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anicade88's Guestbook

weirdfaerieOct 13, 2006

WOOHOO!!! I made your fortieth GB entry \:D \:D \:D i rule *dances around the room in her underwear* i totally need to get dressed... but anyway *embraces the cold* What does the "ABOUT UR UNDENIABLE BEAUTY -> \:P \:P \:P \:P :P" mean exactly?? \:o I'll have you know I am dropdead gorgeous!!! you should see how guys react when I go out. They just stare at me. Actually not me, several inches below face if you know what I mean. Honestly, guys are so not subtle *rolls eyes* i'd show you a pic of me but you would now doubt die from the vision of my beauty \:\) > TiFfAnY [who is an itsy bitsy bit conceited \:o]

weirdfaerieOct 13, 2006

I sent you an email last night my squishy squashy superhero. not sure if you check your mails often hehe so thought I would tell you \;\) I wanted to buy Photoshop CS but it has disappeared since CS2 came out. Anyway, CS2 must be better as it is a new version \:P But other then that I don't see the difference between yours and mine. Except mine is bigger \:D \;\) \:P i didn't choose three colours, they are myjoint fave colours \:P Though a stripey tifanik mobil would be good... I love stripes \:wub\: and spots \:rah\: I love everything and everyone \:D I had to get this comp cos my sis wouldn't let me play ts2 on the laptop. She always downloads games but she forbid me from downloading anything \:\( So not fair. Esp as technically BOTH computers are mine \:D I brought this desktop last month (or month before.. i forget!) but several years ago my Grandpa brought me the lappytop. he knew I desperately wanted one and things weren't good in my life so he brought me that. Then of course the creep totally destroyed everything. the evil twisted creep.. But anywho, no fair that becky wouldn't let me use my OWN computer \:mad\: And now she hates the laptop and wants to always use this.. grrr....

weirdfaerieOct 13, 2006

thanks bout the avvie. Glad ye like it Poos \:D Er, no, not from the underworld \:P I could but I don't lol I just adore dolls soooo much. I wub them \:wub\: Especially the freaky horror-esque ones. I also like the miore erotic ones but they definately ain't suitable for pg13 \:o They creep me out at times... The three avvies I've had are from the same place as the two photys on my profile (I had a change yest \:D). I love Kat n Mat \:wub\: I wish I could afford a BJD (ball jointed doll \;\)) but they are several hundred dollars \:eek\: I have managed to buy 4 pullip dolls though at $80 \:o so thats like *thinks* $320 \:eek\: \:confused\: gosh, didn't realise that... Anyway one of my pullips is a melancholic goth and one is an evil cornish piskie \:ph34r\: The thing I love most about dolls is that you give them a faceup yourself. well, pullips come already done but most people use sandpaper to take it off (Or my preferred method is carving it off with a blade. Most people freak out doing that but it makes me feel all powerful *Muahahahahaa*). I've almost finished the piskie, she just needs sealent. I haven't started my other three though. It takes forever to do! \:confused\: I'm a geek. You probably didn't wanna hear all about that \:P But dolls is a subject i just cannot stop talking about. I LOVE dolls \:D Oh and the doll in my avvie. The story behind her is that she is a 'ghost'. You see the skeleton there? She found it. It was her body. I find it really tragic how she is touching the mouth she once had \:\( It must be hard being a ghost... Not entirely sure I believe in them but they make good story characters \:D > WEIRD TIFA

weirdfaerieOct 12, 2006

*pouts* TSR didn't tell me I had any new GB messages. I clicked it by accident and noticed you had been \:D I wonder what the time difference is in Bangledesh... Because I have been on the comp allll day (I napped at the comp then simmed *muahahahahaa*). I'm addicted to simmies. I spend more time building and in CAS then anything else though \:confused\: I have loads of stories planned for it but I'm always to busy to get on with them hehe I am always too busy for a lot of things *grumbles* I'm a busy bumbley bee. Oh, and yes, I am a good ole British girl. But I don't have that beautiful clipped "English" accent. Only the 'Toffs' down south have that. I live on the north east coast in a fishing town. And the way we speak here is awful. Water is pronounced War-uh for example. But hey, my undeniable beauty makes up for everything \;\) \:D

weirdfaerieOct 12, 2006

My favourite colour... hmm... Thats a hard question! It's a split between black, bloodred and PINK!!! Muahahaha. The most awesomeness colours ever created \:wub\: The best graphics software is Adobe Photoshop CS2 \:D But considering the fact that it is like £500 (I have no idea what currency you use in banglydesh!) i only have a trial version \:\( I think i will no doubt save up for all of next year to get it \:\) I spent all this year saving up for a computer, just so I could play the sims2 \:o That is soooo sad! I wonder how many other peeps have actually broughtt a comp just for the sims?? Not many I imagine \:P I love to draw. Always have done. I really want to go to art college but... well... something is sorta stopping me from that, but i really hope one day I can! I don't do much art these days though. I'm always too busy. I have to do more digiart \:D I was going to this morning but I desperately just want to go and snuggle down on the sofa, fall asleep hehe So I think I shall go do that for a bit *yawns* nighty night \:P > TIFA

weirdfaerieOct 12, 2006

That was a scarily yellow message wasn't it? \:rolleyes: I shall try and be a bit more careful with the little guys! \:P Yay! It was you email address \:cool\: I shall mail you asap then \;\) You cannot escape from me now Muahahahahahaaaa \:ph34r\: I'm not overly social either \:\) Well, I go through periods of being into everything and friends with everyone, and then after a while I get really subdued and become a total recluse. For months I have only spoke to three people!! But since getting the sims last month I have become at least slightly more social again \;\) The only emails I ever get are from ebay \:o Most of my friends are guys are in my experience guys HaTe emailing *pouts* At least the ones I know do! So i don't get anything nicey to open up *starts to moan and plays the violin* My email is \:P I am a huge geek you see \:wub\: Thought I should tell you so you weren't alarmed at finding an email from some stranger... Instead you can be alarmed at finding an email from some freakazoid instead. bah, you know you love me really \;\)

weirdfaerieOct 12, 2006

Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!! You did take over my GB \:D Woohoo!!! funnily enough I've been mega down today too \:P I really upset Muff because I stupidly told him about my selfharm and he got mega distressed \:\( I don't see it as much of a problem cos my Mum has done it all my life. I grew up around it. And cutting helps me greatly. So it isn't that much of an issue (Told ya I was mega troubled \;\)). I spoke to him to try and sort myself out, but speaking to him only made everything ten times worse \:\( But aaanyway (I get sooooo distracted \;\)) as I was saying, I was down, but when I came on TSR full of melancholy i totally cheered up due to your messages \:D So a huuuuuge THANKYOUUUUUU!!! With cherries and marshmallows and sugareed almonds on top \:P *Jumps on Anikkypoos and squishes him to death* I don't mind you being a total psycho. It's refreshing to be around \;\) \:wacko\: lol Anyways, i loves ya! \:P Not in that mushy way though so don't fret \:ph34r\: \:\) \:D Ah, I love smilies, but I prefer ebil smilies \:ph34r\: I am currently sat here with heavymetal music on full blast, moshing to it (my head hurts now \:\(). I love this song by H.I.M. "Vampire heart" awesome :P

weirdfaerieOct 11, 2006

So I haven't mailed you, because I figured you didn't really want like a hundred emails a day \;\) (I've tried sending that many before to one of my mates but I talked so much in each email I only managed to get to about twenty five before a whole day had passed \:o \:\( no fair). Plus seeing as you said you were teasing i ain't even sure if it is your real addy. I don't wanna be a total manic and mail some random person instead \:P OOOOOOOOOOH!!! the TIFANIK MOBIL!!!! That name rocks, did it take you long to think of it \;\)? What colour is it??? oOooooh \:P \:D \:rah\: it be an awesome idea of yours though \:cool\: lol I love to draw \:wub\: But I can't do much of it IRL anymore, but I have just downloaded a trial version of some graphics software so I'm busy getting used to the tools before I try anything totally serious. But when I can use it to perfection I shall be painting so many pictures! I adore Enaylas pics on She is so amazingly talented! One day I hope to be at least half as good as her at digital art (I rock non digitally so thats something \:D) So, do YOU do much art then? I would love to see your skills \:\) And if you've done a selfportrait i definately wanna see \:P I currently just have images of you looking like the teethy guy on your avvie \;\) *skips away humming the DD-FONAT tune* > TIFA

weirdfaerieOct 11, 2006

Morniiiiing \:D I have trouble imagining british english to be "sophisticated" \:P At least where I live anyway! We are as common as muck round here. i am a bit of a snob though because my Mum was brought up in Lincoln, a very posh city. me and my siblings all had a rather strict upbringing and we seem a highly rich and sophisticated family if you just look at us. But we are actually incredibly poor, live in a hovel and are totally and utterly insane \:D \;\) Especially me \:P I am the baby and I have a habit of singing "I am the Queen, oh I am the Queen" whereever I go. It really irritates my sister \:rah\: I have delusions of grandeur :worried: > TIFA < P.s: is that your reeeealy email? \:P You should never give me your email cos I literally would email you heaps. You would never getrid of me \:rolleyes: I talk way too much. I share my bedroom (seven kids in a two (small) bedroomed house \;\) Told ya it was a hovel!) and when the light is out I just don't stop yapping. My sisters either end up getting very cross with me or they just fall asleep while I am talking rubbish. Then I end up falling asleep in the middle of talking \:o Really, I am that bad. I love the sound of my own voice me \;\)

weirdfaerieOct 10, 2006

\:o Hehe sowwy. I went slightly overkill on the whole I don't go "\:puke\: googly-gaagaa-goo-goo \:puke\:" didn't I? \:P *tries to look innocent and fails*. Thats another problem I have hehe I have on a few occasions totally stressed out because a guy says how "innocent" I am. That really annoys me. Mainly because it is so true. I am very mature and grownup on one hand, and incredibly immature and childlike on the other. I don't even look eighteen. I look about fifteen! \:eek\: I think it is very unlikely that I would ever be able to go to India \:\( Even though it is a dream of mine to backpack the world. I always wanted to see everything... I still want to... And I want to experience everything!!! Oh dearie me. I have to go... Er, the things going on in my life kind of need my attention \:P I shall send you my hundred messages tomorrow I'm afraid hehe > TIFFYPOOS

weirdfaerieOct 10, 2006

oooOooo yummy Anikkypoos on toast \:D Er, less poos though \:P Oh, and Hallo Mister \;\) I have been hyperactive alllll day \:confused\: But now I am so whacked, my eyes are drooping shut \:eek\: *yawns* Soooo sleepy... You know, the keyboard looks incredibly comfy... To me it seems as snuffly and cuggly as a cloud. Mhmm... I am soooo tired hehe Awww! You sweet widdle monster *Squishes and squashes* Oh, my problems are so vast it would take a lifetime to share them with you \:\) Put simply I am a very troubled teenage girl. Theres a whole lot of turnips going on in my real life. I try my best to live in my imagination as it helps me to escape from the twisted fairytale that I live in \:rah\: At least with the life I lead I will have a lot of experience for all my deliciously gothic stories! TIFA p.s. You really hate my avvie that much? \:\( Well that isn't any good seeing as you see it the most... I might have to hunt down something else then mightn't I? \:P \;\)

weirdfaerieOct 9, 2006

I changed my avatar to a Cerebus project Soo vampire doll (I like to imagine I look similar... But I really don't *pouts* i'm currently painting a self-portrait which I might put up here but I seriously doubt it) but it keeps changing back to the old latidoll yello pic \:mad\: It is incredibly frustrating I can tell you that... *Goes to try and work out the problem*

weirdfaerieOct 9, 2006

oOoh! I like the term Bangalee!!! \:D \;\) That is an awfully fun name. You have you own language??? You sound pretty English to me... I wasn't aware I was fitted with an uber-cool sci-fi translator \:P \;\) But if I ain't then that must mean you are an incredibly clever young man for knowing TWO languages \:eek\: I barely know the one \:P I tend to make up a lot of my own words most of the time. It's easier that way! \:\) I am honestly very teensy weensy itsy bitsy minded. I would be able to be incredibly clever if I so desired but I muchly prefer being my innocently creamy dreamy self \:cool\: Floating through life with an odd smile and glazed eyeballs. That be moi. \:rah\: Oh and my Squishybrained freakazoid, I would post on your GB a hundered times per day but I do not thinky that the TSR bigwigs would approve. And rightly so *nods* \:rah\: \;\)

weirdfaerieOct 9, 2006

India??? Kooooooool \:confused\: I've always wanted to go to Indiaaa!!! mainly down to kiddy books like the Secret garden and Little princess (I'm a PRINCESS!!!). And why on earth did you have Geog as your major in the first place? I never had any education (explains a lot hehehe & the reason as to why I never had one is quite complicated) but Art is my fabby dabbiest subject. Alongside history and english. I write loads of spiffily dark vampire historical romances. I'm a complete girl \:wub\: but you are soooo wrong mr Anicade88 \:mad\: Although I am a sucker for romantic novels they aren't of the " \:puke\: googly-ga-ga-goo-goo \:puke\: " calibre. I go for the ones that are incredibly tragic and always end in tears, usually a morbid macabre massacre of tradgedy \;\) I hate the nauseatingly gooey fluffy pink stuff. valentines day is the worst day ever \:rolleyes: As I believe I said the other day I don't like the whole commitment shebang. At least not yet. I'm only 18 \:wacko\: I want fun. Frivolous fun with no ties and no particular importance. Being in love is complete pants. I hate it \:rolleyes: I'm much more skilled at the fun 'unlove' side. I am extremely desirable to men I'll have you know! Its a terrible waste to throw my magnetism away so young, I've dated guys from 18-in their 40s and it rocks. But when they start getting too clingy they have to go (especially seeing as the older ones tend to be married \:puke\: ). Ok... That was a rather load if un-needed conversation. But I hate it when guys assume that cos I am a girl I must love gooey romance. I'm THE WEIRD FAERIE and I don't :P

weirdfaerieOct 9, 2006

oOoh! I like the term Bangalee!!! \:D \;\) That is an awfully fun name. You have you own language??? You sound pretty English to me... I wasn't aware I was fitted with an uber-cool sci-fi translator \:P \;\) But if I ain't then that must mean you are an incredibly clever young man for knowing TWO languages \:eek\: I barely know the one \:P I tend to make up a lot of my own words most of the time. It's easier that way! \:\) I am honestly very teensy weensy itsy bitsy minded. I would be able to be incredibly clever if I so desired but I muchly prefer being my innocently creamy dreamy self \:cool\: Floating through life with an odd smile and glazed eyeballs. That be moi. \:rah\: Oh and my Squishybrained freakazoid, I would post on your GB a hundered times per day but I do not thinky that the TSR bigwigs would approve. And rightly so *nods* \:rah\: \;\)

weirdfaerieOct 9, 2006

*Squashhh* Good day Monsieur Anikkypoos!! Yaaay! My widdle Superhero Munchkin *Mwah* Sorry, I am rather hyperactive tonight. When I have a bad day I seem to go loopy to cover up my misery \:P It means I at least *seem* haaappy and HaPpInEsS is the wubbliest! \:D So I am afraid I shall squish you and squash you and eat candyfloss for as long as I need it \;\) But WOOHOO! The Dynamic Dual Freaks of Nature Anik and Tifa \:ph34r\: I like it \:ph34r\: All my life my family have called me a freakshow \:P But freaky deeky weirdness is the way to go *Muahahahahaaa* > THE WEIRDO

weirdfaerieOct 8, 2006

Well Newtsy at least has some idea of what Bangledesh could be like... I've never even heard of the place before \:o Where exactly is it? Cos I thought it was sort of down near Australia... But seeing as I found out today that Cleveland is actually part of England, and not in the North Pole like I have always thought... Well maybe Bangledesh isn't near Australia... Maybe its a state in America.... I am really really bad at Geography \:P I'm bad at almost everything except for two things that I am greatly skilled at. 1) Creativity and 2) men. Geography is very low on my list \;\) THus I am talking about it only cos I am bored lol I'd better toodle off. Tatty bye Anikkypoos! > WEIRDO TIFAS

weirdfaerieOct 8, 2006

I was just wondering what to call you if you are from Bangledesh.. Are you Banglish? Or a Bangledeshian? Odd... I only know three things about Bangledesh. 1) It begins with B, 2) It ends with Angledesh and 3) It makes me hungry \:confused\: I think it has something to do with the fact hat it begins with Bang and ends with Sh like one of my favourite meals Bangers and mash!!! *Drools* > The weirdest thing since cabbage flavoured peanuts < p.s I feel as though I am taking over your GB \:o

weirdfaerieOct 8, 2006

Yaaaay! I am the Oh-so-special-weird one!! *Bounces up & down like the bunnygirl i am* Woohoo!! And yes you are my hero \:D \:P Even if you are a zombie now \;\) heck rotting skin does it for me any day of the week \:rah\: So even though every other person in the world will run away from you screaming at the sight of your decomposing face I will be up for wots and wots of fun with my ickle superAnikypoos!!! I could be your lil sidekick \:D I have the perfect sidekick outfit! A black pvc corset, black tutu and black tights *Muahahaha* We will strike fear into the heart of every living thing \:ph34r\: > THE WEIRD ONE < p.s. I am muchly glad for your mentally challenged blessing :P

weirdfaerieOct 7, 2006

Oh, and you made bloodlust??? I so did not realise. Its one of my faves \:wub\: I always loved the comment about thanking "the freaky lady for posing" \:D And I just noticed breeze for adults. Woohoo!! You are my HERO Anikkypoos *Mwah* > THE WEIRD FAERIE < p.s yes, you are very scary indeed. it chills me to my very bone every time i see you \;\) I'm not just saying that \:o Btw, on the vein of yours and newtsys 'no underwear' comments i would like to say pfft, no-undies are nothing. I'm a nudist after all \:wub\: well, i am when i ain't in my baggy trews/tight tees or baggy tees/tutus/tights combinations. clothes are awfully suffocating at times \:confused\:

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