The Squealing Mermaid Boathouse - Family Room
Sims 4 — The Squealing Mermaid Boathouse - Family Room by fredbrenny — This is the family room. It is one of two living

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Created for: The Sims 4

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This is the family room. It is one of two living rooms in this not too big of a lot. Only one person living here at the moment, with three cats, so yes, a family it is.

Rain Aviles, a Murkland daughter of Freddie and Wayne, bought the old boathouse in Brindleton Bay and is making it her own. Salty winds sometimes carry the squeals of the mermaids into the house and give the lot a haunty feel. No worries though, the house is not haunted. I was tempted, but no.

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ItemID: 1526086

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The room is designed for The Squealing Mermaid Boathouse lot (which I will upload at the end of this series). If you plan on placing this room in the Boathouse lot, please check for any double windows and/or doors.
I own all of the Stuff, Game and Expansion Packs that are currently available on Origin (02 February 2021)
For this room you will need: Cats&Dogs, City Living, Jungle Adventure and Laundry Day stuff

I used the cheats bb.moveobjects, bb.showhiddenobjects and debug. Please use at least the bb.moveobjects before placing the lot. Also, it might be wise to use freerealestate on too.

Credits: All artists here at TSR whose objects I use with gratitude!

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There are 4 comments on this article

wamayerli VIP ∙ Feb 8, 2021

This is Fantastic! And I love the name! Thanks!

Darynda VIP ∙ Feb 7, 2021

Very original. I LOVE it.

Danuta720 ∙ Feb 7, 2021

Amazing! I love that style.\:wub\:

Moniamay72 ∙ Feb 6, 2021

Awesome atmosphere of the room♥ Love it♥