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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use
So, you know that stump in the base game with the weird six circles carved in it? You know, the magical one for you to put magical seeds in it to grow a magical tree? Yeah, this isn't that. This is just a stump. It won't grow, it won't glow, it'll just sit there being a stump. I mean, you could do stump things with it... like stand near it, maybe have a picnic by it, or if you have any OMSPs, use it as a table or chair... stump things. Sometimes we want life to be simple and non-magical. Sometimes we don't want to collect a bunch of seeds. Sometimes we just want stump.
This stump only has one swatch and is decoration only. It can be found in plants>trees! I mean, it USED to be a tree, right? Feel free to recolor it, convert it into a table, chair, whatever you want. You can credit me if you want to. I'd like it if you uploaded yours to this site so I can see what you did with it! Have fun with your normal, boring, non-magical stump!
Short URL:
ItemID: 1504501
Revision: 2
Filesize: 342 KB
Base game compatible
Programs used: Sims4Studio and Photoshop
- Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
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