The Mountain View House - NoCC
Sims 4 — The Mountain View House - NoCC by jujulibelei — Lot: 30x20 Value: $146 300 Lot type: Residential Originally

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Created for: The Sims 4

Lot: 30x20
Value: $146 300
Lot type: Residential
Originally built in the Glimmerbrook World on lot "Glimmerbrook Watch"

House contains:

1st floor :
- entrance hallway
- living room
- kitchen
- dining area
- reading and office area
- piano area
- patio/garden

I've made this house with open spaces all connected to each other so you can enjoy time with your family or friends all together while playing piano, watching TV, reading books and cooking.

2nd floor :
- 2 bedrooms (both with king size bed - one room contains a bookcase and a desk)
- 1 extra room for storage or a nursery
- 1 bathroom with shower, bath, 2 sinks and 1 toilet

Enjoy !

Short URL:

ItemID: 1486561

Revision: 2

Filesize: 195 KB

There is NO CC in the house, but I've used objects from the following packs :
- Outdoor retreat
- Tiny Living
- Moschino
- Laundry Day Stuff
- Fitness stuff
- Bowling night stuff
- Vintage glamour stuff
- Backyard stuff
- Kids room stuff
- Romantic garden stuff
- cool kitchen stuff
- perfect patio stuff
- Discover university
- Island living
- Get famous
- Seasons
- City living
- Get together
- Cats and dogs
- Realm of magic
- Strangerville
- Jungle adventure
- parenthood
- Vampires
- Dine out
-Spa day

I've used code "bb.moveobjects"

  • Value: 146300
  • Furnished: Fully
  • Decorated: Throughout
  • Bedrooms: 3
  • Bathrooms: 1
  • Stories: 2
  • Lot Size: 30x20
  • Custom content: No CC used
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There is 1 comment on this article

sharon337 ∙ May 1, 2020

Beautiful 💖💖