Parisien - Bathroom
Sims 4 — Parisien - Bathroom by Summerr_Plays — Paris inspired bathroom, part of the Parisien series of rooms. Check out

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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use

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Paris inspired bathroom, part of the Parisien series of rooms. Check out my youtube channel to see how all the rooms come together.

Short URL:

ItemID: 1516598

Filesize: 50 KB

This is a styled ROOM and it does not include cc. You need to download the custom content from the custom content creators for the room to work. You can find the links in the required tab.

I own all of the Stuff, Game and Expansion Packs that are currently available as of (December 2020) on Origin, but for this build, you will also need:

Expansion Packs
Get Famous

Cheats used in this build
some objects were resized using the [ ] keys

* use bb.moveobjects before placing

Thank you for downloading! I hope your Sims love living here and please do not reupload ❤

Watch me build on my YouTube channel @SummerrPlays
Follow me on Instagram for more pictures and videos @summerrplays

Credits: All the wonderful cc creators

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