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Getting_Uncontious's Guestbook

qvisnOct 31, 2007

I saw a comment by you about your screenshots, you would like to get a front page feature. I can tell you that your pics are really good but to get noticed you need to take a shot of something that happens in game. if you can find something a bit different like maybe players dont notice much and bring it out into the open, people tend to say,wow i never noticed that before. Thats what is wanted. Try some ideas out.\:D will say your shots are very artistic.\:wub\:

lexiann123Oct 30, 2007

well how was the party? I stayed home from school today and I'm pretty tired.\:\( *Lex*

Bubnova13Oct 30, 2007

Oh honey, your shots are AWESOME, I love all of them, and your sims are all very cute! \:wub\: *a little envious* Why don't you write stories? With not much text, of course \:D I can read in English, but I get bored rather quickly, 'cause it's also not my first language)))) I see you are from Brazil, that's really cool \;\) I watched lots of Brazilian series when being a teenager \:wub\: Hugs, kisses and best wishes ~loveless

lexiann123Oct 28, 2007

Glad to hear you're well! I'm very tired because I satyed up very late last night. So I might take a nap later on today!\:\) *Lex*

lexiann123Oct 28, 2007

Well hopefully will get some ideas for screenshots! So how are you?\:confused\: \:D *Lex*

lexiann123Oct 20, 2007

AWWWWWWWWWWWW thanks Miih! You're like a sister to me ya know? You're very welcome and I can't wait to see your dreams come true! WOW!!! You've watched a ton more than me, but I just started watching it, so I'm far behind! I doubt they'll continue the cartoon, but it would be INCREDIBLE if they did! I do think that they'll make another movie though!\:D I love taking screenshots as well, but my mind has completely ran out of ideas right now, but hopefully I'll get the old juices flowing in no time!\;\) Hope to hear from you soon! *Lex*

lexiann123Oct 17, 2007

You're very welcome and that screenshot was just beautiful! The screenshot should be up soon and the lot...well that's still in! Well about that being an actress, I have high hopes for you and I defiantely think you'll make it! Just don't forget us little people, no I'm just kidding!hahaha! Well Miih you'll always be remembered by me. You've been nothing but nice and understanding to me and I really appreciate that! OH I LOOOOVE Inuyasha and Corpse Bride!!! I watch EVERY Inuyasha episode and I love to watch Corpse Bride!If you ever wanna talk about Inuyasha or any other show or movie I'm DEFINATELY open to disscussion!lol! Hope to hear from you soon! BTW I just saw your newest screenshot and I'm inlove with it!!! The guy is SUPER hot and the girl is so pretty! Do you play with those sims or are they just screenshot sims??? *Lex* \:confused\: \:confused\: \:D

lexiann123Oct 8, 2007

AWWWWWWWWWWW thanks Miih! Well I'll get a new screenshot out in no time and can't wait for you to see it! Also I'm going to build a sims 2 lot and submit it onto TSR so I hope you take a look at it! Oh don't worry about it! I've learned to deal with his drinking, but soon I hope it will end.\:\) *Lex*

lexiann123Oct 4, 2007

Oh and thanks so much for telling me what progams you use!\:D

lexiann123Oct 4, 2007

AWWWWWWWWWW thank you Miih! I'm so happy that I'm geeting better at making my screenshots. Like they say, practice makes perfect. I think "My Personal Experiance" is my favorite screenshot ever because it reflects all of my emotion since my dad is and alcholicI'm glad people can really see that too!\:\) Thanks again! *Lex*

Love_Struck65Oct 3, 2007

no problem\;\)

lexiann123Oct 1, 2007

I saw your creation and I downloaded. It was GREAT!\:D \:wub\: Can you tell me how to make sims clothes or atleast tell me what type of program I need????\:confused\: *Lex*

lexiann123Sep 30, 2007

Hello again Miih! How are you and your sims doing? It seems like I haven't talked to you in like...forever!!! We need to get our conversations flowing a lot more!\:P \;\) *Lex*

lexiann123Sep 29, 2007

THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOO much Miih for the comment on my screenshot "When Darkness Dances" It was good to hear from you again!\:D \;\) \:D

lexiann123Sep 10, 2007

It's ok to be scared. I totally understand about being scared!!!\;\) Oh it's weird in portaguise? LOL! Yeah it would be weird in that language now that I think about it!!!\:P AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW THANK Miih!!! It means a lot to me that you said that cause usually I can NEVER make a pretty sim, but I think there's hope! *LYLAS*\:wub\:

lexiann123Sep 4, 2007

Oh and I just wanna say thank you soooooooooooooo much for the sweet comment you left me on my screenshot "Charlie"\:D \:wub\:

lexiann123Sep 3, 2007

Yeah...unfortunately has just started! *SO sad* Well atleast we know how eachother feels about the whole divorce thing and we both went through it so we definately know what eachother is talking about. Anyways that english expression book? Can you tell me some of the weird ones I can probably explain them better! YES! I'm happy now! THANK GOD!!! I'm glad I can make you happy too; I mean it's GREAT to know I made someones life a little brighter ya know!? \:D I hope to hear from you soon!~LYLAS~! *Lex*

lexiann123Aug 27, 2007

I'm soooooooooooooooooooo JEALOUS now!!!!\:eek\: You get out of school in three months!???? LUCKY! Yes, I have stuff to do in my free time now! I LOVE volleyball and I have been making friends playing it! I don't see why parents get divorced!? I mean I could understand if it was an abusive relationship, but once they say "I do" thy're together ya know? My mom and dad splitted up because they fought, but that's it. NO!!!! you're not asking too much! Ask me anything and I'll answer it!\;\) Yes, I changed my profile cause I'm happier and have more friends! I changed it a little more so read it again when you can! ~LYLAS~ Miih! *Lex*

lexiann123Aug 18, 2007

\:P HIYA Miih!\;\) Oh don't be sorry, there's nothing to be sorry about! You're busy so no harm done!\;\) I've been VERY busy too! I tried out for the volleyball yesterday and guess what!? I mad it! I'm on the team! So I'm gonna be REAL busy, but I'll always make time for my friends!\:D \;\) Anyways Dudu is uch a cute name! I LOVE it! All animals are the best things! They're just so AWESOME! Yep my parents are divorced, but it's all good!\:P Sure I'll teach you expressions! Just tell me what kinf, like funny, nice, mean (well I don't really know any mean ones! Sorry! LOL!)or whatever you like! Oh here's one that me and my friends (yes I've made friends this year!) say all the time to eachother "LYLAS" It stands for Love You Like A Sister! So I'll start saying that toyou cause I love ya like a sister! LOL! I hope to hear from you soon! *Lex*\;\) \:P

lexiann123Aug 13, 2007

Yep you really do speak english VERY well!\:D Oh I know I love puppies! My favorite kind of dogs are a tye between dalmations and siberian Huskies! I just love those kinds!\:D Yeah at my mom's I have a cat named Swettie who is toooooooo CUTE! At my dad's we have two labradors. There's a yellow one named Molly and a black one named Abby. They're both AWESOME dogs! We're sheltering a black mixed lab right now who my dad calls Little One and she's adorable! Se's only seven months old, but pretty small.\:P Anyways I'm glad your english wasn't hard to learn! Thanks! I guess I am kinda teaching you it!lol!\;\) I also wanna say tghank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH for the screenshot! That was so FANTABULOUS! I just loved how you mad them look like real best friends and how the one girl was comforting her while she was crying!\:\( Now that's a true friend!\:D Thank you that really touched my heart!\:wub\: You're a GREAT friend!\:D \:D \:D

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