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magicmorgie's Guestbook

AleNikSimmerOct 16, 2018

And thank you for Hawkmoth ^-^ yeahhh, Adrien could totally be extremely tall when adult (and I hope Marinette grows too considering her father)!

AleNikSimmerOct 16, 2018

Let's say I'm not completely recovered but I can attend classes again \:\) Ohhhhh btw I watched Frozer in italian (it came out a couple of hours ago) and it made me CRY. I love the voice actors and the pathos they put in this episode it's just too much to feel t-t the va of Marinette and Adrien were incredible, expecially Adrien, didn't liked that much in Frightningale yesterday but in Frozer he was perfect, I love him, he's one of my fav va! (also the one of Philippe is usually the one who voices Leonardo di Caprio, another one of my fav! The italian dub made me like the episode 100 times more!) Anyway I haven't thought about the rebound but it makes sense! A lot of sense! At least from my pov (and maybe personal experience? Idk) I feel like when you are in love but you try to go past it because it's one sided you usually don't look for friend because you are still unsure as hell and you can hurt them (okay, totally not personal experience but I see it in this way)..And right, the troublemaker episode didn't helped Adrien open his eyes despite all :c And I've think about that too..Adrien keeps saying she's just a friend but I tried several times to recall if he acts like this with Alya too (since their group of friends is that and she's a female) and I've also tried to imagine if he would act the same with Marinette and Alya but the answer is always no, I can't recall any episode like this in the seasons nor I can imagine him acting like this with Alya. To me he's just too oblivious and inexperienced to understand what his subconscious is trying to do. When he's CN with LB he's a big flirt but to me it's something more related to instincts and love at first sight, while with Marinette he looks like he's trying to make a good impression, but he seems to care way more about Marinette's perception of him than the one the others have..he cares A LOT about her and he doesn't even seem to realise it (Evillustrator, Gamer, Befana, Animan, Troublemaker...even as Chat he has special attentions for her, and if it's not her physically it's her family, her life in general)...ah, about people always being the moral compass of how the character should act, like Marinette shouldn't try to be always good and be mad sometimes but Adrien can't be mad with Ladybug...they keep forgetting they are 14 years old! They are at the beginning of their teenage years, their life is a mess even without superpowers, plus they have this enormous weight of saving Paris everytime, Adrien has f*cking big family issues, he's alone, he needs love and he fell so hard for LB, it's like he keep feeling abandonment..he tried to move on with Kagami but he can't, he's obviously messed up but he recovers pretty quickly! Plus, why Marinette, who is more mature for her age, can't try to be always good even when she's personally attacked? She has her highs and lows but she's always trying to regain composture and be the usual sweet caring strong girl. Why people can't learn from her instead of saying she has every right to be mad for Chloé or whatever reason? Or are they forgetting that one time she went very mad she was almost being akumatized? Aren't people thinking that maybe she's acting like this also to avoid this kind of situation again? Or also the one you said! She shouldn't have said that, like she wasn't trying to bully, it was just a personal thought that escaped her lips because she was double annoyed because she knew exactly how thing went...tbh people are never happy, no matter what, they have all their headcanons and they think they must be applied to the show, instead of focusing on the actual show and understand what's canon and what's not. Ohhh, I would like to see more sane friendship between Adrien and Chloé too! Theirs now is kinda odd, but I think if she's becoming a better person she can have a very old good friendship with Adrien!

AleNikSimmerOct 15, 2018

Hi!!! I think I lost track of the messages at some point xD (side note: Frightningale is premiering in Italy right now and the rhymes are extremely cringy, but useful for kids who want to learn more difficult words xD)..sooooo speaking of Frozer (that's basically the main topic xD), I had a lot of mixed feelings in these days (oh and btw while watching it at 1am I accidentally kicked the desk while everyone was sleeping, when they were sitting on the bench and Adrien says he likes Kagami, I couldn't help myself because I wasn't understand anything and remembered just then that Kagami is called Kyoto in Brazil -and Katami in my language because the pronounce of Kagami in my language sounds a lot like "shit me" or "consider me" in a very low way of speaking)...okay, turning back to the topic, I wasn't even mad about the episode, I really thought Kagami was giving advices to Marinette (and damn, this episode made me fall for her, she scared me in Risposte but now it's pure adoration xD), then I read that she was actually thinking that Adrien liked Mari but Mari couldn't decide from her pov, and so that she was kinda hoping that something could born between her and Adrien. And I was like, okay, fine then, but that made me wonder WHY Adrien decided to date Kagami. I mean, from what we know he is friend with both Marinette and Kagami (school and fencing) and he's deeply in love with Ladybug. So why deciding Kagami instead of Marinette? And then I thought, what Kagami has in common with LB that Mari doesn't have apparently? The first stupid thought was "a red outfit" because when he first saw Kagami she was all red xD then I tried to be more serious but all of them are strong and focused women, maybe it's the athletic skills? But this wasn't hinted in any way in the show. But if you think about them LB and Kagami can be more similar, while Marinette is more sweet? Is this the "problem", why he can't see her as nothing more than a friend? Kagami and LB most of the times are fierce, while Marinette tends to be mroe insecure, is this what attacts him?...Then speaking of Luka, I still don't like him, actually he acted nice, but I find him creepy as hell, expecially the parts when he comes out with the guitar "you have something like this *starts playing*", b*tch please go away. Also, a thing I was liking a lot was the face that Adrien made when Luka took Marinette, I was enjoying all the memes, but then Feri said he was just admiring how to act with a girl from Luka (BOI, wake up, you already flirt like hell with LB and more than one time you looked like a gentlemen, you don't need advices from creepy Luka) and not jealous in any form. And, I thought about it, I still want to live in that headcanon of jealousy, but the canon still proves that no matter if it's a date with another girl, everytime he thinks Marinette needs help he runs Edward-Cullen-style towards her, even in the bathroom. He may not realise how much he cares for her now, but there is hope. Also, THE ENDING, he said he WON'T change target (LB) so bye bye Kagami and Luka understood that Marinette likes Adrien and there's no place for him, so bye bye creepy boy! \:D everything is still fine! \:D a couple of words on Malediktator, I loved it and I loved Chloé and Queen Bee despite all, when she fights with LB I felt pure Girl Power! Also, I know TONS of people expected a more drastical redemption for her, but I'm sure they made it this way because it's a kids show and there's no eps order. They must use a linear development of the charachters (with some little high and low) at least in each season. In s1 she was pure garbage, in s2 we can see she has another side deep inside, in s3 maybe we will have a more powerful redemption. And I agree with Marinette, being Queen Bee can really help her act better. \:D

AleNikSimmerOct 11, 2018

(Oh apparently now I can post several messages o.o wow)

AleNikSimmerOct 11, 2018

Uhhhh about Emilie being a guardian I doubt. That stuff happened when Fu was very young and now he has something like 180 years??? I don't know what happened in his life but what happened to him to make him lose the book and the butterfly and peacock miraculous are surely connected to Emilie's state. The fact I still can't figure out is why Gabriel was there with Emilie, was that a trip to find inspiration? We don't have enough info yet but maybe Catalyst and Mayura are going to give us more about the Agreste's past \:D and only now I start to believe that magazine that talked about Lukanette and Adrimi c-c I had to watch the episode at 1am I can't even freak out because people are going to be sleeping T-T I'm going to suffer in silence (and I hope if that kiss is real we are going to have a love square kiss before the end of the season. WE DESERVE IT)

AleNikSimmerOct 11, 2018

Okay, so I've downloaded the nail pics. I think I have no problem for the one in the blue row (and the last one but I don't like it very much with that giant three dots xD). The one with smaller/detailed designs are impossible to do right in here, but the simpler ones can be done or I can come up with similar ones. Do you have any preference on the shape/length of them (I think the ones in the blue row are perfect in that shape)? \:D About headcanons I don't really know xD I sometimes do little theories (the ones I told you) but usually wait for the episodes to give me more elements, I usually don't like going away from canon (I mean, I appreciate funny comics about some headcanons the community has, but for example I hate when people ship random people together (like Adrien and Nino), like whyyyy, I hate when they put their headcanons into characters' sexuality. Like, we know Juleka is omosexual, Rose and Nathaniel maybe bisex, but Adrien never showed any interest for males, nor Marinette for females etc etc...I don't know, I'm bi but I don't like this thing, even if they are fictional...I guess it's just stretching canon too hard to fit a headcanon).

AleNikSimmerOct 11, 2018

So, I don't know how the name is in english, but my bronchi (?) and lungs aren't the best since I was born premature (?) and during the change of seasons I suffer from it, so it's like a cold but it affects a lot my bronchi and now that I'm recovering I have basically lost my voice c_c About Sandboy, I don't think they were that kind of nightmares, I mean, in Reverser was reversed what Reverser saw, while in Sandboy the nightmares comes from the hit person's imagination. I wouldn't say they are their worst fears (for fear you need a very very strong emotion) but actual living nightmares, Like living a daydream when awake (I don't know how to call it) but the opposite. That also would explain the inspiration for the villain (I don't know if you have watched Rise of the Guardians). And your nightmare, omg, that's a real one D: Oh, I don't think Nathalie is a part of Fu's story. I doub't she has 100 hundred years xD and when that happened Fu was young..or wait, do you mean we haven't seen the real villain yet? Like someone as old as Fu? Uhm, idk, probably? We have new characters in this season, maybe there's one important that is going to come in the next seasons. Avoid things on instagram is like cross the road blinded and hope not to get hit by a car xD I was thinking of making her watch an episode from season 2 so maybe she gets stucked but I have to decide which one..she already saw the kiss in Dark Cupid and was surprised in a good way, but I doubt just romance can intrigue her..She loved Trollhunters after I forced her to watch the first episodes and she couldn't stop and now she's looking for 3Below (the story that follows it) because there was a nice plot, not because of the romance unfortunately \:\( I've tried to show her the pic of CN kneeling with the rose in front of LB but she was like "meh"...and don't touch the dark themes! My teenage years were a nightmare because I used to draw very dark things (Fallen angels, blood, wounds, knives, ropes, dead people etc), they were worried I was part of a satanic cult or something because I just felt like drawing that things c-c About the powers of kwamis, I've read a post on tumblr recently "Tikki Creation, Plagg Destruction, Wayzz protection, Pollen Subjection, Trixx illusion and Nooroo Generosity"...Uhm, I think they can have 14 years xD I see 14 yo around here and they totally can be like that, they say or do stuff they don't even know the "more adult implications" of it..ten years ago during my teen ages things were different, but they are supposed to be teens now so it's totally possible xD (also, see how Gabriel hand kissed Audrey? I think Adrien grew with that kind of romance that he is portraing as Chat Noir \:D)

AleNikSimmerOct 11, 2018

Heeeyyy..I know, the spoilers were a shock. Like, a real shock, I wasn't that shocked when Emilie's coffin came in or when Chat detransformed. But the only presence of Luka shocked me 10 times more. And the plot WHATTT. But then, again, with this season I've learned that nothing is what it seems, not even the trailers or the "plot written for the episode in advance". We just need to stay calm, now I also feel bad because I shared the spoilers but I was really shocked. But again, I'm going to hate the episode to judge (even if it comes out at 1am in here). I don't want to guess if it's a real kiss or not, in Zombizou trailer CNxChloé kiss looked almost real but it was nothing like this. I'm not saying that they are under the akuma's power but maybe the context is completely different, maybe she goes back at last because she doesn't want to kiss him deep in her heart due to Adrien or maybe it's just one of that screenshots taken during an action and they just are that close for a whole other reason (like the funny ones with Chat from Stormyweather etc). I wouldn't hate her, just focus your hate on Luka xD (anyway now I'm reading the messages before and try to answer if TSR allows me), just stay calm :3 we have been proven several times that Marinette loves Adrien \:D

AleNikSimmerOct 9, 2018

Hello!! Guess what! I'm home sick after just a week of university xD Agree, Hawkmoth had "zero control" over Sandboy's victims. I wonder why he wasn't scared he could reach Adrien too. PLOT TWIST (my headcanon at least) Nathalie is the real evil villain that we are going to know better in the next seasons, and Gabriel is just an almost good character compared to her, uhm, like the season one introduced the characters in general, maybe season two is explaining Hawkmoth to introduce Mayura as Nathalie. Oh yes, I only trust the twitter news, but when I go to instagram most of the post suggested are fake af news, like they use a word say by Thomas and place it in a completely different context and create a story around it. And then people believe them, and when you try to put the reason (because some story are very messed up) they won't listen, ugh. Ohh, my family hates cartoons or kids games in general. My grandma calls them "monkeys", my dad can't stand them in his presence and my mother say she doesn't like them (but I just have to force her to watch and in the end she appreciates them. For example didn't wanted to watch Moana, I forced her and then she watched it without pausing and even cried a little, plus said it was very beautiful. I need to find a way to force her watch the first season of Miraculous so that she can enjoy the second that has an actual plot). But about dolls etc they say they are just for little kids (when I was a teen my mother had also the courage to say that graphic tablets are "games" for kids and I was too old for them), they never understood my love for fantasy, drawing, digital art and cartoons in general, they always say they are for kids or they are not enough serious for adult people. They don't even know I learned how to use a 3D program. Anyway, the kinder eggs for now are Kinder Surprise (the small ones) and Kinder Maxi (like kinder surpirse but bigger) but haven't seen the last ones with miraculous yet, just the Smurf. Plus I've heard that for Easter 2019 Kinder is going to release some Easter Eggs Miraculous themed so I'm looking for them too (last easter there was another Firm in partnership with Miraculous for Eggs and other easter sweets but I was allergic due to hazelnut so never bought them, plus the surprises where a little lame, while I know for experience kinder does nice figures for easter). And I don't know if I saw the nail stickers, but if the design is complicated it's a little difficult to recreate in the sims because the texture space is limited D: but if you want them you can send me the photo and I see what I can do \:\) Ohhh about the sims, have you seen the next EP Get Famous??? I can make Adrien a celebrity now (even if just acting) and Marinette a fashion designer xD aaand agree, to me Nathalie hoped Gabriel was going to give up so that she can be with him..and the more I think about it the more I ask myself how kids are going to understand it. Because this show has been told to be for a very young audience, but the more we know about the story the less I believe it. Because the story seem complicated, a lot complicated the more we progress, and I remember the cartoons and the books of my 8-10 years old and they were a lot simpler than this. I know the way most of the things portraied are simple and straight to the point (the repetition of the plot in every episode) but I highly doubt a child can catch the lore that lies behind. Because we over analyze things, a movement of the eyes, the choice of words, how people act or react, but kids don't do this, at least most of them. So, did Thomas make it to catch the attention both of kids and of adults? Like kids are entertained for a reason and adults for another? Dreamworks used to do this with some of its works. Uhm. Okay sorry for this monologue, I told you I was sick, my mind doesn't work properly right now xD and agree, I need to see more of everything xD

soloriyaOct 9, 2018

Same here - I'd like to have witches in game... But I believe one day we'll get them \:\) And thank you for your comment! ♥

soloriyaOct 7, 2018

Thank you so much! \:\)

AleNikSimmerOct 6, 2018

Hellooo! Finally a free day! It's just been a week since I started university and I already feel exhausted xD I hope I can keep up with the messages (and don't worry if they are long!) Captain trashrock OMG I can't xD xD But I don't know how much symbolism there is in there :/ Uh from that point of view I prefer knives (I love knives!) and maybe Mari fightinig with needles/stilettos things \:o ooookay, so I've watched Queen Bee and Queen Wasp this morning, and the more we progress the more I AM SURE there's going to be an order at some point. I mean, things are starting to happen a lot, there's no way they can keep going with the no order thing in season three or four! Aaaand, about Gabriel, after these two episodes I restarted loving him more than before..I know he is a shitty person most of the times, but he's extremely hurted to the point of obsession, he needs redemption, he needs Emilie back, my poor boy \:\( I know what he did to Nooroo is painful, but he's just a man who suffer and keeps making mistakes \:\( also, don't want to spoiler but NATHALIE WTF, I'm afraid of her, extremely afraid of what is going to happen, I know this serie is going to break my heart in the end, I'm going to cry for days, no matter what, even if there is going to be an happy ending I'm going to cry, I just know it. I see a lot of people commenting "YESS, GOOD, LOVE IT" no matter what news Zag come with and then people invent stupid fake spoilers or news and other people follow them and spread them..I hate it, I get that maybe they are very very young but still they have to learn how to research their infos :/ I would love to have all the action figures but they cost and my parents consider me too old for's a blessing that my mother didn't argue on the Kinder eggs since I'm eating them anyway and the surprise is just a bonus..considering the new episodes, I have the strong feeling that Mayura is going to be Nathalie (also consider her color scheme), one group of italians fans pointed out that if she's going to be Emilie this means that Emilie has been brought back, but at this point what's the meaning of wanting LB and CN miraculous \:o If I don't remember wrong in italian they call them "bearer/carrier" (I mean, the italian translation of it)..but I'm not sure if I heard this from the fandom or in an actual episode of the first season (because Sandboy hasn't been translated yet, we have them till Captain Hardrock, but from what I understood we are going to have the rest of the season starting from 15th of october). And thank you for the good luck ^-^ and I'm sorry if I replied late, I come back from university late and then I am tired..yesterday I even collapsed on the sofa and started sleeping for an hour, this has never happened to me before t-t hope you're okay \:D

AleNikSimmerSep 29, 2018

Hi! Sorry if I haven't answered asap, I restarted working on Hawkmoth Set and forgot how Miraculous projects usually make me lose perception of time c_c anyway I think I also lost track of the conversation xD I don't remember if I already answered you or not, so sorry in advance if I'm repetitive xD so I've watched the video you sent, and I think it's me that's oblivious and can't hear the flirt at all xD and idk why people like Luka, I assume because he's the "classic bad-emo boy with a heart deep and full of feelings" but it can't be compared to golden-angel-boy Adrien and his alter ego in a leather suit, seriously, Luka lost before even starting v-v and I don't know about the studio, but damn you see he has eyeshadow, it's not like a "little" detail as Rena Rouge completely messed up face in Syren (I mean it was terrible, but at least she had the mask on), I don't know how studio works but I don't think it's that difficult removing that unless they were using an adult model again (Jagged face maybe? I wasn't able to see the episode in HD yet)..uhm, tbh I've never thought about their civilian selves akumatized, only superheroes ones..uhm, for Marinette the cause cauld be something related to injustice, that triggers her a lot, and for Adrien maybe some friend breaking his trust, since he's "not that touched" by the condition his father treats him. And for their powers I guess it also depends by the situation, but I don't think they are going to be love related akumas \:P uhh about Chloé, I've seen the new spain trailer and she needs to be protected by his mother, that woman is terrible, Chloé needs to step back and surround herself of good people, not that b*tch even if she's her (absent) mother. About the fake reveal, the more I see people say it must be imagination because it's in the middle of the season, the most I'm afraid of what is actually happening in that episode, because it's not the first time that Thomas leaves us speachless/breathless during an ep *cough*gorizilla*cough* and they make the trailer to rise the hype of the fandom, they are made for this, not for showing the actual episode (even if I feel the episode is going to leave us half heartbroken) xD where did this thing of the batteries came from? Never thought about it, I don't know if I should feel bad for him xD Ohhh Hawkmoth is going good actually! I was able to make the jacket and adjust the mask, they are not exactly like the show because I have to work with a low polycount and dds for textures, but I like how it's turning out ^-^ I think I'm going to publish some progress in my tumblr in an hour or so so you can see it if you want \:D and I was tempted to treat him bad but I'm too happy with the result to care about his sh*t personality xD but it happened that I have locked him in Adrien's room with CN and LB and take some funny screens xD I doubt someone is going to die (at least in this season) due to the audience, or Miraculous is just a very dark serie and we are going to notice it only at the end of season two (I'm referring to Emilie and how Gabriel is starting to lose control c_c), and I also think Marinette is going to be the next guardian if there's going to be one, because she found the book and suddenly Master Fu is teaching her (even if some people say it's going to be Nino for the turtle miraculous but I see no point in it). And thank you for the mermaid tails pics ^-^ I really like to see how my ccs are used \:D also, thank you for the compliments \:D I actually tried to recreate a silicon tail when making it, and not using my imagination like the first one \:\) (also don't worry for the ": o" face, I use that too for the same reason and not for the embarassed one!)...Ohhhhh don't get me started about the news of today! I ranted a lot on twitter about the fact that they also want to do a f*cking live action serie! I mean, wtf it's the point of doing a f serie with actors when we are struggling finishing the CGI one and Miraculous is born as a CGI show! It's going to be a disaster, I can predict it, I don't think they have the money to pay good actors and good people who work with the special effects (because they are going to need them A LOT since the magic and the action scenes). They are treating Miraculous as a brand instead of a show and I hate it, I already said I hate the idea of the live action movie and the LA serie made me even angrier. They should concentrate on making less things but right instead of saying they are going to do everything possible immaginable and in the end they are not even able to finish airing season 2. Seriously I know a lot of people are excited about the Live actions things, I would be excited too, but this is just TOO SOON, and I've seen to many books ruined by LA movies or series. I know Miraculous it's not a book, but it's a serie itself, what's the point of making another serie just with actors? Reaching an older public? Still doesn't make sense if they are going to use mediocre actors etc. And what story they are going to tell? The same one? Same episodes just with real faces in them? A different story before this one is even completed? And what's the point? What is canon and what is not if the story is different?! I also can't understand if it's Zag that is pressing Thomas, I doubt that this whole things is his idea. I know he cares a lot about his creation, if he wanted to make it with actors it should have started with them. Also, if these are just ideas to hype the public I don't like them, if you're telling that there's going to be a LA serie and then this comes out in 10 years it's extremely poor strategy for a "brand". I don't know what to think, I only know nothing of this sounds good in the situation we are \:\(

AleNikSimmerSep 26, 2018

In the italian dub in reflekta she seemed like making fun of him in a friendly way (even if the words are almost the same \:o maybe it's the tone they used or I'm just blind as Plagg would say xD), it remains one of my fav episodes in season one xD Oh right, the age difference too! I remember when I was in High school, the age gap between classes feel enormous even if it was just a couple of years because you grow a lot during that period and the differences are visible (like when people of university dates people in High School, there might be no big age difference but the way of deal with life is different)..uhm, it could be also that, but again Luka needs to change or else I wouldn't like him in any relationship. :/ I don't think they even mention Sandboy real name? Also, why did he have dark eyeshadow I will never know, I kinda hate when they do this (the same with Ella and Etta where they used the face of the mother for them, ugh)..I wonder if the way Plagg and Tikki interact influenced LB and CN relationship xD we're going to see a lot of fluff if the reveal goes well, I can see it xD I AM JUST WAITING FOR IT! I need to see LB and CN akumatized before the end of the show, I need it! Since we have Queen Wasp and Zombizou it's totally possible and I can bet they are going to do it sometime (I hope at least)! And about their civilian self, I think it depends on the object/reason they are akumatized, Chloé has been Antibug because wearing a LB costume and hating LB, but soon she's also going to be Queen Wasp I guess because she is transformed or because the akumatized "object" is going to be the miraculous/Pollen. And, from the moment most of the episodes of the season two seem to be taken from fanfictions (I know it's NOT what happened) I think Thomas thinked about them akumatized too! Sameeeeeee \:D but don't die! We need to finish watching all the seasons first! (and it's going to take a while xD)..and about the trailer, I've watched it when I woke up and I saw everyone was saying "ALERT HUUUUGE SPOILERS" but I was expecting it was Emilie, we already saw that room in Gorizilla and in the spoiler pics Zag posted on instagram stories months ago, I really don't know how people can stay spoiler free in this fandom xD the thing that I wasn't expecting was Chat on his knees, because that is different from the (fake?)-reveal so maybe that scene was true and I can already feel my heart breaking \:\( they are doing this for shaking the fandom xD Like they did with Style Queen trailer when episodes were being cancelled in August, I think they are trying to put the interest high! Also, I've realised the second season is almost finished and I'm starting crying inside. I joined the fandom when we had episodes till Risposte in my language so I don't know how I'm going to feel after Mayura ep..I hope we haven't to wait ages for season 3 to come out :c I don't know about the comments, I know I can post short comments after wall of text too, but two wall of text "in a row" apparently are marked as spam :/ and I'm glad you like the new mermaid tails ^-^ I kinda stopped working on them anyway because I'm re-starting with Hawkmoth xD my inspiration goes away and comes back randomly xD and yesss, the snake is the one greysh-greenish that speaks most in the episodes, and agree, he seems so wise! And snakes are my favourite animals after cats so I couldn't not love him *-* Plagg's cuteness can charm anyone xD I can't wait to know more about their past!

AleNikSimmerSep 25, 2018

Maybe not annoyed, but she was always taking him down when he started being romantic, in the second seasons instead she's being considered about his feelings, their relationship is getting stronger \:D or maybe in the first season I've taken things wrong due to the fact that I've only watched it in Italian, some things that people claimed where there in English/French wasn't there in my language :/ Glaciator will always have a place on my heart *-* I agree, they were so vulnerable exposing their feelings, they are so precious \:wub\: I might not hate him (I mean, I'm not even hating Gabriel) but surely he's my least favorite character from the series, even worst than Chloé in my list. To me he remains a creepy that tries to win a girl's heart making fun of her, than playing a song and then "she's the most amazing person in the world"..I'm pretty sure he already knew her from Rose and Juleka due to the pics in the boat, but it's like "I've never seen this girl in person, only heard about her, but as soon as I meet her I start acting as a charming creep to have her attention", ew...And yes, noticed the ring and earrings and the fact that one is "creative" like Marinette and the other one is "discipline" like Adrien, for sure they are not just random secondary characters, I'm both scared and curious how their story is going to develop \:o and yes, somehow cat puns are difficult in italian, since the word for it is "gatto" and basically no word in italian start with that..also "ottimismo/cataclisma" doesn't quite rhyme so I don't know what they are going to use c_c yep, Marichat for the win xD and actually I won Seasons in SimsCommunity giveaway, I've been lucky *-* Aaaand Sandboy Oh My Goooooooooooood, I love it!!!! There's so much lore going on! And Gabriel is going mad, someone needs to save him because he's losing control -.- Also nightmare Adrien omg xD it's not one of the worst things I've seen but it was kinda disturbing..and Adrien beeing caged broke my heart :c anyway Sass the snake kwami is my all time favourite, I need to see him more, I love him T-T also I love angry Ladybug, she looks so badass xD "HERE KITTY KITTY" omg xD also all the LADYNOIR! It was basically a bridal style ep!!!!! I fangirled so much xD also, the fact that Chat Noir is saying "Sorry m'lady" during the battle, omg, I love them, I love them so much, they are getting closerrrrrrr \:D \:D Also have you seen the new Brasilian trailer? The one filled with spoilers? \:o

AleNikSimmerSep 24, 2018

Yep, I do poses too but just for personal use usually. I've tried a couple of time to make a downloadable set but I see no point in it. I mean, I make some poses for previews if I don't find the one I've downlaoded from other artists fitting, or usually for edits (and for the Miraculous sets) but I doubt people are interested in a package with random poses in it xD About the order of the episodes, a couple of days ago someone posted on twitter a picture and Thomas said it was the production order, so I stick with it as the chronological order of the episodes, it also makes sense because Glaciator is near the beginning and explains why Ladybug is no more annoyed with Chat flirts, considering that now she knows his feelings are real. Also, Reverser is placed after Style Queen and Queen Wasp, but before Malediktator, which makes sense since in Reverser Nathaniel drew Queen Wasp. I hope somewhere there's also the production order of Season 1 :c Exactly what I thought! To me Kagami is going to be an extremely good and wise friend for Adrien, the one he needs to understand his feelings! Also, rewatching the trailer Marinette don't seem enthusiastic at all, surprised yes, but she doesn't look happy to me. And, what kind of boy lift you up like this the second time he saw you, come on! I would like that someone redraw the scene but with Marichat..WAIT, I think I'm going to create a couple of poses today \:P *evil laugh* I hope it turns out well xD considering I have seasons I don't have to create the iceskates from scratch \:D uhm, I used to ship Luka with Kagami because Kagami scared the hell out of me in Risposte, like, if she was real and I come across her I start running, but the trailer made me change my mind. I know we don't know the plot and I'll probably change my mind again, but I'm starting loving her as a person, and she seems too good to be with Luka, which I still consider creepy as hell despite the new trailer. Everyone seems to love him despite the ships, but all I feel when I see him is "he looks like a stalker". Haha, well I have a lot of difficulties making cat puns (or puns in general), in my language they made none with Chat Noir (even if it was possible with the translation more than one time!) so I was shocked when worldwide he was known for the cat puns, I was like "Excuse me? What does it mean?!"..the fact that English is not my first language is not helping at all..I'm also afraid they are going to screw Frightningale up due to the rhymes (the episode isn't out yet in italian) :/ Yep, I feel the same xD the internet is going to explode xD (I hope the fandom resist till that moment, I mean with all the delays I'm afraid they are going to start losing public \:\( ) Your sims are adorable *-* and agree, the way makeup works in TS4 is pretty lame :/ I basically use CC makeup most of the time because I can't stand the one in game..the one they added with the last free patch seems to go in the good direction anyway! I really love the lipstick they added \:\) haha same! When I started the Paris save and I added Adrien as Chat he started immediatly to be flirty with her, and she couldn't care less xD I was so entertained seeing how their sim versions reacted to eachother xD xD

AleNikSimmerSep 23, 2018

OMG lizard man xD I like that nickname for him xD Nope, never played sims social. Sometimes I play The sims freeplay on mobile but it's not my cup of tea :/ For CCs I use blender and GIMP, I've been using this last program for ages (maybe ten years now) and I get used to it, my brother let me try photoshop but I can't understand it xD and thank you \:D and the male version of the mermaid tail is published now \:D Oh...uhm, I used to take them while I was working on their Sets. Now I have difficulties having inspiration for new poses and edits between them \:\( but if I look back I really like what I was doing with them, I hope I can pose them more in the future \:\( mine are teenagers too in my Paris save \:D I've only aged them up in the 100 baby save for obvious reasons xD And not really, if you use sims4studio there are some tutorials in the forum \:\) you just need a program like GIMP or Photoshop if you work with png \:\) I reacted the same when I watched it the first time, but then take my time to analyze it and I'm okay with everything except Luka :/ the reveal is probalby Adrien's imagination and he gave the rose to Kagami because she was trying to comfort him, nothing romantic involved. But Luka needs to get his hands off of Marinette, he's not even subtle \:mad\: oh I'm sorry xD the trailer came at the worst time tbh, it froze (lol) me for an hour more or less while I was trying to process it and the fandom was going mad on both twitter and tumblr (and I've heard discord too) xD now I can only imagine what is going to happen in the fandom during the real reveal, I can see already the wigs flying xD xD

AleNikSimmerSep 21, 2018

Frozer trailer killed me. \:puke\:

AleNikSimmerSep 21, 2018

Maybe Chloé is going to accept their relationship in future seasons, at least I hope considering she's Queen Bee D: and I NEED to see Alya freak out for Marichat or Ladrien! I'm glad we have fanfictions and fancomics about it XD Oh yes, they're adorable when they blush! They need to do it more \:P with the sims mobile I started right after it was launched, even if not in my country..I must say it's better now than before. The first version used to age the sims based on the real time. I wasn't able to finish anything because after 2-3 days they were old and gone without any confirmation popup :/ If I had to decide I would like Game packs too..we have just had Seasons as an EP which is pretty huge even if we don't have a new world..a new GP with some new occult would be great..I know there are rumors about university too, but I don't know if it's supposed to be an EP, I don't really know what it was in TS3. Anyway I hope it's an occult xD Actually, if it wasn't for the sims, I would have never thought about 3D modeling. During my whole life at school I've always been good at Art/technical drawing and math/science, and most of the people I knew, including my parents, put me towards science because "it's more serious and the jobs are better". I was good with it till I started university. There I stopped drawing and suddently I was having problems with some classes unexpectedly. I've paused my studies this year because I reached the limit and used this time to understand better blender and focus more on CCs. And I've found I enjoy it a lot! I also found out that a comic school I wanted to attend instead of university (not enough serious for my parents) has implemented classes about 3D and game development, so I hope I can attend them after I graduate now that I don't want to follow the scientific path anymore \:\) ohh I used to love photography too! Have you joined some classes about it or are you learning by yourself? (I don't really know how it works, sorry xD) Uhm, I don't know how good it's going to work due to the weights, what I wanted to do was create a specific top/outfit with them (since every top in the game is a completely new mesh with arms included). The downside of this is that or they are going to be still with no movement, or they are going to move at the same time with the other arms (which at this point is what I am looking for). About the mermaid tail, I don't know if I can update the post in TSR, but I think I'm going to do a new one called bottom 8 (which is almost ready, I just have to check the uvs again). There is going to be a little problem with the texture on the hips because the male bottom has less polygons than the female one, but it should be difficult to notice unless you know it's there. Ohhh no no xD I mean they have the default underwear, they are not going to be naked naked anywhere xD omg it sounds hylarious now that I think about it xD and the Paris save is where I put the characters in New Crest and build their houses from the show, with age off and MCCC to control the body mass so I don't mess up things xD I don't know if I'm ever going to play with it, but it's where I take the screenshots \:D Agree, I already hate Chloé's mother more than Chloé itself lol I really really love your Marinette! She's so cute *-* I'm not good with any kind of sims xD anyway, I think Adrien looks good as aged up! I mean, he surely has Gabriel jaw line \:D Have you tried making cas CC? You can start with some recolors if you don't find what you are looking for \:\) (I also think male ladybug themed clothes don't exist at the moment x_x)

AleNikSimmerSep 19, 2018

Hi! Sorry if I answer just now, I have my grandma at home and I have to take care of her, in this situation I usually don't have enough time to respond to long comments, I'm sorry \:\( anyway kiss or not kiss, most of the class seems to already ship them (Gigantitan, Frightningale and Gorizilla) xD ohh right! If Adrien is conscious this time it's surely going to be a longer kiss than Dark Cupid (unless he suddenly become shy lol)! Btw I'm waiting for a Marichat kiss, pre or post reveal doesn't matter xD Yep, TS Mobile is a little boring, in fact I only play it actively with events, otherwise I just log in for the bonus and tell every sim to go work for a long event and then open it after hours or the next day. And I agree, we need more for TS4 soon, yesterday the gurus said there's no update in September but one free in October with new stuff (probably halloween themed to me!) and a new pack coming before the end of the year (I hope it's not a stuff pack, nothing against them, just I was hoping with something more focused on gameplay than objects). In university I'm studying Molecular Biology, I hope I can finish this year and then start fresh with a year of 3D modeling (in another school), I thought science was the thing I was meant to do in life but a lot of things changed this year and I want to try a different path. \:\) about Anansi I don't know, I surely wanted to test a couple of idea I had for it (and for Vanisher and Horrificator) and see if they work, otherwise I'm probably going to do her with just a couple of arms xD about the furniture at the moment I don't know, but I think I'm going to do Marinette's mirrors and sink for sure and some decor in her room (okay, nevermind, if my inspiration comes back I'm going to do all the things in build/buy mode that can be done from Marinette's room, and then probably her kitchen/living room first, then maybe from the Agreste Mansion) \:D Your sims look adorable!!! *-* (for screenshots I usually use the TAB mode and move with the keyboard if I'm not playing (so I use poses), if I'm playing I just take random screenshots from time to time xD) yep, it's not supposed to be used while walking xD and the tail is only for girls sadly \:\( I wanted to do the male version too but there's a lot of work to be done because the bodymorph is different and I wanted to publish is as soon as possible \:\( I've put the Invisible feet available for everyone to avoid putting it in every single mermaid tail I'm going to publish (the future ones, even if different mesh, are going to need this tail to work due to this). I was already working on a different one but at this point I think I'll try to convert this one for males and publish it, and then put both the male and female versions in one single package for the future ones! I know I've made a mess with this one just because I was too excited \:\( In my Paris save (not the one of the 100 baby challenge) Mari, Adrien and Gabriel are naked except for the everyday xD Marinette and Adrien are dressed only with their Sets while Gabriel has some Game clothes until I finish his set xD from what I've seen Nyx (the author of mermaid, fairy, zombie and aliens mod) is working on swimmable oceans, river etc \:D he said it's a long work but totally possible! If EA is not going to give this to use we have amazing modders for it \:D and agree, mermaids in pools are weird xD and I've seen the Sabrina set! It looks so good and I really really want witches soon! I've bookmarked it to download even if I rarely use BB CC items t-t anyway, have you seen Malediktator trailer??

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