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Angel275's Guestbook

lmfjaxxonNov 27, 2006

Thanks! I just got a membership there and thanks to you, I wouldn't have even known about this site! I'm also a member at Scribbler's Abode and I think SimScrimbling or something like that! I barely go there because I'm not a great story writer but I plan to change that and I hope very soon! ~LaTasha~

SimCollectiblesNov 26, 2006

Thank you for your wonderful comments on my work!\:\)

confideNov 25, 2006

Hello Angel! Thank you so much for the wonderful comments \:wub\: i'm so happy that you like those outfits! Have fun !

SasetkaNov 25, 2006

H! Thank you so much for the great comments.I'm glad that you like my tops. Happy Simming\:\)

NataliSNov 25, 2006

Greetings Angel275! Thanks for your very good comments to my creations Velvet dress with an embroidery and Cream dress with a print. I am glad that my creations have liked you!\;\)

shimmeringcatNov 25, 2006

Thank you for your comment on my creations. Happy Simming! \:D

nikisatez05Nov 25, 2006

Thankyou so much for your lovely comment on my Satin pleated dresses. It is much appreciated. I am so glad that you like them.\:D

lmfjaxxonNov 13, 2006

Read it? I haven't even heard of it (Ha Ha)! What is it about? Is this your choice to read it or is it for school? I hate to read things for school unless it is interesting (like docudramas, history, or a tragedy) since I am going to apply for Nursing school in the fall of '07, I have to read a lot (I like Medical Mysteries also) and I think I might like to read then! (Oh, God! I hope so) Keep in touch with me and let me know about the progress of your story and if I come up with anything WWI or WWII era objects and clothing, I will be sure to let you know! Oh, have you checked out They have WW era clothing (But I don't know if that is what you are looking for), but when you go there, click on themes ... and scratch that! I just left from there and I could have sworn I seen WWI era clothing, but I will keep an eye for ya! Take Care and Happy Simming, ~LaTasha~

lmfjaxxonNov 12, 2006

Hi Buddy! How are you doing? Well, I finally got finished moving and I was just wondering about you and to see did you get started on your story yet! I really love your pictures and I hope your story is of that era (WWI or WWII) I like older things and movies! Take Care and Happy Simming! ~LaTasha~

Fresh-PrinceNov 11, 2006

Hello! I just wanted to say I Love your stories! They are absolutely magnificant! \:D You have a great talent! Thanks so much for writing the stories and the pics are awesome! Keep up the beautiful work! \:\) \:rah\:

lmfjaxxonNov 9, 2006

No, you are not boring me \:D but something is wrong with my internet connection at home because I am moving this weekend (Thank God) and that is why you haven't heard from me but I am at school during break and this is how I am able to talk to you now. But I probably want be able to talk / chat with you until Saturday and feel free to sign my GB and I will respond! I promise! I can't wait to read your story because that picture is beautiful and I'm just dying to read it! ~LaTasha

BBKZNov 8, 2006

hello. thank you for your comment on my screenshot ('digging her own grave'). you asked about that hole. it was made by bad dog, so: yes, this option appeared in Pets \:\) have a nice day!

newbie.t.Nov 7, 2006

I definitely know what you mean about risks! First off, I knew it was a risk to have a story that relies so much on suspense. The hours I've spent pacing wondering 'what's this character's secret?' or 'what did that character do?'. And now I'm gonna have to keep viewers on tenterhooks for several more episodes. Uurgh! My brain! I've also taken risks with episode 2. I know a lot of people have commented on Mark and his past, but he doesn't even appear in episode 2! Also really agree with what you say about comments, I never realised how much they affect you. It's funny how just one comment can make you think 'I've worked for twelve hours on this bloody thing, but it's worth it'. P.S. It must be about 1 a.m. in Macedonia! P.P.S. I'm sorry I waffle so much!

newbie.t.Nov 7, 2006

Hello Angel, and thank you for posting a suggestion on my story, The Beach. I COMPLETELY agree with what you say. I knew it would be a risk having twelve characters in episode 1, and that some readers might struggle to keep up with who is who. However, I felt it was a risk worth taking since as the story develops you will see that all the characters deserve equal attention. I also hope that it didn't take TOO much work to suss out who is who. I episode 2, I have used 8 characters rather than twelve, so that is at least slightly easier to follow. I know it's still a lot, but all the characters have been introduced, and just think how many characters are in the average soap opera. I hope my readers will be intelligent enough to work out who is who. Sorry for such a looong message, and thank you again for your suggestion, I appreciate it and completely agree with it! \:\)

sherrie_simNov 7, 2006

Hi Angel, Thanks for your kind comment on my Spooky Halloween Tree, I'm glad you liked it and hope you had a great halloween \:D

rhiannon32gaNov 6, 2006

RE:I just loved your comment on newbie.t's new story - The Beach. You really knew what was good and what was not so good in the story itself. Thank you very much for your comment. I really owe it to my Honors English Composition & Honors English Literature professor from college. He did more for helping me develop my own personal writing style, then any other person I have met since. Thank you again for your comment. Happy simming ~Rhiannon32GA

kkffooNov 6, 2006

Thank you for the comment on my latest chapter of Orpheus in Undieworld, I look forward to seeing your next story \:\)

wildstar24Nov 6, 2006

Hi again. \:\) Thanks for the nice comments on my pumpkin jack o'lanterns; I'm glad to hear that you've been enjoying them. Hope you had a fun and spooky Hallowe'en! \:ph34r\:

peony_ponyNov 6, 2006

I think the Orchid Seduction has to be one of the best stories on TSR!

Agent420Nov 6, 2006

Hey, thanks a lot for the nice comments on my jeep cherokee colors. That would be cool to have one featured in one of your lots or stories. \:\) Thanks again. - Agent 420

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