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Po's Guestbook

dancingaphroditeJun 27, 2006

Hi Po! The place looks great and... where are those cookies you baked? \:D I came by to thank you for the comment you left on the Valdosta set. I'm so glad you liked it and I appreciate the words of encouragement. Thanks again and... these peanut butter cookies are pretty good! \:\) Thanks!

jsfJun 25, 2006

Thanks for your great guestbook entry! I wondered what all the drool was about. I have just read your GB and "about me" and you made me smile again. So, thank you twice. You made my day. judi ~jsf~

TikoJun 23, 2006

Hi again, Po! \:D I'm so pleased you liked my baroque schoolhouse! Not everyone 'gets' the details of older buildings, but I'm so pleased you did. \:wub\: I'm just sorry to be so late in replying - I damaged my back a while ago, and am allowed to spend only short periods at the computer. - Andy

The_UnicornJun 19, 2006

Aw!!! thats so sweet, you always say so nice things about me and what i do...am just doing it for the comments of you and the people here on the site.\:wub\: Just love to make people happy with the things i put on here. And about hte textures, i find them all on the internet and sometimes i make them myself or my mother, Gerry does... But it's nice to know that my recolouring makes you happy and am glad you like them. If you should have any requests, please let me know. \:wub\: \;\) Sandra (TheUnicorn)

Yolu84Jun 19, 2006

Here's a direct link to a skin with the mesh: http://www.simchic.com/ts2/FREEBIES/FA-EVERYDAY-WHOLE/Yolu_GirlfriendsJoanNY.html Glad you like the outit \:\)

sherrie_simJun 18, 2006

Hi PO, I'm sorry you had problems with the sweater, I dont understand what the problem could be, I couldnt have uploaded a file I made in january 2005 as I didnt start making stuff until april 2006, I'll download it myself and check the file number against the copy I have to make sure its the right file.

The_UnicornJun 13, 2006

That s so sweet...Thank you so much, i have been playing around with SimPe and it's going well, it's not as difficult as i thought, recolouring objects, so i'll see whats comming out of my hands in the future... Again, thank you for your sweet ''rocking'' comment.\:wub\:

windkeeperJun 13, 2006

Thank you for leaving such a nice message in my guestbook! \:D

FionnApr 12, 2006

Heh. Thank you for the compliment. It seems like I've been at this a long time. Best of luck, Fionn

lipglassAug 28, 2005

hi po, you seem quite nice but calling dudette00900 a perv isnt so smooth, there is nothing so wrong about her clothes.

The_UnicornJun 21, 2005

Hi Po, I have had a great time reading your message in my GB...\:D Many other people try to get me on to doing Simpe, but i have to be learning how to use PSP, or some other program that makes anims... And thats just the thing that keeps me away from using Simpe. Thats so hard, that i have put it on and off my system...many times. I wish i could please you all with my creations in furniture, but i have to go jumping around with it, to get it into my brains... It should take a very long time, before that happens, sorry...(To all who reads this.) But because you all, want me to...\:wacko\: \:P I give it a try, but I make no promisses.... Anyway, thanks again, dear Po, for your sweet comments, love you for it.\:wub\: Sandra.

The_UnicornMay 31, 2005

Thank you, for your compliments...\:D I'll see what i can do about the 2 story walls, would you like to have floors with it? And if you need medival funiture, look onto Marinasims, (search it with a searchmachine, cause i can't find the link, sorry...)she makes beautifull medival objects. Sandra (The Unicorn)

TikoMay 19, 2005

Hi Po, and thank you for leaving such a great message in my Guestbook, saying ... "Hi! Congradulations for making FA! Like Scal5 said, I thought you were already!! etc..." Well, I'm blown away by people’s generosity and warmth at the moment. \:wub\: It will be even more of a pleasure to give as much as I can to the TSR community.

HordrissApr 22, 2005

I suppose I could do recolours and increase my downloads, but they're just so boring to do that I doubt I shall ever make the time (and if I didn't get some pleasure out of this incredibly arduous business, I should certainly have never started). Hope your own designing goes well, and thanks for the compliment!\:\)

Lionheart_LawApr 18, 2005

I reply to your question; No, I have not uploaded it anywhere else. Uploading takes ages for me as my connection is only 26kbps on a 56k modem..... Soon, cable will be mine. \:D In any case, no, it isn't uploaded anywhere else, I appologize for this setback.

The_UnicornApr 14, 2005

Wow, thanks for somuch sweet words, big hugs to you, lol. Go ahead, use whatever you want. \;\)

cashcraftApr 13, 2005

I've just uploaded the "Floral Scented" rug and it should be available within a few days.

HordrissApr 12, 2005

I've done the teen priest outfit, and it's in "pending", so it should be up before long. I had to use the long coat mesh, though, as none of the teen suits had the right collar. Having said which, the high boots on the long coat mesh are hardly standard seminary gear. Ah well, hope you like it. Not having much luck with nuns, as all my searches in google images seem to turn up reams and reams of nun-themed pornography (and all with headscarves, in any case), but fingers crossed...

The_UnicornApr 12, 2005

We're all sim-addicted,lol. But hey, isn't it Maxis fold, to make such a game? hahahaha Anyway, am very courious to see wath you come up with...\;\)

The_UnicornApr 12, 2005

We're all sim-addicted,lol. But hey, isn't it Maxis fold, to make such a game? hahahaha Anyway, am very courious to see wath you come up with...\;\)

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