies and extra info on the lots!
And don't forget to check out my screenies for extra views of my TSR lots, at
If anyone has problems installing my creations, send me a PM explaining what is wrong, so that we can figure it out together.
In June 2011 I was invited to be a Select Artist at TSR, and in October 2011 I was promoted to Featured Artist, which TOTALLY blew me away--I am still in a semi state of shock! Thank you, everybody--you like me! You really like me!!! ^-^
Meh. Nothing else to say about me...MUCH. I'm a hermit, and I hate going outside or looking at people or hearing a lot of noise, so I usually stay in my bedroom, permanently attached to the crummy laptop I spent way too much money on in my blind desperation to have a new computer. I love playing video games (obviously) as an escape mechanism; my Play Station 2 is one of my most valued possessions, and I'm especially into RPGs (Square Enix, Niis, Konami and Koei works are my favorites). Other than that, I write, read, and draw. And eat. Junk food. Lots of it. Ironically, I can't gain any weight, and though I'm the eldest sibling my younger sister's much bigger than I am, so I can't stea--I mean, BORROW--any of her clothes. *SIGH* I don't watch much TV unless it's the History Channel or something, anime/cartoons, or anything with a half vampire half werewolf dragonslaying wizard in love with an elven princess held captive by a group of witches who want to use her blood to gain eternal life and beauty so that they can rule the wizarding world and finally acquire the One Ring of...wait....
Thank you SO MUCH, Doon27, for the special present you sent me!! And to Nicholiathan, for putting a special SPARKLE in what has been the most terrible month for me! And thank you SO MUCH to the 4 simmers I met at the officials who helped me get SHT, SN, SSNS and ITF! And as for that Anonymous Aussie Lady (you know who you are, woman, don't play games)--you are all in my heart for EVAAARRRRR!!!! ... *ahem* ...
My Latest Updates Show All
I really hate TSR's 50MB limitWritten Jan 02, 2015
I REALLYREALLYREALLY LOATHE the upload limit. Lots have to be 50MB BEFORE putting it in a zip. I can't even furnish a lot the way I want to without getting lots some 60 - 80 MB in size. So alot of the lots I've been sitting on lately y'all may never get, or they'll be totally unfurnished and dumb looking after I literally sledgehammer away all the hard work I put into furnishing the dang... ...More
I REALLY need feedback from y'all on my lots, folksWritten Oct 13, 2014
I can count on my hands how many times I got a downloader who either sent me a picture of my lots in their game, or sent me a message tellingme a lot wasn't installing. I REALLY need y'all to tell me when installing my lots gives you trouble or not , otherwise I'll NEVER know what might be wrong, since of course they always show up fine from my end! Trust me; I don't INTENTIONALLY... ...More
I am still active, people! Just busy!Written May 22, 2014
I know my activity at TSR has markedly dropped again and y'all haven't seen a lot out of me for a monthor so now. Lots of factors involved: 1) I'm putting a lot of time and energy into the clothes (yes, clothes--gasp!) and objects creations I've been sharing regularly for almost a year now at my Simblr, and I'm learning new things every day, thanks to the angels of... ...More
My Guestbook Show All
mermaidashJul 08, 2022
Hiya Murf! I hope it's ok to put in a request here.. I'm not very good at tumblr and things like that, heh. First off, I just want to thank you so much for all of the amazing creations you make for us.. from the bottom of my heart, thank you. I was wondering if you would be able to make a set of larger floral wall decals that are kind of realistic(ish) looking (like what you could find on google search if you type in 'floral wall decal').. like maybe roses/peonies/calla lilies, those types, or whatever you can do Thank you so so much!!!
soize71000Sep 04, 2021
Thank you very much for all your amazing creations.
DindirlelAug 09, 2021
Thank you so much for commenting on Isis earrings! It was lovely to read