I Woke Up Like This - Double, Single, and Toddler Bed Set
Sims 4 — I Woke Up Like This - Double, Single, and Toddler Bed Set by RAVASHEEN — The 'I Woke Up Like This' bed set was

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Created for: The Sims 4 Creator Terms of Use

This is a Set with 11 Creations - Click here to show all

The 'I Woke Up Like This' bed set was created for simmies of all ages and styles! All the items in the set are available for double, single, and toddler bedrooms. The main feature of the set is the gorgeous floor-length bedding which is fully animated. The mattresses are extra long to allow room for decor pillows to be places behind the main sleeping pillows. Doing this gives you the ability to decorate your bedding set with pillows while not interfering with your simmie's sleep. Even though the mattresses are extra long - they are still compatible with most separated bed frames that match their size.

Paired with the bedding are two bed frame styles. The first style boasts a large headboard with a rattan inlay for some added drama. The second is a discrete, platform frame which you can pair with some art on the wall behind it for a custom look. These separated bed frames are also compatible with most separated beds.

To complete the set are coordinating night stands that come in two sizes. The taller size pairs well with the single and double beds while the shorter size is the perfect height for toddler beds.

The set comes with 11 objects and plenty of colors for a custom look!

Short URL: https://www.thesimsresource.com/downloads/1467894

ItemID: 1467894

Revision: 2 (updated Aug 5, 2022)

I have fully tested this bed set with the 11/12/19 Patch Update/Discovering University.

All objects are basegame compatible.

Custom mesh by RAVASHEEN.

Search RVSN in game for all my cc creations!

Recolors are only allowed when proper credit is given, the original mesh is not included in the recolor, and posted on TSR only. No one is a fan of ad.fly or other spammy links, so please respect this request.

Insta: @ravasheencc
Tumblr: @ravsheencc
Reddit: u/ravasheen

  • Recoloring Allowed: Yes - Do not include mesh
  • Creating Tool used: Sims4Studio
11 Creations in this set
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Nothing Else Mattress - Toddler Bed
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nothing Else Mattress - Toddler Bed
This gorgeous bedding has a floor-length comforter that is fully animated! The mattress is extra long to allow for decor pillows to be placed behind the main pillows - which means your can decorate your bed without it interfering with your simmie's sleep! The bed was designed to fit with the 'Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame' and the 'Spoiled Rattan Bedframe V2', but it is also compatible with most other toddler separated bed frames as well. This toddler-sized mattress comes in 8 kid-friendly patterns.
Nothing Else Mattress - Single Bed
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nothing Else Mattress - Single Bed
This gorgeous bedding has a floor-length comforter that is fully animated! The mattress is extra long to allow for decor pillows to be placed behind the main pillows - which means your can decorate your bed without it interfering with your simmie's sleep! The bed was designed to fit with the 'Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame' and the 'Spoiled Rattan Bedframe V2', but it is also compatible with most other single separated bed frames as well. This single-sized mattress comes in 8 patterns with options for both adults and kids.
Nothing Else Mattress - Double Bed
Item Description + Polygon Count
Nothing Else Mattress - Double Bed
This gorgeous bedding has a floor-length comforter that is fully animated! The mattress is extra long to allow for decor pillows to be placed behind the main pillows - which means your can decorate your bed without it interfering with your simmie's sleep! The bed was designed to fit with the 'Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame' and the 'Spoiled Rattan Bedframe V2', but it is also compatible with most other toddler separated bed frames as well. This double-sized mattress comes in 8 patterns.
Spoiled Rattan Bedframe V2 - Toddler Bed
Item Description + Polygon Count
Spoiled Rattan Bedframe V2 - Toddler Bed
This bedframe boasts a large headboard with rattan inlays. The frame is extra long and was designed to be used with the 'Nothing Else Mattress' which allows extra room for decor pillows! It can also be used with any other separated mattress. This frame is sized for toddler mattresses and comes in 7 color options.
Spoiled Rattan Bedframe V2 - Single Bed
Item Description + Polygon Count
Spoiled Rattan Bedframe V2 - Single Bed
This bedframe boasts a large headboard with rattan inlays. The frame is extra long and was designed to be used with the 'Nothing Else Mattress' which allows extra room for decor pillows! It can also be used with any other separated mattress. This frame is sized for single mattresses and comes in 7 color options.
Spoiled Rattan Bedframe V2 - Double
Item Description + Polygon Count
Spoiled Rattan Bedframe V2 - Double
This bed frame boasts a large headboard with rattan inlays. The frame is extra long and was designed to be used with the 'Nothing Else Mattress' which allows extra room for decor pillows! It can also be used with any other separated mattress. This frame is sized for double-sized mattresses and comes in 7 color options.
One Nightstand - Short
Item Description + Polygon Count
One Nightstand - Short
This nightstand is the perfect height to pair with a toddler bed, but it would really look good just about anywhere. It comes in 8 wood hues that match the rest of the 'I Woke Up Like This' bedroom set.
One Nightstand - Tall
Item Description + Polygon Count
One Nightstand - Tall
This nightstand is the perfect height to pair with a double or single bed, but it would really look good just about anywhere. It comes in 8 wood hues that match the rest of the 'I Woke Up Like This' bedroom set.
Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame - Toddler
Item Description + Polygon Count
Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame - Toddler
This discrete, platform bed frame is simple and will blend in with any room decor. The extra length on this frame was designed to be used with the 'Nothing Else Mattress' which allows extra room for decor pillows! Use a mirror or piece of artwork in place of a headboard to add more interest. This frame is for toddler-sized mattresses and comes in 8 wood hues.
Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame - Single
Item Description + Polygon Count
Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame - Single
This discrete, platform bed frame is simple and will blend in with any room decor. The extra length on this frame was designed to be used with the 'Nothing Else Mattress' which allows extra room for decor pillows! Use a mirror or piece of artwork in place of a headboard to add more interest. This frame is for single-sized mattresses and comes in 8 wood hues.
Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame - Double
Item Description + Polygon Count
Never Been Bedder Platform Bed Frame - Double
This discrete, platform bed frame is simple and will blend in with any room decor. The extra length on this frame was designed to be used with the 'Nothing Else Mattress' which allows extra room for decor pillows! Use a mirror or piece of artwork in place of a headboard to add more interest. This frame is for double-sized mattresses and comes in 8 wood hues.

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There are 18 comments on this article

Byrdproject ∙ Jan 23, 2024


Ngawhetuatatu VIP ∙ Feb 13, 2023

I LOVE the names BUT it makes it very difficult to find the whole set in one go in game...\:confused\:

hagendaaz004 ∙ Sep 15, 2022

the names of your sets are my fav \:D

HLRose71 VIP ∙ Sep 6, 2022

I'm having a slight problem. After using the bed for a while, for some reason the mattress will no longer go on the frame. It keeps saying it can't interfere with other objects and is red when I hover it over the frame. Any ideas? I didn't use MOO when I placed them and there's nothing besides a bedside table between the two beds.

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