Kevinworth Prison *Playable*
Sims 3 — Kevinworth Prison *Playable* by trin3032 — Be Warden of your own Prison! Kevinworth is a PLAYABLE mens' and

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Created for: The Sims 3

Be Warden of your own Prison! Kevinworth is a PLAYABLE mens' and womens' prison on a residential lot. Now your household can live in the slammer! Each household member will be either an Officer or an Inmate. It's up to you! Move in a family of adults, dress them in the appropriate uniform, lock the doors (see notes section) and you're ready to play! At Kevinworth the Inmates work and the Officers act like they own the place! As Warden, boss your Inmates into cooking and cleaning right away and keep those Officers happy! Assigned beds are a must! Hate prison food? March your Inmates over to the prison Library to check out basic skill books or buy recipes in the library's Bookstore. There's plenty of fresh vegetables for Inmates to harvest and include in the meals. Plant-challenged Inmates can pull fish out of the Fisheries for fertilizer or food. Use the Workshop to hone those inventing skills and Inmates may just build something useful. But watch out for fires or your Inmates may be doing time in the prison Cemeteries. Want your Inmates to do hard labor? The Miner or Junk Pile is the place for them. Or just make them listen to that new Inmate who discovered the guitar in the music room. Officers are encouraged to mix with Inmates but watch that discipline or you may have a scandalizing prison romance on your hands! There's no escape from Kevinworth so learn to love it. Lock 'em up tight until they act right! By trin303, for TSR.

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ItemID: 1219892

Filesize: 47 MB

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*REQUIRED EPs for this lot*

*YOU MAY NEED ANY OF THESE EPs for this lot*

*Custom Content from Third Party Sites*
Thanks to these artists for items included in Kevinworth!
Security Camera at Stuff for Sims 3:
CAStable Public Information Signs by Macthekat:

*Recommended Cheats*
(How to cheat: In the game, Ctrl-Shift-C for command line, then type in a cheat below, then press Enter):

unlockoutfits on
moveobjects on

*How to Play This Lot*
1. Create a household of Young Adults or older.
2. Dress each member in either an Officers' uniform (use the one from Ambitions) or an Inmates' uniform (create some orange or black-and-white outfit in CAS).
3. Move household onto Kevinworth Lot.
4. TRANSPORT each HH member to the Inner Courtyard (look for the horseshoe courts).
5. Pause the game.
6. Put the walls up.
7. LOCK THE DOORS (see below).
8. Unpause the game.
9. Click on Front Door and choose Set as Front Door from menu.

You're ready to play!

*Lock the Doors*
There are seven doors in Kevinworth that you, the Warden, must lock to keep the Inmates and Officers in their right places and to prevent escapes! The doors are color-coded.

All seven doors are on the First Floor near the front of the lot.

3 doors: Yellow-and-Black stripes: INMATE ACCESS ONLY
In Live Mode:
1. Click on door.
2. Choose Lock... from menu.
3. Choose Specify Sims for this door... from menu.
4. Set it like this:
Sims Who CAN Open This Door=Inmates
Sims Who CANNOT Open This Door=Officers.

4 doors: Blue-and-Black stripes: OFFICER ACCESS ONLY
In Live Mode:
1. Click on door.
2. Choose Lock... from menu.
3. Choose Specify Sims for this door... from menu.
4. Set it like this:
Sims Who CAN Open This Door=Officers
Sims Who CANNOT Open This Door=Inmates.

No need to lock any other doors! Inmates will stick to their assigned areas.

*Tips for Playing Kevinworth*
Some work by you, the Warden, is necessary for Kevinworth to function at its best.

1. INMATES' FIRST ACTIVITY: Have Inmates go to kitchen and begin cooking meals.
- Officers don't cook at Kevinworth so make enough servings for everyone! Choose the Serve ... option from the menu when assigning an Inmate to cook.
- Inmates must Put Leftovers Away when they are done cooking a meal. This makes the food available in the Mess Hall refrigerators for everyone. If you don't do this your Officers won't be able to eat!

2. ASSIGN BEDS: A good Warden won't let Inmates duke it out over which bed to take.
- Inmates: Assign beds for male inmates on the Mens side of the prison, and women inmates on the Womens side of the prison.
- Just look for the gender signs to know which side of the prison is which.
- Officers: The entire Third Floor is Officer Access Only, and that's where their bunks are. All Officer areas are always Co-Ed.

3. BOSS YOUR INMATES: Inmates are lazy so a good Warden makes them work!
- Bathrooms: Have Inmates get busy and clean toilets or sinks that need it!
- Laundry: Patrol those laundry buckets after every bedtime and shower! Have Inmates collect the laundry and take it to the Laundry Room.
- Cleaning: Let's have no dirty dishes sitting around in the Mess Hall! Inmates must also empty Kitchen trash compactors and clean other appliances as needed.
- Fix-it: No leaky showers at Kevinworth! Make your Inmates fix plumbing and appliance issues right away. Have them skill-up in Handiness so they can be useful.
- Gardens: Those veggies won't harvest themselves! Get those Inmates out there and working. No playing in the sprinklers!
- Fisheries: It looks like leisure but it's really hard work! At least the Inmates make it look that way but don't let them hoodwink you. Get fish for recipes or fertilizer.
- Hard Labor: This isn't a resort! Inmates, get to the miners and dig, dig, dig! Don't neglect those junk piles - there's some good scrap in there.

4. KEEP UP PRISON DISCIPLINE: Happy Officers are necessary for a good prison!
- Keep those Inmates cooking meals and putting away leftovers. Cranky Officers are not fun to be around so keep them fed!
- Officers can leave the lot but watch those neighborhood excursions or your Inmates could be running the prison when your Officers get back!
- Officers don't have it all easy at Kevinworth. They might be in charge but they still do their own fix-its. Inmates are not allowed access to any Officer area.

4. MANAGE PRISON MORALE: As Warden, you decide who gets to have fun!
- Encourage Inmates and Officers to socialize. Look for the Green-and-Black wallpaper striped areas - that's where socializing happens! The Mess Hall, Library, TV Room and Inner Courtyard are always open to Inmates and Officers alike and are always Co-Ed. Inmates, challenge your Officer to a friendly game of horseshoes or beat him at chess!
- Visiting privileges are for good Inmates only. If a Visitor comes to your lot, you'll have to unlock the Visiting Room door for him (or use Build/Buy Mode to put him in there). But Visitors do a lot to cheer up Inmates! And, they spread the word about what happens to criminals in your Town.
- Inmates can explore their own interests when the work is done! Have them check out the Music Rooms, Barber Shop (tattoo), classrooms, or Drafting rooms. And there's plenty of room in the Yard for catch!

*Make the Warden's Life Easier*
For helpful Kevinworth Game Mods, check out my blog on this site!

*Want to do more time?*
For an immersive prison experience, check out the Prison Interactions at


  • Price Unfurnished: 432663
  • Price Furnished: 811403
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 10
  • Bathrooms: 5
  • Stories: 3
  • Lot Size (z): 50
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There are 13 comments on this article

NORIEGA22 ∙ Jan 16, 2017

Great job!

kymeec70 VIP ∙ Nov 20, 2014


Lie76 ∙ Nov 2, 2013

So realistic\:\)Thank you,Amazing job

sumguin ∙ Oct 25, 2013


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