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Jennifer_R's Guestbook

simsjeanieJun 26, 2010

Dear Jen, here I am again after nearly a month being absent. I had such busy weeks - too busy for my taste! A lot of guests, a lot of work, and water in the basement which was really bad! When I went to bed in the night another day had passed by without time for TSR not to speak of starting the game. But now everything is done and I'm really happy to return. I missed a lot I think and I will need some time to get uptodate again. Think about that - I installed the EP the day after it was out and didn't play it once! \:eek\: I hope you're fine and brought some cookies I bought from Fredbrenny's Lin Law \;\) - I think I won't use the oven at all for the next days ... so your pesto and the delicious garlic bread was just right! \:wub\: I'm just looking around a little bit here and then I'll visit the link you gave me, Thanks! Many hugs and kisses from Jeanie. \:wub\:

IllandryaJun 26, 2010

Hi Jen!! Just a short one because I can't keep my eyes open and really must go to bed! I've just posted an update to "Lost and Found" at and would love to hear what you think. Hopefully updates to Merindylen and Veronika won't be too far behind. Goodnight!

fredbrennyJun 25, 2010

Hi (((Jenn)))  \:wub\: You asked me to let you know when chapter two was out.... TODAY!!! I had to wait for 4 days but it finally was posted! I hope you will have time to have a look at it and tell me what you think! I thought to write this story in 4 chapters, but that's not possible. There's at least going to be 5. Have a GREAT day!!!

IllandryaJun 23, 2010

Hi Jen! Thanks for your comment on my screenshot. Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you \:D I've yet to come across that moodlet again and have no idea how he got it - I didn't even know that sim had been near the washing machine!

IllandryaJun 23, 2010

Hi Jen! ... I hope you are well, I feel so neglectful! I'm sooooo far behind on everyone's stories (including my own) it isn't funny \:D Good news is that I have finished my exams and next semester doesn't start until towards the end of July so I'm hoping to catch up on everything soon, starting tonight! Work is busy at the moment and I am off to Sydney for workshops and meetings next week for a couple of days, but I'm hoping to have most of the weekend free so that I can immerse myself in the world of the sims and storytelling.

shaml_sim Jun 23, 2010

Hi Jen! Thanks for your congrats about my job \:\) I was pretty happy that I got it since it was the only one I heard back from! It's been great working there for the past 3 days, they are all lovely there, and since it's an architect's firm I get to learn bits and peices about that industry which is quite interesting. I hope your week has been going well, too, and thanks for letting me know the second installment of pictures from Will and Eliza's honeymoon is out \;\) I'm off to check them out right now!

Midnight222Jun 23, 2010

Wow they looked as though they had a wonderful honeymoon. I reckon your screenshot folder must be bursting \:D Thanks for posting part 2 of their pics!

spitzmagicJun 23, 2010

((((Jenn)))) I went to check out your blog. My favorite couple...looking great. This is really cool Jenn, thanks for sharing this. I don't know how to leave comment. Have a wonderful week  \:wub\:

PenelopeTJun 22, 2010

Hey Jen, I hope you're having a great week too! \:wub\: Thanks for telling me about my screenshot being featured. I totally missed seeing it though, oh well. \:D

YrS92Jun 21, 2010

Hi Jen\:\) I'm so glad you liked the Chapter 20 and I'm especially happy that you like the Belles' French accent\:D Got to put those nine years of studying French to some use\;\) Have a great day, hugs, Senja

fredbrennyJun 21, 2010

(((Jenn))) Thanks so much for your comments and feedabck on my new story! Chapter 2 has been submited (just now) I really need to get to work on the rest of the story. There are several roads to choose from...where will I take her? We will see. I have to make wise decisions! \:D

spitzmagicJun 21, 2010

((((Jenn)))) thanks girlfriend for reading the 2nd chapter of Adeline. I need to get over to your blog and check on my 2 favorite simmies...have a great week Jenn \:wub\:

YrS92Jun 20, 2010

Hi Jen\:\) Thanks for letting me know about the update in your blog, I'll sure go and read it soon... I hope you have noticed there is a new chapter out on my Gardener's Dream, I'd love to hear what you think of it\:wub\: I'm having a great weekend, hope you're having one too, hugs, Senja

shaml_sim Jun 20, 2010

Hey Jen! Thanks for letting me know you posted pics of Will and Eliza's honeymoon. I just popped over to check them out and I loved them \:wub\: Good idea to keep nice and warm on a cold day...ours has been quite nice. I don't think we really get a full-on winter up here which I guess is why I like winter. Otherwise I've been busy shopping - though it's not such a hard task \;\) I went for my first interview on Thursday and found out on Friday that I got the job so I've had to stack up on some clothes for work because I start tomorrow! Had to do some grocery shopping today, too, which wasn't so great but now there's food to eat \:D Anyway, enjoy the rest of your Sunday as well and I'll look forward to some more lovely pics of Will and Eliza!

*sweet_august*Jun 20, 2010

Thanks for all the fab comments on my creations. Can't wait to see what you think of my stories \:\) Thanks for the bookmark as well. Bookmarked you right back. Hope you have had a great weekend and that is isn't too cold where you are! - Leni

PenelopeTJun 19, 2010

Hiya, Jen! It was so nice to hear from you! \:wub\: I'm sorry that you still don't have 'Ambitons' yet. The waiting must be getting to you by now. \:\( I hope you get your hands on a copy soon! \;\) Thanks for the nice comment on my new avatar and banner. The avatar shot was taken in Twinbrook. There is a bridge that I had my Simself stop on so I could snap a picture. The neighborhood is really unlike the other the two....which is a great thing. Though, I pop back over to Sunset Valley when I need a little sunhine and less Twinbrook is quite gloomy at times. \:D By the way, you've done a terrrific job with your blog. I will be sure and stop by more often. \:\) I wish you a great rest of the weekend and week ahead! \:wub\: ~ Pene

IllandryaJun 19, 2010

Hi Jen! I just thought I would pop onto TSR this morning - to own a truth, procrastinating rather than studying *lol* I haven't really been on my blog for the last couple of weeks, but I will definitely have a look at the design tab. I know the look of my site is a bit bland all black and white, but maybe I might get some ideas \:D I hope you have managed to get your hands on Ambitions and have had a little play around with it. I'm trying not to play until after my final exam tomorrow, but I'm weak-willed \:D

Midnight222Jun 19, 2010

Hi Jen! Yes I have ambition and I must say I love it, not just the new career paths but all the new things they have added to the game as well. (I wont ruin the surprises you will have! BTW I saw it advertised in Target for $40) We have a gas log heater here that I just curl up and watch as well as central heating too. Im dreading the gas bill but its worth it to be warm. I think this has been the coldest winter for a few years!  I dont have anything major planned for the weekend, I need to finish a house and upload it, well it is finished but over the required 20MB which is frustrating as I have to close my eyes and delete out sections that I love and try to replace them with EA not so lovable stuff \:D I popped by your blog again and I love the pics of Wil and Eliza's honeymoon (have you ever considered using a skin replacement for the guys? I use the one from here:  just scroll down to Peggy Hairy body and the download link is under the pics if your interested.  I find it a more realistic male body but large waisted men will look like ninja turtles \:D )  The new Mods folder option that came with the patch is great for all those package files now. I hope you and your family are well and warm! Are you up to anything interesting this weekend? I must live out exciting weekends through the words of others as mine is so boring! LOL  Take care, Kaz

topaz27Jun 18, 2010

Hi Jen, Just saw your 2 new sims Chelsea and Dylan, how to you ever create such good looking sims in TS3, they look so lovely, and they also sound so interesting \:\) every time I created a sim in TS3 they ended up giving me nightmares and even scared my poor hubby \:D \:D  I just wanted to drop by to wish you a very lovely weekend, do hope you have a good one \;\) TC hugs Topaz \:wub\:  

clairepitts1994Jun 18, 2010

Hey, just wanted to stop by and thank-you for commenting on chapter 7 of 'Good Vs. Evil'. I've just published Chapter 8 if you want to read it, it's even longer than the last one. Haha and it was good that his father kept the crime rate down. Have a good weekend, adios xox

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