Easel Art Catalog
Sims 4 — Easel Art Catalog by peco28 — This mod adds a new "Paint from Catalog" pie menu option, that lets you

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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use

This mod adds a new "Paint from Catalog" pie menu option, that lets you pick and craft any In-Game paintings on the easel... so no more scraping and re-starting just to get the painting you want, you are in full charge of what your sims will paint!

Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1664976

ItemID: 1664976

Revision: 5

Filesize: 5 MB

- This mod contains a ts4script file. Script files CAN NOT be more than ONE FOLDER DEEP within the Mods folder, otherwise they will not be loaded by the game!
- Make sure you've enabled both "Content and Mods" and "Script Mods" in the Sims4's 'Game Options' > 'Other settings'.

This new "Paint from Catalog" pie menu option lets sims choose and craft any In-Game paintings on the easel, that are available at their present Painting skill level... so no more scraping and re-starting, you're in full charge of what your sim will paint!

To unlock this feature your sim needs to fulfill at least one of the following requirements:
- Have an at least Lvl.5 active Painter Career.
- Reached at least Lvl.8 Painting Skill.
- Purchased any relevant Painters' Reference Guide Books. (they can be bought from: Purchase Books > Skill for $1.000 each)
- Purchased Rob Russ' Magic Deluxe Easel. (can be bought from: Build Buy > Activities and Skills > Creative for $25.000)

Once your sim met one (or more) of these conditions, you'll see more themes and options getting unlocked.

Some notes:
- The Painter Reference Guide Books don't need to be read to unlock the relevant paintings on the Easel, it's enough if your sim has them in their personal or bookshelf inventory, or even if it's just placed somewhere on the lot.
- While the Rob Russ' Magic Deluxe Easel unlocks all options straight away, there are still some necessary level requirements in place where needed. (for example, the Surrealism option unlocks only at Painting skill Lvl.5, simply because there's no in-game surrealist painting that is available to paint below that level.)

The Paint from Catalog option is also compatible with any third party paintings replacer mods you might have, so no worries there!

Q: Why are the thumbnails for some paintings just flat images instead of the default 3d ones in the "Paint from Catalog" picker dialogs and in my sims' inventory?
A: This not technically a bug, but more of an in-game limitation and only affects the object thumbnails in both the picker dialog and the sims' inventory, and not the paintings themselves.
(To explain it a more in-depth: the picker dialog can only render thumbnails for existing objects, and paintings are one of the few craftable objects that do not technically exist until the crafting process is actually started by the sim. Basically all paintings are just empty canvases until the crafting interaction applies a texture to them, so if I would have gone and let them use the default auto-generated thumbnails, then all of them would have just shown up as an empty canvas in the picker dialog... which would literally defeat the whole purpose of having a picker... And while I could have "cheated" and pre-render a thumbnail for each painting to circumvent this, that would have killed compatibility with third party painting replacer mods - which are quite popular. Maybe there's a way around this - i dunno - but it's definitely something above my present skill level to solve, so I suppose this is a minor cosmetic annoyance you just have to live with)

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There are 2 comments on this article

peco28 ∙ Mar 1, 2024

This mod is now broken, as of game patch 1.105.332.
You can find an updated version at modthesims.info/d/678586/

peco28 ∙ Aug 18, 2023

Due to the slow and cumbersome approval process this site offers for updates, I decided that I will not update this mod any further on TSR. Fresh releases will still be available on other Sims modding sites, I will not list them here, but you know... Google is your friend. Use it.
Take care.

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