The Little Garden (restaurant)
Sims 4 — The Little Garden (restaurant) by Guardgian2 — Would your Sim be the happy owner of this small restaurant, he

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Created for: The Sims 4

Would your Sim be the happy owner of this small restaurant, he will have the opportunity to offer his guests a variety of dishes prepared either with the cook of the store or with the grill in the backyard. May he or his employees need a break, a small studio is furnished with a bed, a TV, a bookshelf and a bathroom. There is also a chessboard in the courtyard to have fun. I you want to install this lot in your game as a decoration only, it will offer your Sims a peaceful restaurant to meet friends or having a break in a hard day of shopping. This restaurant is made on a 20x20 lot. I hope you'll have fun with it.

Short URL:

ItemID: 1292860

Filesize: 164 KB

Packs : Outdoor Retreat; Get to Work.

CC List :

By ShinoKCR : - Easter 2015 - Outdoor Chair - Easter 2015 - Outdoor Table

By Severinka : Beach umbrella

I used some custom content as well as the cheat unlocking the gameplay rewards it this lot, so you may have to set your game as follows to see the house appear in your game : Go in My Library, at the bottom of the left columns check "Advanced", then check "Allow unowned objects" and "Allow custom content".

Please do not re-upload and claim as your own.

Credits: ShinoKCR, Severinka

  • Value: 37807
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Stories: 1
  • Lot Size: Other
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There are 21 comments on this article

minobhh ∙ Oct 22, 2015

\:rah\:\:wub\: thank you

Mintare ∙ Jun 18, 2015

Its so tiny and cute!

∙ May 6, 2015

Absolutley Lovely\:\)

kaylaj6 VIP ∙ May 4, 2015


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