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ChIkA_LaTiNa's Guestbook

LaLunaRossa72Nov 15, 2004

Kalispera!!! Eisai kala (are you OK)? So, what can I say...Your wish is my command \:\) I am working on something else right now (and I do have to deliver some project for my university on the 23rd but who cares) but anyway I promise that I will work on this shirt after I am done with my current work. I have to tell you though... I am not really sure what you have in your mind. I certainly don't want to disappoint you \:\( Anyways, take care!!! (and please make a wish for me that couple of my days will last more than 24 hrs each, so I can make time for my studies as well, lol \:D )

simmusmaximusNov 9, 2004

KEWL! I saw that picture and I was like "DANG thats a great outfit" but then I made it for adult and it dont look as good. I wish theyd fix the adult meshes. The skirts are tooo long. Stacy\:rah\:

morvickNov 7, 2004

You wrote, hey - cud u make your yellow biking have polka dots on them!? THAT's BE AWESOME! thnx babe, rock on they r here: P.s. give me some more ideas for stuff TKS

josey01Nov 5, 2004

Thank you so much for your kind words. You are the first and only person who has told me that they enjoyed my work. And I appreciate that. Again, Thank you...

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Nov 1, 2004

Hey!!! What's up. I haven't been on this site for 9 days! Wow! That's a record. Anyhoo, our football team is 0 wins and 8 losses. Aren't we the greatest?

daveclOct 29, 2004

mmm, thanks for the message, if you ever do go lesbo with angelina, send me some pics please \:P

LaLunaRossa72Oct 26, 2004

Hi there! If I get you right you what you remember is "Hristos Anesti", which is something we say during Easter time, after the Good Saturday and means "Christ is resurrected". The other thing you mention must be "oraya vizya" and ...well... means... you know, don't you? If not I will have to send a private mail \:o . Lesson continued: "Where you from?" is "Apo pu esai?" and "Merry X-mas" is "Kala Hrestugena", guess you are getting ready to surprise your friend for X-mas. Tell him/her also "Aiftihismainos o kainurgios hronos" for Happy New Year (whoever reads this will think that we are out of time and space \:D ) Have to get back to work now! cya

LaLunaRossa72Oct 24, 2004

No prob, so "ti kanis?" meaning "how are you?" "Kala, esi?" meaning "fine, you?". Well I don't know what you know (like OPA!!!) and what you would like to learn. How about writing few sentences and I will get back to you. Yia sou! (bye!) Take care

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Oct 22, 2004

Hey!!! I've been busy lately, haven't bother coming here much anymore. There's not much time to play the game, and besides, why go on the forums, when you got the game. So, I'll probably check my guestbook from time to time. I got several projects due, and I haven't been paying attention for deadlines for my Chem project. Anyway, I guess I'll see you around. Oh yeah, the Red Sox and Yankees are what everyone in my first two classes have been talking about, they pick on this boy who is a fan on the Yankees... but I don't like sports, so it's not a big deal for me. Football's okay, actually I'm proud to say that our school has 0 wins and 6 losses in football. Our soccer team is doing good, but I don't care about soccer. Let me stop rambling, it's 11:16 PM Thursday. byeeeeee

oldmember_Sheri23Oct 22, 2004

I like your profile you have a strong love for your country, Mexico. I''m also part Mexican from my mother's side but I don't speak spanish.I have love from where I came from too, South Bronx! Personally I like the yankees but it would be good if the red socks did beat them. It's getting a little too boring watching them win every single time! And is that picture in the corner really you? If it is you got some loooooong hair!\:\)peace out

LaLunaRossa72Oct 21, 2004

Grazie tante for your lovely message chika latina! \:\) I love your country and I would like very much to visit some day and ... drink some nice tequilas \:\)

cindy72Oct 21, 2004

Not sure what you mean? I have made a green m&m Or am I reading this wrong? C

mOsTdZireDOct 16, 2004

whats ur aim or aol sn ?\:cool\: remember me ?

Peachy_KeenOct 12, 2004

It was the first exposure I had to anime. So its grown on me. \:D I dont watch it anymore... but it will always have a place in my heart, lol. I like the style too.

oldmember_Roxypoxy101Oct 9, 2004

Hi Chika! I love looking at the pictures, and reading the stroies in the user screenshots section. I'd love to hear your stories about your sims too.I don't really have the sims2 yet i'm sorta waiting for my report card to go buy it.I feel happier about things that i worked hard for.( I'm hoping to get a good grade, If i don't i'm still buying it!). As always the sims rocks!\:D

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Oct 7, 2004

ChIkA has a good reputation for not being online when you want her to be... \:mad\: I get on early, and then she'll be on within two hours... So, when you do get this message, please write me in my guestbook... GUESS WHAT???? I got Friday off of school!!! YaY Delaware Statewide Inservice. \:rah\:

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Oct 5, 2004

I already downloaded stuff from Simphora. \:\( Besides the site is technically disabled. I wish SimFreaks would convert to TS2

oldmember_adele24Oct 3, 2004

sailormoon is a timeless obsession. its something that i will enjoy no mater how old i get. though i dont watch it anymore, i would not pass up the opertunity to see an episode i may have missed.

~!Hawaiian Ginger!~Oct 2, 2004

They slaughtered us... one of the sucky football teams slaughtered us. 41-0. Worst loss of the night. We rode by my school last night when we were taking my mom to work, and a whole bunch of people were leaving before the game was over with. I told my dad that somebody is getting slaughtered tonight, because all those cars were leaving. Can't believe we lost on our own field, that badly. Well, we had a sucky pep rally so I see why we lost. Then we only have 3 seniors playing football.

mOsTdZireDOct 1, 2004

LaTina yea*

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