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smexywalrus's Blog

Sorry It took so long...

Hey everybody! Sorry it took so long to get Part 4 of The Telescope made (I just submitted it, so it should be up tommorrow), but I was having computer issues. D: So YAY! I finally put it up. So again-SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!!! :D I'll make Part 5 ASAP!!


PS-Sorry for the short blog too! Super busy right now!!

ANOTHER Update! :)

Hey everyone! Here's the current news.

 Sorry I haven't updated anyone in a while. Why? I was actually on vacation relaxing and forgot to bring my laptop. And if you've read my other blogs, yes I know it's kinda mean to go on vacation and have fun when my grandmother's in a very ill condition, but......


 She's still in the hospital and will be for another couple weeks, but she's doing much better. But again, it can change at any moment, so we're all keeping out fingers crossed. So thank you everyone for the prayers. It really helps. Thank you thank you thank you!!! I love each and everyone of you for it! It really helps to know that people care. :)

So since my grandmother's doing better, I should be back to writing "The Telescope" this Thursday. Why not tomorrow? Well, I'm lazy. :D Sorry-that's what a nice relaxing vacation (and a sunburn) does to you.

Again, thank you everyone for the incouraging comments concerning my grandma and keeping us in your prayers. I'll start writing again on Thrusday and might even put up part 4 and 5.

Love you guys!


Just to keep you up to date...

Hello! As you probably know I've stopped writing my story for a while due to my grandmother having a heartattack. I thought I'd like to keep you up to dat on what's happening. My grandmother isn't holding out well, and we think its due to anxiety, due to the thought of dying. I'm still praying that she's giong to make it, but she's 80 years old and already has diabetes and problems with her liver. But if she does die, I hope that she dies without having to go through too much pain like my other grandmother. I will try my best to post Part 4 of The Telescope on Tuesday afternoon or Wensday. It might not even be next week, and if that's the case I'm extremely sorry, but my life is in the middle of moving, an ill family member, vacation, back-to-school, and friend problems. So I'm super sorry if I don't get to it soon, and I'll do my best. I want to thank everyone for being so understanding for me right now and everyone who has wished my grandma well. Thank you for being so caring and reading my stories-thank you for everything. It's really encourging to hear everything that people write wishing my grandmother well. So thank you for everything, and sorry for the delay. -Allyson


Okay, so I probably already messeged you telling you if you commented on my story, but I'm blogging it anyways. So before you ask, here are the answers:


 I'm taking a short break from writing my story, The Telescope.


My grandmother had a heartattack right before I was supposed to go on vacation, so I'm really busy with that, and I probably won't have time to play Sims at all. :'(


 I will probably get back to writing them around August 2nd or 3rd, so probably less than a week. I promise to keep you updated.


 Haha Okay listen-I promise not to leave you hanging off about what happened to them and all. Even when I make the end of the story, I promise to make an Epilouge to explain what will happen to everyone's lives.


Sorry! You have to wait and find out. I promise (I promise alot don't I?) to explain it all as the story progresses. Well, most of it anyways. Some of the things that are going to happen in the story don't even make sense to me when I read them. Just incase you didn't know, my imagination runs amuck alot, and sometimes I wonder what the heck I was try to say when I read my storys or the songs I write, ect. So sorry if some of the things don;t make sense.


There's a couple reasons. 1-I'm in a rush to finish the story and I'm typing fast and make mistakes. 2-I'm jumpy or something (which happens a LOT!!) and I mess up. 3-Umm, I'm human! 4-My keyboard is really bad. It's large and hard to use.

I hope that explains all your questions. Also, I will usaully put any update in the comments section under my stories. So check this blog often for updates!

Thanks & Sorry,


Hello World!!

Well hello there! I finally got off my lazy behind and started a Sims 3 story!! If you don't already know, it is called "The Telescope". I have just sent in part 2 for aprroval and I'll be starting part 3 fairly soon, but it took me about 10 hours total to make part 1 and 2, and I'm exhausted. I didn't know this before, but staring at the computer screen all day doing confusing work with very little other human interaction can really make you feel stressed and lonley-especially when you're as social as me! Haha. Well I probably won't remember to do too many blogs, but I'll do my best to keep you updated.

Anyways, I already have my next story planned, but I'm going to wait untill I'm done with The Telescope so I don't get confused. Yes, I know it will happen anyways, but I'm trying okay? Also, I noticed that there are alot of mistakes in my stories. I apoligize if some of the parts make no sense, but again-10 hours of that can really wear a person like me down. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I enjoy making stories and I like the comments and the ratings of my story so far. I really appreciate all support (I love you for it mom lol no no just kidding-I love anyone who reads my story, even if they hate it). I'd like to thank all the people who've commented on my stories of anything like that. And I'd also like to thank 2 story writers who inspired me to make a story:



I really love their stories! Go check em' out!
And I'd also like to thank everybody who creates free stuff on here. Thanks for not asking for money because I have none to spare ;D Thanks also because I have no clue how to make anything for sims and I hate almost everything EA gave us.

So to sum it down-thank everyone in the world for just living.


Latest Headlines

Sorry It took so long... ANOTHER Update! :) Just to keep you up to date... The Telescope-UPDATE ON STORY/Q&A Hello World!!
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