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liberty's Guestbook

isalesSep 17, 2009

Hi Liberty, I´m from Zamora. It´s not a famous city. The correct form is Muchas gracias por.... \:\)

spitzmagicSep 17, 2009

ROFLMAO...too funny...really laughing out loud.....Knuffels shattie....\:wub\:

Jennifer_RSep 16, 2009

Hey Mike, how've you been? How's the job hunting goin? I'm so over working, really looking forward to the Xmas holidays! A little way off yet but oh well. How's the rest of your story coming along? Well have a good wk! Oh..did you know that the Oxford dictionary spells 'surprise' six different ways! \:P \:\)

spitzmagicSep 15, 2009

((((Mike)))) I am so glad you liked it...I had to stop there cuz I was'nt ready. Man, it took forever to get a perfect deathfish. I didn't think I was ever going to get one..making me mad it was..LOL but once I got her garden skill up to ten the very next time I sent her fishing she got one....\:D

spitzmagicSep 15, 2009

wow that sounds like so much fun...I bet you miss that a lot, I know I would...that's just so cool getting paid to do what you like to being a rock star...\:cool\: \:D I don't have facebook. or any of those type things. \:\(

spitzmagicSep 15, 2009

(((Knuffels))))) Mike, my newest chapter is out. You said you were a Hotel entertainer. What did you do? It has been raining here since Thursday. You would think that it would be getting cooler, but it's not. Not yet. My favorite time of year is approaching Oct-May and September too that's when all the new shows on TV start up again....\:D Have a wonderful week...Liefs Vriend...\:wub\:

spitzmagicSep 13, 2009

OMG *big huge smile across my face* WOW that's so cool. It wouldn't of happened if it hadn't been for you too. So thank you. If I were there I give you one big giant bear hug. Thank you WOW!....big bubble head walking around here in Texas....\:D \:P \:wub\: \:rah\:

spitzmagicSep 13, 2009

Wow!  No way....WOW I wish I had gotten the newsletter for some reason I did'nt get one. I was suppose to. Oh wow what does it say? OMG!   *runs around all excited*.....knuffels vriend...I gotta go see if I can find one some how....WOW

TheNumbersWomanSep 12, 2009

I am happy you like those shutters. As the tool progresses I plan on all sorts of things for builders. Have Fun and keep Simming! Thanks So Much

NewtlcoSep 12, 2009

Thanks so much for your comment on my Sims 3 mesh set, it is so exciting \:wub\: Have a nice day \:\)

piggybabySep 12, 2009

Glad you enjoyed my protest screenshot, thanks for commenting. \:\)

spitzmagicSep 12, 2009

Hi Skattie, Happy weekend...yay \:D What cha doing? Be on the look out I submitted Chapter 2 of Ghostly Encounters. I so much love that house and the graveyard. I am so glad you let me use it. The story just wouldn't be the same without them. Well bug ol' Knuffels my friend. Have a great weekend...Liefs Vriend \:wub\:

tdyanndSep 10, 2009

Hey, Mike. Thanks again for another comment on the Andretti's. \:\)

spitzmagicSep 10, 2009

oh wow that's so cool. I've seen the show that's been filmed there. Inside the Actors Stuido. I also think it's cool that you guys have traced your family tree back to 1723. I find that very interesting. I wish ours had been done. The towers in NYC were not rebuilt, they put a momument in it's place. Amongst the sorrow of it all, one thing that was found to be heart warming was that when the towers fell and the dust setteled. Our flag was still there on the top. I don't think it was even burnt. I would love the see NYC to be able to vist the momument one day...\:wub\:  

spitzmagicSep 10, 2009

LOL maybe you have a long lost relative....LOL The person in NY must an Attorney. Attorney's almost always put their name on buildings. That's too funny....Good luck working on the attic. Is it about to start turning cooler there? I wish it would over here. I'm ready for it...have a great evening....knuffels Vriend...\:wub\:

francienSep 10, 2009

Heya Mike zo goed om van je te horen, alles goed daarzo? en harstikke bedankt voor je suported commentaar op The Manor..het was een heel leuk huis om te bouwen heb er wel wat werk aan gehad maar het ziet er prachtig uit in het spel..hee spreek je snel weer \:wub\:

spitzmagicSep 8, 2009

Knuffels ((((Mike)))) We went to Oklahoma City for the weekend. It was nice. A bit hot but nice. 9-11  8 years ago. Yes that was devastating to all of us. Still to this day when I watch it, still makes me cry. It was tragic. We lost so many people that day. It's all hard to watch but when people starting jumping out of the towers was very heart wretching. The skies were quite for some time after that. I wonder why ya'll can't get around it but then I'm not sure I know what you meant. I know the movie you are talking about though I have not seen it, I'm not sure I can emotionaly. There were thousands of emails with power point slide shows that went around, even those were hard for me to watch. My friends birthday is on that day. He doesn't celebrate it anymore, but i still get him a card anyway. I believe that what happened over here touched everyone around the world. Anyway on to more cheery subjects....How's the story coming along? Have a wonderful week....ta taa...Liefs Vriend....\:wub\: barb

spitzmagicSep 6, 2009

Knuffels Vriend, sneaking in from Oklahoma City....have a great weekend ...or Sunday rather...\:wub\:

spitzmagicSep 4, 2009

Wooohoooo can't wait to read it. Have a great weekend Vriend see ya Sunday...Knuffels..\:wub\: Barb

spitzmagicSep 4, 2009

Way to go Vriend....Your story is being featured on the front page....way cool.... woohoo.....\:rah\:

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