Small Town Sim

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Small Town Sim's Guestbook

tinkerbell7716Nov 29, 2007

\:rah\: \:D thanks for signing my guest book. Thank goodness for the stand still pose that came with bon voyage.

cariadbachNov 29, 2007

\:\) Thanks for taking a look at my New Hat screen shot. I had to make her throw up quite a few times to get her aspiration low ,the doc came to visit , then she pulled the lampshade out of her pocket. I'm not usually so mean to my Sim\:P

MuccyNov 28, 2007

Hi, thanks for your reply in my GB. Your shots are super. Do you like my pictures, that pleased me. If you want to have in the game, you can find them here: I also have Set, you will find that here: And much more, I hope they like you. (I´m sorry, I can only speak a little English.\:o )Have a wonderful day, by Muccy

tinkerbell7716Nov 28, 2007

\:rah\: \:D thanks for signing my guest book.

MMs_Fan_01Nov 28, 2007

Thanks for signing my GB, have a nice night! (Im not sure if its night where you are, but it is here! \:P )

hiedibear75Nov 28, 2007

If you answer "spray bug spray" they may come back with bad hygiene and comfort because of "getting sick from the fumes" but it isn't nearly as amusing.\:P \:wub\:

hiedibear75Nov 25, 2007

The snow alone would be a nightmare.LOL Better you than me.\;\) LOL It's been in the upper 50's which is about 10 degrees lower than usual. I wish my problem was as simple as a cord.........I have to have the whole darn VGA(video graphics accelerator laptops don't have a video card like desk tops). I don't know how much more my fragile sanity can take........and I'm not even at the 1mo mark yet.\:confused\: I can use my friend's desktop........but my back can't take that many hrs being upright.\:rolleyes: I'm jealous of you........not only do you get to play with your laptop, but you get to sim AND play with Windkeeper's new wheelchair.\:mad\: \;\)\:P \:wub\: I got to see what it would look like but just as it came out for downloading my VGA fried and took the motherboard with it.\:\( I don't know how you're set up.......but I had my laptop in my room so I could sim in bed then when I want to up & in my wheelchair my roomie moves the laptop to the table so I can be out with the rest of the family. As for Thanksgiving we're getting ready to have it in a couple of hrs. My mom does personal care and OT services and has to work in 48-96hr shifts; we had a choice of her being home with us for Christmas or Thanksgiving but not both........we picked Christmas and are celebrating Thanksgiving today on Saturday's about being with family and what you're thankful for more than the date on the calender anyway.\:wub\: \:wub\: \:wub\: Glad you had a good Thanksgiving.\:cool\: \:rah\: \:wub\:

tlkaskaNov 24, 2007

Hello \:D . Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my "Spring Wedding" Dress and Veils. I also created a wedding hall to match the set if you're interested. Have a wonderful day!

hiedibear75Nov 24, 2007

Heya. 1st off I'm sorry\:o .......I'm sorry for not wishing you a happy Thanksgiving. I was just wondering how you've been.\:wub\: My laptop died and so it's in Japan being fixed.\:mad\: They don't know if I'll get my stuff back or if it's going to come back to me like it was when I JUST bought it.\:\( I'm so on pins & needles........+ bored like there is no tomorrow. \:P Hope to hear from you soon.\:wub\:

eviNov 20, 2007

Hello girl!\:wub\: I am so happy with the comments you left me on my plaid creations. Very sweet from you. See you around\;\)

sesameNov 18, 2007

Hey there Small Town Sim! Thank you so much for the lovely entry in my guestbook. I am so glad you like my items and I hope they add a little special touch to your simmies homes. \:D \:D Stop by anytime, sesame

TabbyLouNov 17, 2007

Hiya kid, thanks so much for the great comments on my recolors of the alarm clock and little sister computers. So glad you like them. Keep On Simmin'! \:rah\: Enjoy! \:cool\:

SpaciKathyNov 14, 2007

hi, thanks for comment my screen *a man from work*, I think it's the Adventure job (I don't know how the job really called in English sims version), I believe the job came with seasons (I'm not sure). Have a fantastic day, SpaciKathy!!!\:D \:D

MadisimNov 14, 2007

Hi STS! Great to hear from you - finally - LOL! Thank you for the wonderful comment on the pirate ship ghost ... you should have seen the Mayor when he uncovered that! OMG - that's ME! Park a boat, see what all happens! LOL! Thanks again, ~Madison

DirtdevillNov 14, 2007

Hi, Small Town Sim! That is sooo sweet of you to leave such a kind comment & congrats on my Womrat screenie! thank you so much! take care! \:wub\:

mangooo1Nov 14, 2007

Thank you so much for taking the time to read and comment on my story, it's really inspiring \:\) I'm glad you liked it, thanx again \;\)

tinkerbell7716Nov 14, 2007

\:rah\: \:D thanks for commenting on my screen shot.

cariadbachNov 14, 2007

\:\) Many thanks for commenting on my screen shots. the hair come from its a great style\:rah\:

erica_jeanNov 14, 2007

\:D *lol* Yeah I love my cowplant! \:wub\: Thanks for commenting. \:P

MsBarrowsNov 14, 2007

Hehehe, glad you liked the crazy clutter - it was a fun set to make!

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