kardofe_Small spaces
Sims 4 — kardofe_Small spaces by kardofe — Furniture to recreate a mini house or auto caravan, are high shelves that can

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Created for: The Sims 4

This is a Set with 17 Creations - Click here to show all

Furniture to recreate a mini house or auto caravan, are high shelves that can be placed along the walls, to fit better you have to place them with the Alt key, pressed, but they do not need tricks. There is a bookcase with a hole under which the sims can pass, a wardrobe, a computer table, a TV cabinet, shelves, a bed, a coffee table, an armchair and some decorations.

Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1478909

ItemID: 1478909

Revision: 3 (updated Aug 5, 2022)

Requirements The sims 4, base set

  • Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Do not include mesh
  • Creating Tool used: TSR Workshop
17 Creations in this set
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kardofe_Small spaces_Alarm clock
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Alarm clock
Alarm clock, decorative, in two different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Bed
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Bed
Sofa bed, with drawers at the bottom, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Bookshelf
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Bookshelf
Library to put on a door or to use as a room divider, the sim passes under it, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Chest of drawers
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Chest of drawers
Wall unit with drawers on the right side, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Chest of drawers2
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Chest of drawers2
Wall unit with drawers on the left side, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_CoffeeTable
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_CoffeeTable
Small coffee table, wall unit with drawers on the right side, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Cushions
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Cushions
Group of two large cushions, to put on the bed, without the need of tricks, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Desk
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Desk
Desktop table integrated into a narrow, high shelf to save space, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_DeskChair
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_DeskChair
Small stool to use as a desk chair, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Dresser
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Dresser
Wardrobe with two glass doors and shelves, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Left Corner
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Left Corner
Left corner cabinet, works as a shelf, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_LivingChair
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_LivingChair
Small but comfortable chair, in three different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Mug
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Mug
Ceramic mug with TSR and The Sims logos, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Pencils
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Pencils
Glass with pencils and ruler, in two different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Pictures
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Pictures
Three shelves with pictures and decorative objects, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_Right corner
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_Right corner
Right corner cabinet, works as a shelf, in four different options
kardofe_Small spaces_TV furniture
Item Description + Polygon Count
kardofe_Small spaces_TV furniture
TV cabinet integrated in a high shelf, in four different options

This Creation requires what's listed below in order to work properly.

There are 16 comments on this article

ElisnMiami ∙ Jul 29, 2021

Too bad you didn't use a natural wood material for your furniture \:\(

shonbtru757 VIP ∙ Apr 7, 2020


makuzhi ∙ Mar 20, 2020

Love this! Thank you

Spire ∙ Mar 9, 2020

Oh and another thing. If you can, please, could you make also those shelves without pictures? Sorry if I'm asking too much, but it would be really appreciated, thank you. \:wub\:

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