Sims 4 —  Cosmomodern by evi — A big and comfortable house built around a private pool. First floor, kitchen, dining

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A big and comfortable house built around a private pool. First floor, kitchen, dining room, tv and reading room. Next to the pool there is a bar. Second floor, 3 bedrooms and sitting area

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ItemID: 1321187

Filesize: 244 KB

CC’s needed for this lot:
Ung 999 bedroom cedar
kardofe Living Nara
Severinka dreams of the beach
kardofe Beginning

  • Value: 240000
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 2
  • Stories: 2
  • Lot Size: 40x30
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There are 7 comments on this article

Szmack ∙ Jul 13, 2020

*Sigh* Okay, So I'm new to this whole Sims stuff, and I looked up tutorials on downloading custom made homes onto Sims4; however, it is not working. Yes, I am aware I must extract the downloaded item then place the extracted files into the "Tray" folder. Furthermore, yes, I am aware after moving these files into the Tray folder, I must open Sims4 and go to the gallery then click on custom content. However, when I do all of the previously mentioned steps, my Sims4 does not show the custom content in the lots gallery. I even tried to download the other four items in the description and extract them into the mods folder. Unfortunately, it did not work either. So, I'm stumped. I tried restarting the game, but it still didn't work. I'll try restarting my computer, I suppose.

bananabutt22 ∙ Sep 20, 2017

\:D i love it its really custom content iv'e been looking for a house that cc and no but i little bit of packs in it its weird hope u understand. But i use ur cc a lot and its awesome so yea i lovee it

ida_kaya ∙ Mar 4, 2017

where do you find the houses when you have dowloaded it in the game

Danuta720 ∙ Dec 26, 2015

Amazing work!\:rah\:\:wub\:

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