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Created for: The Sims 4
This is a collections retail square. Collection and handmade things (products of game skills) from base game and addons are on sell here.
Also we have a restaurant, bar, an excellent garden - and even an old underground grotto
Besides, the certain building is provided for the staff and family of the owner.
The lot is 30x40. Contents:
1-st level (from upper left corner counterclockwise):
1. Shop of souvenirs and toys.
- MySims Trophies;
- Postcards;
- Snow Globes;
- Decorative Eggs;
- Sugar Skulls;
- Cracker Plushie;
- Voidcritter Cards.
2. Bookstore.
- Writing.
3. Shop of handmade furniture and decor.
- Handiness/Woodworking.
- Fish (wall).
+clay items.
4. Pet shop.
- Frogs;
- Insects;
- Aliens (alive).
5. Chemist's shop
- Herbalism
+ products of Science career
+ potion from shop of awards.
6. Rooms of employees (bottom)
7. Restaurant (right bottom corner)
- Cooking/Gourmet Cooking;
- Baking.
8. Grocery store.
- Fish;
- Gardening (fruits, vegetables, herbs).
9. Garden.
+ all plants except alien.
10. Observatory (top)
2-nd level (from upper left corner counterclockwise)
1. Photographic studio.
- Photography.
2. Clothing store.
3. Art gallery.
- City Posters;
- Experimental Food Photos.
- Painting.
4. Geological exhibition.
- Aliens (dead);
- Crystals;
- Elements;
- Fossils;
- Metals;
- Microscope Prints;
- Space Prints;
- Space Rocks;
- Magic Beans;
- Geodes.
5. Rooms of employees and owner (bottom).
6. Bar (right bottom corner)
- Mixology.
7. Flower shop.
- Gardening (flowers).
8. Room of rare plants.
+ alien plants.
1-st basement level
1. Workshop.
2. Chimney room.
2-nd basement level
1. Grotto
+ pond with all fish needed for cooking.
Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1383317
ItemID: 1383317
Filesize: 794 KB
NoCC. As I've used "Shift+]" code, install the lot from building mode, not from city map for objects to stay increased.
I have all the addons and expansions installed, finishing with the last one, "Fitness Stuff".
- Value: 912559
- Furnished: Fully
- Decorated: Throughout
- Stories: 5
- Lot Size: 40x30
- Custom content: No custom content used for this creation
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