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urm0mAug 3, 2009

I just submitted the finale, woo!!! Part 10 has been done if you read it? But it seems to have been deleted (AGAIN) xxx

urm0mAug 3, 2009

Yeah of course you can x \:D

shaml_sim Jul 25, 2009

Hey \:\) To have newborns wear clothes, you just have to download them from websites that make them. I'm not really sure which sites have them, you could just google it, but I'm pretty sure TSR has some. With newborn clothes, though, you can only have one type in your game at a time. So, you just download whichever outfit you want, then put it in your downloads folder like normal, and when a baby is born they should be wearing it. Some might only work with certain skintones though. Just check what the information about downloading says for the certain outfit you want to download. \;\)

urm0mJul 23, 2009

Oh and many thanks for your comment on my story yet again \:wub\:

urm0mJul 23, 2009

Hey I got the dresses off this site, thing they're called Maxi dresses if you wanna search for it!

shaml_sim Jul 17, 2009

Hi \:\) Ok, so what you have to do to make a picture that shows both people on a phone call is firstly, take a picture of both people on the phone. Two separate pictures. Then what I did is open both of those pictures in the Paint Shop Pro 4 program that I have and cut each picture in half, the halves with the person in them. Then I've opened up a new blank picture the same size and pasted both those cut images into the new picture. Then I drew a line down where the pictures were cut. I know I've probably confused you but I don't know how else to explain it \:confused\: Does that help?

shaml_sim Jul 10, 2009

Hey \:\) Ok, I'm going to try and explain this as best I can so bear with me \:o  What I did, for my A Message from an Angel series, is took a picture that I wanted to be the cover page in the game, then I opened that picture using the Windows Paint program and wrote text on it with the font, size, colour etc that I wanted. And it was as easy as that. For my Learning to Love story, I've used a picture I found on the internet, opened it in a Paint Shop Pro 4 program that i downloaded and wrote the text of my story title. If that doesn't help you, I've read one of the tutorials here at TSR before that helped me when I started. It's about making story cover pages. If you look in the tutorial section, you should find it. Hope that helps! \:\)

shaml_sim Jul 9, 2009

Heya \:D Thanks for commenting on Part 2 of my story \:wub\: Glad you liked it! \:\) About your question, when you download maternity clothing, it also works as regular clothing. You can download both regular clothing and maternity clothing. Some of the regular clothes can also work on pregnant sims, but some won't. Obviously if they're labelled as maternity clothing than they will definitely work on pregnant sims. Hope that makes sense! \:D

shaml_sim Jul 8, 2009

Hello \:\) What features of Nick and his sister are you wanting to know about? I use quite a few websites for clothing, though for men it's harder to find clothes. These websites I use quite a lot:,,, and Some of those have a few men's clothing but I tend to just download mens clothes when I come across them. And I download from here at TSR, of course. If you're wondering about hair, then I use several different websites. My favourite for hair is, but www.xmsims and are good too. The donation hairs at are also quite good. As to your story, that's a great idea for a story line. Naomi leaving home and her mother having a hard time letting go. You have written a great start, now you just have to think of ideas of what will happen to her now. Which I guess is why you're asking for my advice \:\) You could introduce maybe a love interest? A nice guy she meets somewhere. Or, she could get a great job she's been wanting and meet lots of new people. Or, maybe once she's been out enjoying her freedom for awhile, something happens to her mum. It depends what direction you want it to go in. Do you want it to be a romantic kind of story, a story with a bit of drama, or maybe just a normal happy story of what Naomi gets up to now she's on her own. Maybe she could be really ambitious and start her own business!

shaml_sim Jul 6, 2009

Hi! Thanks for reading and commenting on my new story Learning to Love , I'm glad you enjoyed reading it! \:wub\:I've actually submitted Part 2 so it should be out today or tomorrow if you're interested. I got Miranda's hair from HelgaSims but I don't think her site is up and running anymore. You may be able to get it from the Sims2 Graveyard site but I'm not sure. It's Helga's hair #72. And I think I got her dress from All About Style, which is at Hope that helps!! And thanks again \:\)

shaml_sim Jun 30, 2009

Hi! \:\) To have sims "work" at a hospital, all I did was have as many active sims as you are wanting on that lot, and then have them dress as "nurses" or "doctors". They have clothing in the game that looks great for these roles. You can download custom outfits but you don't need to, I just used the Maxis ones. Then you can just put them behind a computer or something like that, and it looks like they are working there \;\) And don't worry, you can ask as many questions as you like, I'm happy to answer them. Hope that helps \:D

shaml_sim Jun 28, 2009

Hey there \:\) Well, if you create a "hospital", your sims can have their baby there if they are an active sim on that lot. They will have it as they usually do. And in the chapter that Chad gave Ava his pager number, he didn't really because they don't have pagers, it was just part of the story. When she was about to have the baby, I called Chad over to Ava's house using a phone. As long as your story matches the pictures, you can add as much stuff as you like.

shaml_sim Jun 26, 2009

Hi! Thank you for reading the epilogue to my story \:D I'm glad you liked it. As to your question about the hospital, it's kind of an illusion. You don't need a certain EP because it's not really a hospital. I have just downloaded custom things from various websites to help make a room look like a hospital. Usually I just make the room have bland walls and floors like a hospital usually does. The hospital baby basinettes were just downloaded for scenes like that. It's just a matter of finding the downloads to help with making that kind of scene. And there's some Maxis outfits in the game that look like doctors or nurses outfits which helps as well! \:\)

shaml_sim Jun 24, 2009

Hey \:\) So you're thinking about writing stories? That's great! And thank you for liking mine!! Well, the advice I would give you is, think about the story in advance; the storyline, the twists, characters, and the ending so you know where you're going with the story. You might change things as you're writing, but you'll still be going in the same direction. Also, use a lot of descriptive words, cos then the readers can create a great image in their minds about the scene. Um...oh yea, write as clearly as possible, so as it's easy for the readers to follow the story and make sure you're having fun writing it \:\) If you're not having fun with it, it will probably come across in the writing. But I'm sure you wouldn't be writing a story if you didn't like it. And something I find important is once you've finished writing it, read over it as many times as it takes and edit any spelling or grammar mistakes etc. Put yourself in the readers position and read it like they would. That way you will pick up any errors or things to change that you might not have noticed when you were writing it \:cool\: These are the tips I can think of, although my writing still needs a little work \;\) Hope that helps!! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask \:\)

shaml_sim Jun 23, 2009

Hi! \:D Thank you so much for reading and commenting on the Finale to my A Message from an Angel story, it's much appreciated! \:wub\: I'm so glad you enjoyed reading it, I've had fun writing it \:\) The epilogue should be out in the next few days, if you want to check it out. Thanks again, have a wonderful day! \:D

j_girl87Jun 2, 2009

Ohh and you had asked about the c.c. in the game.. basically you need to create a downloads folder for the sims2 under my documents, then you can download files and extract them with either winzip or a similar program, after you've extracted the files you add the package files only into the dl's folder and they should be able to work in the game :-) this is the best way i could describe it, sorry if it's a little confusing, but if you try it and still have questions feel free to ask!

j_girl87Jun 2, 2009

Hey there dancer! thanks for supporting the final part of my story!  \:D i will definately keep writing for TS3.. but i might stick to TS2, havent really decided that yet since i have yet to play the new game, anyways thanks again! -Jari

j_girl87Apr 23, 2009

Hey there dancergirl! im so glad you enjoyed my stories! \:D thanks for commenting!

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