Cafesimmer (6602381)
My Latest Sims 4 Creations (57 in total) Show all my Sims 4 Creations
About Me
I've been simming ever since my cousin got me a burnt disc of the original game back in the day (which was a pretty big deal, almost like science fiction). I must have been about eight years old.
I've been on a few breaks over the years due to crappy computers and moving from place to place, but I always found my way back. I've been a big fan of The Sims 3 for a long time and only just downloaded The Sims 4. I'm mostly pleased with it, but let's face it - the design options while building and furnishing are hardly satisfactory. Who ever decided that bed frames and bed linens can not be edited separately should resign ASAP.
I've made a few CC's for The Sims 3 before but never really gotten into it. As I downloaded The Sims 4 Studio, however, I became a tad obsessed. A healthy kind of obsessed; where you get up to stretch or go to the bathroom every few hours. I swear.
Right now I'm only doing recolours but I am trying to learn Blender and aim to make my own meshes some time in the future.
Happy simming!
My Guestbook Show All
IzabellMay 11, 2022
Hej! Vill tacka dig för både trevliga och snygga nerladdade tapeter. Ha de bäst och ta hand om dig
CuteKittenCandyJan 10, 2020
Thank You so much!!!
missfish93Mar 03, 2019
Hello! I just wanted to tell you that you make the most beautiful wallpapers!!