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Angel275's Guestbook

nichellerjOct 17, 2006

Thank you very much! I'm so happy you enjoy my creations in your game! \:D

clcny20Oct 16, 2006

Wow! Thanks so much for your incredibly sweet comment on my clothing. It makes me feel so happy to know that you appreciate all of my hard work. Thank you sooo much for taking the time out to leave me a comment, and for downloading! \:wub\:

cloisonneOct 16, 2006

Hi, thanks for your nice comment on my creation,I hope you find enjoy using them.\:\)

SunairOct 16, 2006

Thank you so very much for being so supportive to me, it is really a great pleasure sharing my stuff with you!\:\)

Cerulean TalonOct 16, 2006

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave such a nice comment on my Grand Staircase tutorial. It is always appreciated. You may have noticed, but somehow I managed to leave out one important number. On Step 7 it should read "EXACTLY 8" clicks. I hope it gave you no trouble and that you enjoy creating a staircase. I have done a half dozen different versions of this staircase by splitting the two sides or adding additional height to allow for a foundation...If it wasn't that the tutorial was running so long I'd have shown a few more variations. Smiles, Cerulean Talon

iZazuOct 16, 2006

Hello, I appreciate you taking the time to leave me a nice comment! What a nice thing to say, makes me feel good!! That is what makes it all worth while, knowing that people like what you do!! Have a nice week and thanks again, Linda\:\)

Masquerade37Oct 16, 2006

Thanks for signing my guestbook. To answer your question, sometimes I'm inspired by a piece of custom content, or a portion of The Sims 2 that I think can be explored. But in the case of my related story (which will not be another asylum challenge), I was inspired by someone elses asylum challange. Thanks again for reading my stories and commenting.

lmfjaxxonOct 16, 2006

I bet it is Beautiful! It is almost winter here. I will be happy to read your stories. You have such a natural talent and I am impatiently waiting to read it! Oh, by the way, when you go on your trip be sure to take pictures so when you are able to share them I can see them too! That is good that your school takes the students on Gorgeous field trips! Be safe and oh, and I won't forget to check your page for your next story! -LaTasha

Agent420Oct 15, 2006

Thanks for the awesome comments on my plants Angel275. Always love to hear comments. Thanks again - Agent 420

suzee123Oct 14, 2006

p.s. i CANNOT wait for your next story!

suzee123Oct 14, 2006

Hey, i really love your stories, especially The Orchard Seduction. They are very cool. Well, bye for now!

SunairOct 13, 2006

I'm so gald you like the mix color idea too, thanks for your lovely comments again\:\)

tesasimsOct 13, 2006

\:wub\: \:rah\: \:wub\: Your stories are amazing.

lmfjaxxonOct 12, 2006

You got put on probation for that!?! Well, I'm glad you told me because I really didn't know that and I was going to do it whenever I upload another story here! I got the idea when I saw you did it because they do it at TS2 Exchange! Hmmm....Man, that is bad! But I do have a question... Have you ever uploaded any lots to the exchange? I uploaded one and it keeps getting rejected and I have no idea how to delete it and if you can help me, it will be greatly appreciated! You are from Macedonia? How is it there? I never left the US and I'm just curious (Nosey) \;\) Hope to hear from you soon!!! -LaTasha

lmfjaxxonOct 12, 2006

How? You can get on probation here? Man! I have been a member here for at least a year and a half and I didn't know that! You learn something new everyday! How do you know you are on probation and how do you know when you are off? I've never been on probation and I come here everyday and I would hate that! My username at The Sims 2 website is the same as here : lmfjaxxon : So, if you want to talk we can! I like meeting new people who LOVE The Sims 2! -LaTasha

SimsBarbieOct 11, 2006

Yes, your story is different from the others. I appreciate originality, and your many sleepless nights paid off well. You have received so many wonderful comments. I did not realize this story was out from you, and I am so happy you told me so. Thank you so much for sharing your work with us. \:wub\:

fizz bombOct 11, 2006

Hi Angel Thank you for the comments you left on my marble floors it is much appriciated \:wub\: just off to check out your stories I love stories\:D

lmfjaxxonOct 10, 2006

Man! When you upload another story, please send me a pm so I can read it! I really do love your story and I know that it will be something mystifying! I also like your Story "Goddess"\:wub\:. You have some nice Custom Content (as do I, but I have no idea of how to set things up) and I really love the Egyptian Art, Costumes, and Clothing! May I ask, where did you buy them? I have memberships at (of course at TSR) SimSlice, Eclectic-Sims, Sims Connections, Peggy Sims, Sim Chic, and Vault Sims and I have never seen Egyptian Themes on their sites! Thanks and I hope to talk to you soon!\:D -LaTasha (lmfjaxxon)

eviOct 10, 2006

Hi Angel\:\) How are you today? I have not seen your film's new part yet. I am gonna do it right now. Thanks for your sweet comments on my dollhouse pillows. See you around\;\)

sophel21Oct 10, 2006

Hi Angel. Thanks so much for your nice comment on my creation! So glad you like my stuff! I see, you have 2 stories in here - I'll reading them now! I like to read the stories from TSR members \;\) Cheers Sophia \:D

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